Need advice on the iMac...

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well, I'm thinking on purchasing an iMac since my current computer (eMac G4 700Mhz, 256 RAM. 40GB) is about to auto-explode from all the use I've given it for the past 6 years. Now that I have the money at my disposal ($1,800) I was planning on finally upgrading. The thing is, I sort of know how this whole technology thing works and I'm pretty sure the iMac will get an update soon. Well I've done some searching and found in this site that the new iMAcs will get minor upgrades this Novemeber. I don't want to purchase my new computer and then a couple of weeks later I find out something a little better came out at the apple store and ultimately regret not waiting. I'm in sort of a need but I could wait...but not too long though. I was wondering if there's some strong believers that 1st- an upgrade is possible by Novemeber and 2nd- will the wait be worth the wait or 3rd- I should just purchase one immediately because the current iMacs are good enough for a common user (non-gamer, non-graphics designer)

Oh and I also heard tomorrow there's a slight chance of Blu-Ray on the notebooks...that sounds exciting for they will follow that trend with new iMacs so that could be worth the wait.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    I am currentlyin the same situation that you are in. I don't belive that the "updates" will be significant enough to wait for. But I also belive that you shouldn't wait for the next big thing, due to the fact that you will always be waiting.

    If you are looking for something that can do email, surf the web, watch streaming video, organize pictures/movies/music. I think now is a good time to buy
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