catching up in the CPU world
I've been thinking about the G4/G5 catching up with the wintel world - and came to the conclusion that it's pretty stupid to assume that "Apple will never catch up again". Why? Well look at AMD - they were in the always-slower-than-intel position a few years ago and noone tought they could do it - but they now have chips that are faster than Intels. If Apple wanted higher mhz they could do it without problems, but I think that Apple cares about true performance more than mhz.
And if you look at the AMD, their top of the line machine is under 1.7 ghz and it still competes with the 2.2 ghz pentium (and beats it on many levels).
Granted the G4 in combination with Motorolla is bad, but Apple did the G5 mostly in-house and can always choose the company that will produce it. If the G5 is as good as the rumors say it will be one heck of a machine and I think whereas Apple had 2 sorry years with the G4, the G5 should give them a nice boost. And I think the G5 might be ready pretty soon since I doubt it's development started any later than the day the G4 shipped.
And if you look at the AMD, their top of the line machine is under 1.7 ghz and it still competes with the 2.2 ghz pentium (and beats it on many levels).
Granted the G4 in combination with Motorolla is bad, but Apple did the G5 mostly in-house and can always choose the company that will produce it. If the G5 is as good as the rumors say it will be one heck of a machine and I think whereas Apple had 2 sorry years with the G4, the G5 should give them a nice boost. And I think the G5 might be ready pretty soon since I doubt it's development started any later than the day the G4 shipped.
amd=second highest,
apple=third highest,
apple=best performance
amd=second best
intel=third best
that is assuming the g5 is what its suppose to be, the problem is that even though apple comptuers PERFORM way way way better than other computers, in alot of areas despite mhz, the ENORMOUS gap has gotten PCs to the point where they now are passing apple in performance all around due to their INSANLY large cpu speeds, the way I see it apple(steve-o) is being stubborn, holding true to the MHZ=nothing stuffis, and that is VERY bad for apple, because that will get them nowhere fast, they NEED machines within 300-500 mhz of a gap with AMD and intel at the LEAST, then at least dumb consumers would notice apple computers more
I think apple CAN get out of the rut and break the trend, I am optimistic on the matter, but its going to be tough for apple, alot is riding on if they have a g5 or what, and if its 1.6 ghz or what, however a 1.2 ghz(or even less) g5 with all the stuff its SUPPOSED to have, would probably outperform anything else on the market BIG time
<strong>yea but ADM wanted to catch up. And they did. Mot doesn't care and will drag Apple down with it.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Point is that Apple doesn't care about Mot - once they have _their_ design for a chip up, they can make anyone produce it. And if the party producing it is IBM or AMD that's ok, since their facilities don't suck.
The G5 2x2500, coming to an AppleStore near you.