iToner completely messed up my iPhone; but that was a good thing.

in iPhone edited January 2014
I noticed lately Safari was crashing a lot for me. The phones was becoming sluggish, the WiFi was slow, and the WiFi signal was unpredictable. I deleted my iTunes backup and started completely over with a full restore to 2.1

All round things feel better, it's not just a placebo effect (but a real one), it's snappier. I'm experiencing "all" those 2.1 bugs which were fixed now, and not just some of them. Safari still needs work, I think it has caching and memory management problems which need to be addressed in 2.2, but I highly recommend doing a complete 2.1 restore for anyone experiencing Safari issues, or and issues on 2.1 which cannot be cured by doing a restart.

I don't want to hear any more bitching about Safari.ipa unless you've done a complete restore on 2.1. Sure, it's a big burden, but for me it was a burden that fixed the issue. The issues.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't want to hear any more bitching about Safari.ipa unless you've done a complete restore on 2.1. Sure, it's a big burden, but for me it was a burden that fixed the issue. The issues.

    How long does it take to do that & reload everything that was on it? Isn't iTunes going to forget which playlists & photo albums to sync, as well as every other setting there might be? I think I did that once and it took a couple hours to get it back to a complete state.

    Not only that, what you're doing is putting the onus on the user to fix something that's not likely a user problem. I remember Apple folks mocking the wipe-and-reinstall ritual required to fix some Windows problems, and this looks like the exact same thing, but I guess it's forgiveable, since it's an Apple product. Seems two-faced to me.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    If I remember correctly, Ireland has said he's using a jail broken phone. So this is not exactly a neutral example of problems strictly within 2.1.

    Not to say their aren't bugs in 2.1.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I decided nuts to it and did it. But I suggest NOT deleting backups, that is bad. Once the backups are gone, those can't be brought back. Maybe it's in the trash, but there is no need to risk it. When restoring, just don't restore a backup, there is an option on the line above the backup selection box. I did do a restore, but once I got a pristine phone setup, I realized I had a lot of app data that I can't load in some other way. I then restored and restored the backup. I'll take my data and the occasional crash vs. no data and fewer crashes. 40 minutes into this entire experiment, and about a quarter of my media files are back on the phone.
  • Reply 4 of 7
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    If I remember correctly, Ireland has said he's using a jail broken phone. So this is not exactly a neutral example of problems strictly within 2.1.

    Not to say their aren't bugs in 2.1.

    Yeah but I don't think that made a difference. I know a couple people with contracted iPhones, and they ran basically the same as mine. And yes, the onus shouldn't be on the user, but it's worth it, well it was for me.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I decided nuts to it and did it. But I suggest NOT deleting backups, that is bad. Once the backups are gone, those can't be brought back. Maybe it's in the trash, but there is no need to risk it. When restoring, just don't restore a backup, there is an option on the line above the backup selection box. I did do a restore, but once I got a pristine phone setup, I realized I had a lot of app data that I can't load in some other way. I then restored and restored the backup. I'll take my data and the occasional crash vs. no data and fewer crashes. 40 minutes into this entire experiment, and about a quarter of my media files are back on the phone.

    Yeah it's tough to lose your data, but I chose to start fresh. Heck; I survived without the phone, I can survive without that data.
  • Reply 6 of 7
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Yeah it's tough to lose your data, but I chose to start fresh. Heck; I survived without the phone, I can survive without that data.

    The data I've accumulated is a lot of the reason I bought the thing vs. just using the previous phone. I would hate to have to have to reenter it all somehow, hoping I don't leave something important out. I'll see if I get fewer crashes without having to start from a clean slate.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Since restoring to a fresh 2.1 my WiFi speeds have gone up by about 1Mb also. I used to get about 2-2.5 Mb/s and now I'm getting 3.5Mb/s, and more. I just tested there and got 3.85Mb/s - woot! This is great news. Also, I made a decision not to add as many apps onto my phone and keep around 1GB of free space on the internal HD. The news just keeps getting better. Result!
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