iPhone keynote demos - how are they done?
Apologies if this has been asked/answered before, but my searches weren't turning up anything. Also, it seemed best to put it here under Gen Discussion rather than Genius bar, since I'm not haveing a "problem," per se. But Mods if it needs to move, I'll understand. 
Anyway, like the subject line says, how exactly does Steve et al. do the live interaction demos of the iPhone/iPod touch during keynotes? Now that the system is slightly more open than it used to be, I thought maybe someone had discovered how they were doing it. I know Keynote the application very well, but I don't see how they're getting this piped in. Placed Quicktime stream, pulling the video from the iPhone, maybe? Still doesn't explain how the iPhone is pushing the video on screen OUT. Hmmm...
It's been a while since I've been on the AI forums, but back int he day, if I ever had a real stumper of a question, the collective AI (figuratively and literally) usually came to the rescue. Help me, Obi Wan. You're my only hope.
P.S. bonus points if you can tell me how they get the on-screen iPhone "shell" of the hardware to auto-sense when the iPhone on stage has turned to landscape and back.

Anyway, like the subject line says, how exactly does Steve et al. do the live interaction demos of the iPhone/iPod touch during keynotes? Now that the system is slightly more open than it used to be, I thought maybe someone had discovered how they were doing it. I know Keynote the application very well, but I don't see how they're getting this piped in. Placed Quicktime stream, pulling the video from the iPhone, maybe? Still doesn't explain how the iPhone is pushing the video on screen OUT. Hmmm...
It's been a while since I've been on the AI forums, but back int he day, if I ever had a real stumper of a question, the collective AI (figuratively and literally) usually came to the rescue. Help me, Obi Wan. You're my only hope.
P.S. bonus points if you can tell me how they get the on-screen iPhone "shell" of the hardware to auto-sense when the iPhone on stage has turned to landscape and back.
I'm guessing they rigged his iPhone to duplicate the internal screen to an external screen. That way the internal is touchable but the external is just a regular mirror of the internet.
In the very first demonstration Steve mentioned that his iPhone was modified to mirror its screen to the projection.
In the very first demonstration Steve mentioned that his iPhone was modified to mirror its screen to the projection.
That makes sense, but I'm still wondering how Apple got Keynote to detect the orientation of the phone and change it on the presentation.