iMac G3, 500 MHZ, locks up with 10.3.9?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
How do I fix this, without purchasing a newer Mac for these folks.

I have a neighbor who has an older G3 iMac (blueberry model), and they just got hooked up with hi-speed internet, via Verizon. Now while trying to get them online, I can't get past the start-up screen for Verizon, as it says I need a newer version of Internet Explorer (which I can't find anywhere), and when I try to use Safari, it locks up. Hell Safari doesn't even come up (version 1.3)

I went ahead and downloaded via software up-date, the latest OS 10.3.9, and after installing it, it locks up at the signing in screen? Is there a way to get the OS newer, and get a copy of Safari that works with the Verizon software, or a newer copy of Internet Explorer. It has 5.3 and the Verizon screen says it needs to be 6.0.

What are my next steps?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    First off, you shouldn't need to use Internet Explorer at all. All you need to do is have the "System Preferences" - "Internet" Pane configured properly... No Verizon specific software or "start-up" screen is required.

    As for OSX, I've got 10.4.11 running on a 466 MHz G3 iBook... so 10.3.x shouldn't give you any problems.

    So.... Is this internet access via a Cable (TV) line or DSL (phone) line?... that will determine, at least to some degree, how the Internet settings need to be configured.

    Of course, your first order of business is to get the machine to start-up properly... Do you have the original CD's that came with the computer?... or a CD/DVD of OSX? (You'll need to BUY it to get OSX 10.4... assuming Apple still sells it... 10.5 will not run on that machine.)
  • Reply 2 of 5
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Ok. So a bit more insight.

    The machine currently has 10.3 installed, and I was updating think that would help, in getting IE 6 to work, once I downloaded it.

    They have Verizon DSL at there home. When you first launch it, and it try's to complete the installation, it says that it can't finish because it needs a newer version of IE to finish.

    Are you saying to by-pass this step and just go ahead and launch Safari or whatever browser they want to use? I'm not sure I tried that, as it wouldn't let me go ahead without finishing the setup steps or so I thought. I'll try it again, and see what happens.

  • Reply 3 of 5
    IE 5.2.3 is the latest Mac version available (MS stopped development on IE for Mac several years ago.)

    And yes... you can skip Verizon's "set-up program" and just go straight to Apple's network settings and configure it yourself.

    What you describe ALMOST sounds like you are trying to configure a router??... does Verizon's DSL modem include a user-configurable router? If not, then it's default settings should be outputting an ethernet signal that your Mac just needs to be configured for. (DSL is generally a PPoE configuration, unless you have a combination modem/router, in which case automatic DHCP will usually work.) Literature, or a call to Verizon may be required to obtain the proper PPoE settings.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Some of this will likely work, if I could get Safari to work.

    When I launch Safari it gets to the point where the information is shown across the top of the screen, and it looks as if Safari is open (almost as if all I need to do, is ask it to open a new page) - but NOTHING works, I can click on any heading and nothing. It appears to be locked up?

    I go to Force Quit, and it doesn't say anything (it doesn't appear to be locked, jammed or anything) yet it won't work? So I do a force quit, and try again, with no luck?

    Again, will it make any difference if I can get 10.3.9 or 10.4?

  • Reply 5 of 5
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Some of this will likely work, if I could get Safari to work.

    When I launch Safari it gets to the point where the information is shown across the top of the screen, and it looks as if Safari is open (almost as if all I need to do, is ask it to open a new page) - but NOTHING works, I can click on any heading and nothing. It appears to be locked up?

    I go to Force Quit, and it doesn't say anything (it doesn't appear to be locked, jammed or anything) yet it won't work? So I do a force quit, and try again, with no luck?

    Again, will it make any difference if I can get 10.3.9 or 10.4?


    Well, did anyone find a solution? I just got Verizon DSL and am having the same trouble. Cannot complete the process without IE 6.0 or higher, and as I'm using a G3 ibook I cannot use IE 6.0. This is even though on the Verizon signup page, when I ordered the DSL service, they said you needed either IE or Safari.
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