What do we expect from Apple?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Yup you guessed it, i'm a student booo

but I'm doing an interesting assignment on Apple. I've gotta study the sociological side of it.

How many people use Apple, and why do they keep coming back?

Why do we choose to have Apple rather than Microsoft?

(aside from the fact that Apple is totally amazing.. lovin' the MacBook Air)

is it purely a lifestyle choice or simply because they are a big company with adverts and promises everywhere?

the tech world is getting bigger and bigger, how come its Apple that are the ones that are growing at the same speed? I've heard reports that because Windows Vista was well rubbish that Apple saw the opportunity and grabbed it with both hands.

Anyway, its up to you whether you reply but i'd love to hear your opinions!


  • Reply 1 of 2
    mav5mav5 Posts: 36member
    I grew up on Apple, so that's probably a big factor. My dad has always used Apple and preferred Apple. I've used Windows and Microsoft products, and they aren't all that bad, but there are some minor aggravations with them.

    I think one of the main reasons I've stuck with Apple is the quality of their products. Yes they may be more expensive, but I feel that I'm getting my worth out of what I pay for.

    Another thing now is all of their networking and syncing. With iLife and iWork and my iPod, everything works so seemlessly. It's just really nice and convenient.

    I'm a student as well, so I decided to help you out. Hope that your project goes well!
  • Reply 2 of 2
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by el-star View Post

    Yup you guessed it, i'm a student booo

    but I'm doing an interesting assignment on Apple. I've gotta study the sociological side of it.

    How many people use Apple, and why do they keep coming back?

    Why do we choose to have Apple rather than Microsoft?

    (aside from the fact that Apple is totally amazing.. lovin' the MacBook Air)

    is it purely a lifestyle choice or simply because they are a big company with adverts and promises everywhere?

    the tech world is getting bigger and bigger, how come its Apple that are the ones that are growing at the same speed? I've heard reports that because Windows Vista was well rubbish that Apple saw the opportunity and grabbed it with both hands.

    Anyway, its up to you whether you reply but i'd love to hear your opinions!


    If you like maintaining the system buy a windows box. That is you love tweaking the 100 settings, defragging the HD, updating antivirus every day, rescuing the harddrive everytime it crashes, downloading 100 third party applications to perform basic functions, a windows machine is for you.

    If you like doing useful stuff buy a mac. That is you bought the computer to get things done like work, kids homework, home stuff, etc.
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