HELP - DAVE 3.1 & OSX & PSD & AI

in macOS edited January 2014
HELP!!!! - Wow something is very wrong!

I installed Jag 10.2, everything was wonderful Except... I could not get to my windows machines I read here and other places that DAVE 3.1 was the problem. So after numberous requests I did not recieve a beta of Dave 4.0, that they said would fix the problem. They also informed me that I would need to buy it even though I have had 3.1 for ONLY 4 MONTHS!

So when I NEEDED access to my windows machines, I wrote to them and they emailed me instructions to do a VERY custom "uninstall". (see below for their instructions)

I did "exactly" what they said and now many things are very wrong...

- OSX does not recognize my printer AT ALL! This is after I wrote the 3rd response on this site - <a href=""; target="_blank">The Thread</a>

- Photoshop and Illustrator NO LONGER recognize Key commands, shift+click to constrain, command+spacebar to magnify, spacebar for hand to move, etc! This makes these almost unusable for mer anyway!

- Word takes 2 mins to launch, which it never did!

- System Perferences - accessing the Login Items and changing the start-up items HAS NO EFFECT! Uncheck the box so certain apps do NOT launch on start-up, still LAUNCH ON START-UP, after rebooting more than 10 times since the change!

- There is more but....

These are the instructions Thursby (DAVE) gave me, CAN YOU GUYS HELP ME??!??!? I have no idea what the implications are..... From Thursby....



DAVE 3.1.1 is not compatible with Mac OS X v10.2 Jaguar. We are working on an update that will be available soon after the commercial version of Jaguar ships. Please watch our web site, <a href=","; target="_blank">,</a>; for update information. Also, please be sure you've registered your product so that we can notify you of new releases when they're available

You will need to either downgrade to Mac OS X v10.1.5 or remove DAVE from your system. If you decide to uninstall DAVE, using the uninstall option in the DAVE 3.1.1 installer will not work. To remove DAVE, you must delete the files manually. Below is the location of all the files DAVE 3.1.1 installs and how to remove them from the system.

Make sure to first boot into Mac OS 9 to delete these files. The first section lists the locations of the major components. The second section lists files that are actually created by the product. All installed files may be found in these locations.

Major component locations:

X/Library/Application Support/DAVE Setup











Created files( $HOME is the user's home folder ):





X/System/Library/Filesystems/DAVE/DAVE Printing

* Above location is the printing spool folder. Can be changed in the

DAVE Sharing preferences.

In addition, its important you delete the following file.

/sbin/mount_cifs (The /sbin folder doesn't show up in the Finder, so it may appear that it has been uninstalled. To remove it, you will need to boot back into Mac OS X. Then use the terminal (located in the hard drive under Applications/Utilities folder) and type in 'sudo rm -f /sbin/mount_cifs' (without the quotes). This file may be invisible.)



I followed these instructions to the letter - Any Advice?




  • Reply 1 of 1
    bobwbobw Posts: 49member
    If the PC's are on the same network, you don't need Dave or any other software. Go Menu - Connect to server.
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