Moved: Kernel Help!

in macOS edited January 2014
I got my new iMac17 with 10.1.5 eight days ago and it has been running perfect.

I have yet to install any real apps (Just ripping music in iTunes so far).

Well, this morning I was surfing with IE (latest version) it I got a Kernel error. I then rebooted and got the same screen on boot. I then turned off completely (and unplugged) for a while turned back on and the same Kernel/Darwin screen comes up right after the ?Happy Mac? icon.

What?s up???

(Background ? I know OS9 in and out, I haven?t had a Mac for 11 months and I?ve never used OSX before last week, so I don?t know much about the under pinnings of it, besides the fact that it?s based on Unix, of course).

It kind of sucks to get this new iMac and have it for 1 week and have it not boot anymore


PS - I tried searching for previous threads that relate, and there were a lot a Kernel Panic threads but none where people couldn?t' get their Mac back up. (Should this go in the Genius Bar?)

[ 08-23-2002: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 1
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    It should be in Genius Bar, and I'll move it there.

    My guess is that if you're getting a lot of KP's, you either have a bad driver, a hosed hard drive or a hardware failure. Run some diagnostic checks (Apple's supplied software is OK). If you added any RAM, remove it. OS X is particularly sensitive to flaky RAM.

    Good luck!

    [ 08-23-2002: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
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