I think my ipod touch is dead on arrival.

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hello all

First of all, I would just like to say I am new to Apple and the apple insider discussion forums so hello to all!

Unfortunately, my main reason for joining isn't a positive one. I have received an 1st gen 8gb ipod touch from an upgrade offer with a mobile phone network (UK). After a long wait and several complaints to them, they finally sent me the ipod. However, I think the device is dead on arrival.

When I first unboxed it, I did the usual thing: Download iTunes, connect the device to my computer. iTunes informed me that the device was in "recovery mode" and that I must "restore" first to use the iPod. This is where the problem is, the restore process does not complete. I get an "1604" error.

I went to an Apple store, where a kind member of staff attempted to get me started with the device only to encounter the same problem. He pointed out to me that on the same page as the "restore" button in iTunes, the ipod information does not state the device capacity and other information which he found wierd. Could this be clue to whats going on?

The mobile phone network don't want anything to do with my problem as it was a promotional offer, also they no longer have stock of the device and the new ipod is out now. They insist I should take up my problem with apple.

Has anyone had experience with this? Maybe there is someone out there who has also had a doa device. Any advice is much appreciated. What are my options? Am I able to have this device repaired or replaced?

Many thanks in advance



  • Reply 1 of 5
    Granted, I know nothing about Apple Stores in foreign countries, but I know here in the states if you take an Apple product to the Genius Bar, You WILL leave with it working again or being replaced. It should have AppleCare, considering you just got it.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    Interesting that jason, thanks. I did take it to the Genus bar but I cant speak much for the level/quality of service, the guy seemed to be more interested at talking to other members of staff. He did give it a try though. Maybe I should go in again and insist on a replacement.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Hi I just posted a thread about my macbook track pad above yours. If you read it you will see i have had (sort of) similar problems with my macbooks.

    You should view it this way, in my opinion. If there are problems now, it will only get worse, and eventually the phone will be too old for you to justify getting a free replacement. They will say, well, it is pretty used, etc. If you speak directly with a Manager at the genius bar (even explaining that you had a negative experience when you attempted to receive help-but don't get anyone fired in this economy!!!!), a Manager can move and shake things more quickly, as was the case with my first replaced macbook. You can simply state that the product is not at all what the company represented, it has cost you time, aggravation and money to deal with the problem. The help was less than satisfactory, and you need them to replace it as you have spent all the time you are are going to spend on this issue. Really advocate for yourself to get a new one. They might try to repair it, which means you have to leave it with them, and come pick it up again. Tell them you don't have time for that. This argument worked for us, and if you read my post, we even got cab fare refunded to our credit card, since they had cost us more money to get the product they advertised.

    Good Luck, and doesn't it make you wonder how many times these things happen? They downplay it a lot, I think.


  • Reply 4 of 5
    Granted, I don't know where the original poster lives, but I'd try going to a different Apple Store.

    It really should not be an issue getting it fixed.

    It's new, it has AppleCare if its new, AppleCare should take care of it.

    I don't understand why they didn't simply replace it at the store, I've never once had an issue with the Genius Bar at my store.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    The device is new, probable 2 months old, but during this time it hasn't even been functional. I havnt even got to see the menu screen.

    I live in Cambridge, England. The nearest Apple store is in London which is alot of effort and money to visit another store which makes your argument very strong. I was going to give them a call and have the matter dealt over the phone but I think I will go to the store where I can make a fuss. I think I'll comment about the level of service also as I really did expect more from such a well known establishment.

    Thank guys
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