Creating a new user account and transferring files from old account

in macOS edited January 2014
I am now having more problems than I can handle with my Leopard installation...problems such as applications that refuse quit no matter what ~ even after attempting force quit them and/or attempting to "sudo kill -9 PID", and now that I am having problems with Adobe Lightroom not even being able to remain open on my user account for more than 10 seconds max before it crashes without provocation (yet runs fine on a troubleshooting account I created on the same machine), I would now like to create a new user account on my MacPro Leopard 10.5.6 and transfer my files from the previous (problematic) user account, but I've never done so in the past...

Can someone give me a basic rundown of how to go about doing this as a means of troubleshooting my current sickly user account (and if you could also please let me know which files I should avoid restoring to the newly created user account so that I don't screw that one up as well, I would appreciate it)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks!


  • Reply 1 of 3
    System preferences/Accounts, then create a new user by hitting the plus sign on the bottom left, I believe. Make the new account an administrator. You can then drag and drop files into the new user's "Public" folder if you want.

    But first, have you considered doing an archive and install on the OS?
  • Reply 2 of 3
    What would be the advantage of doing an archive and install, versus creating a new user account?
  • Reply 3 of 3
    This will create a new System folder with a brand new install of the OS while keeping your personal settings. If everything's fine, after a while, you can then delete the previous System folder and everything is fine without having to reconfigure everything the way you want it.

    If this doesn't work, try the new user route-- it will also help you narrow down what might be going on.

    If you haven't done this yet, though, Repair Permissions. Sometimes buggy behavior is solved by doing that. Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.

    For me, really weird behavior has always been linked to hardware problems, though. Have you possibly installed new RAM or anything like that?
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