Display Recommendation Needed

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Without a doubt glossy is the deal breaker for us with a new ACD and since this will soon be across the entire line... We run a small graphic design business. We still use firewire in addition to USB, and the additional ports/hub would be helpful. We also don't necessarily have a need for speakers or a web cam or any sort of gaming/chatting capabilities. We simply want a professional (close to 30") display that will reflect the truest colors of our product.

As far as displays, it seems that Apple is playing more into the hands of the general public (ie. gamers, surfers, etc.) and from a business standpoint I understand, go where the sales are. I surf at night quite a bit, so don't get me wrong, I don't mean to sound like a prude, but I buy my hardware with the first intention to produce a high end product and keep the paychecks coming in.

Considering quality, specs and price what manufacturer could offer me what I need? For example, Apple's ACD offers just 700:1 aspect ratio which is pretty low compared to Dell at either a 1000:1 or 3000:1 depending on the model. What else should I be looking at and what manufacturers should I consider and stay within this price range?

I own three ACD's because I'm so hooked on Apple products. I need to break out of this shell as far as displays and now seems to be the right time. I'm also irritated that I hadn't payed attention to higher specs in the past. I plan on an additional Mac Pro, hopefully updated, early '09, so whatever I purchase must be fully compatible for that and our current Mac Pro (Late '07).

Thanks for any help


  • Reply 1 of 11
    Originally Posted by Tony1 View Post

    Without a doubt glossy is the deal breaker for us with a new ACD and since this will soon be across the entire line... We run a small graphic design business. We still use firewire in addition to USB, and the additional ports/hub would be helpful. We also don't necessarily have a need for speakers or a web cam or any sort of gaming/chatting capabilities. We simply want a professional (close to 30") display that will reflect the truest colors of our product.

    As far as displays, it seems that Apple is playing more into the hands of the general public (ie. gamers, surfers, etc.) and from a business standpoint I understand, go where the sales are. I surf at night quite a bit, so don't get me wrong, I don't mean to sound like a prude, but I buy my hardware with the first intention to produce a high end product and keep the paychecks coming in.

    Considering quality, specs and price what manufacturer could offer me what I need? For example, Apple's ACD offers just 700:1 aspect ratio which is pretty low compared to Dell at either a 1000:1 or 3000:1 depending on the model. What else should I be looking at and what manufacturers should I consider and stay within this price range?

    I own three ACD's because I'm so hooked on Apple products. I need to break out of this shell as far as displays and now seems to be the right time. I'm also irritated that I hadn't payed attention to higher specs in the past. I plan on an additional Mac Pro, hopefully updated, early '09, so whatever I purchase must be fully compatible for that and our current Mac Pro (Late '07).

    Thanks for any help

    Look at the HP LP2475W, maybe. It has an 24" IPS panel, anti-glare screen, all sorts of inputs. Maybe you can find some reviews.
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  • Reply 2 of 11
    EIZO makes monitors that have the truest colors AFAIK, despite being a little bit expensive though.

    I've been using LG panels to do web design for more than half a year now, not too bad from my own experience, basically loyal to colors when switched to the sRGB mode. The only thing that's less-than-perfect is the response time. Not a big deal to me because I don't play games, but it might be something that you would like to look at.
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  • Reply 3 of 11
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    Originally Posted by Tony1 View Post

    Apple's ACD offers just 700:1 aspect ratio

    Now that's widescreen.

    That contrast ratio is pretty low these days. The Cinema screens really are getting long in the tooth now.

    I don't know if they will push the entire line glossy though. The Cinema display for the Macbooks may have been a test to see how people would react to the move before modifying the rest of the lineup.

    Right now, I don't think there are many displays that compete with Apple's matte screens on price. Samsung has a 30" LED backlit screen but it's double the price of Apple's current 30" screen.

    I would hold out for a bit and see what Apple come up with. They tend to keep their prices fairly steady so if they do offer a matte LED backlit 30" in the near future with better contrast ratios etc then it will be worth it. If they ruin the whole lineup by going all glossy, that would be the time to buy something else.

    Apple's displays use LG panels so if you get an LG screen, you will get the same quality:


    some of them just look a bit ugly.
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  • Reply 4 of 11
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    The Cinema display for the Macbooks may have been a test to see how people would react to the move before modifying the rest of the lineup.

    Agree with you on this point. I personally prefer the current generation of Cinema Displays to the new one. I wish they had chosen to stay with aluminum and trim it into even thinner ones. I never used the built-in iSight on my MacBook and probably will never do even if I buy a Cinema Display.

    Now if you would let me ask you a question, in the review of the new 24-inch ACD on AppleInsider (http://www.appleinsider.com/articles...ew.html&page=2), it says:


    Word has it that Apple isn't using the same LCD panel for the LED Cinema Display as in the 24-inch iMac, and we'd tend to agree; we've heard it may be a Samsung panel instead of the iMac's, which is virtually the same as for an NEC MultiSync display near-famous for its color accuracy.

    So, which manufacturer is Apple actually using? LG or Samsung. Thanks.
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  • Reply 5 of 11
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    Originally Posted by afx5i View Post

    So, which manufacturer is Apple actually using? LG or Samsung. Thanks.

    It's LG, someone opened it up:


    The spec is here:

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  • Reply 6 of 11
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    It's LG, someone opened it up:


    The spec is here:


    Nice! Thanks for the links.
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  • Reply 7 of 11
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    Thanks for the responses. Sorry it took a while to reply back, holidays and all.

    Thanks for LG info, good to know. Since that's the case what would stop one from buying an LG display with the same specs for less? Is it just a matter of the casing?

    I spoke to my Apple dealer (and old college chum) and he says to hold off on buying the display and other hardware for the moment. He says that there may be announcements in the next couple of weeks and that may include a new 30" as well as other hardware. I just hope it's matte and something tells me that it may be since the MBP has gone that route as a BTO. After-all it's a pro that would purchase a MBP as well as a 30" display for the most part.

    Money's burning a hole in my pocket for a new display and a new Mac Pro?
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  • Reply 8 of 11
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    Originally Posted by Tony1 View Post

    Thanks for LG info, good to know. Since that's the case what would stop one from buying an LG display with the same specs for less? Is it just a matter of the casing?

    Yeah it's just the casing really and ports as Apple use Mini-DP. Apple also seem to be going for built-in isight. Besides that, you can get the same quality panels in cheaper models of display.

    Originally Posted by Tony1 View Post

    I spoke to my Apple dealer (and old college chum) and he says to hold off on buying the display and other hardware for the moment. He says that there may be announcements in the next couple of weeks

    Trouble is people have been saying this for a while. It's always just wait a bit longer. The reality is that the Cinema line hasn't been updated for nearly 2 years. Last year, people were saying to hold off too. Mac Mini fans have been holding off for 12 months waiting on Apple getting their ass in gear with the updates.

    The more time goes on, the more people feel certain of an update but it's the 'just a little further' way of thinking creeping in. We just don't know when Apple will move and given recent reports, it seems that 'insiders' don't know that much either.

    The recent Cinema display is at least some hope that they are working on the lineup but if they do something like go all glossy, it may not be worth waiting for. Plus, it could come in 2 weeks or it could come at WWDC in June.

    Maybe the 30" will be left until later like the larger MBP. There could be complications building a 30" LED backlit Cinema display. Not necessarily reliability but cost. Samsung have one that is double the price of Apple's current 30".
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  • Reply 9 of 11
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member

    Thanks. I know all to well about the waiting game and have only found myself getting caught up in this for the past year or so. It used to be my rule of thumb to simply go with the second gen of whatever product I was interested in, so that most bugs would be worked out. Hopefully I'll float back down to earth soon.

    As far as the locating an LG display that holds the same inners (LM240WU6-SDA1) as the Apple branded 24" I can't seem to find one. I Googled "LM240WU6-SDA1" and all that comes up is Apple links or the spec sheet linked above. Does Apple have exclusive rights to this? If not, how can I find it in an LG (or other branded case)? I'm just being frugal, so don't mind me. Maybe if I contacted LG?

    How can I find the LG # for Apples current 30" without opening it up"

    Thanks again
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  • Reply 10 of 11
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,524moderator
    Originally Posted by Tony1 View Post

    As far as the locating an LG display that holds the same inners (LM240WU6-SDA1) as the Apple branded 24" I can't seem to find one. I Googled "LM240WU6-SDA1" and all that comes up is Apple links or the spec sheet linked above. Does Apple have exclusive rights to this? If not, how can I find it in an LG (or other branded case)? I'm just being frugal, so don't mind me. Maybe if I contacted LG?

    How can I find the LG # for Apples current 30" without opening it up"

    You wouldn't want that 24" model as it's a glossy panel and finding displays with the same one will be difficult as manufacturers list the brand model numbers not the internal part numbers. If you got a service manual, it might list part numbers.

    LG have a range of displays themselves though. This one will be coming out this year:


    As long as you stick to IPS or PVA, you should get a good quality screen.
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  • Reply 11 of 11
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    LG have a range of displays themselves though. This one will be coming out this year:


    As long as you stick to IPS or PVA, you should get a good quality screen.

    Now that's sweet if it truly lives up to the "1,000,000:1 contrast ratio".

    Thanks all, I'll being my eyes peeled for LG's new releases.
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