iphoto data folder?

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
I just recently updated to iphoto 8. For some reason, when i search for a specific photo on my mac, the .jpg comes up twice. Once in my iphoto library in the ORIGINALS folder, and once in my iphoto library in a DATA folder. Does this mean all my photos are doubled on my harddrive and taking up a lot of space?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    kishankishan Posts: 732member
    Originally Posted by andie323 View Post

    I just recently updated to iphoto 8. For some reason, when i search for a specific photo on my mac, the .jpg comes up twice. Once in my iphoto library in the ORIGINALS folder, and once in my iphoto library in a DATA folder. Does this mean all my photos are doubled on my harddrive and taking up a lot of space?

    If you've made any adjustments to the photo (e.g. red eye, exposure, contrast), iPhoto creates a new version of the photo so that you may always revert to the original. If you make no adjustments, no duplication occurs.
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  • Reply 2 of 2
    Stay out of the finder! iPhoto organizes itself so that it can function. If you do anything to that structure, you risk losing your precious photos! Do anything and everything to/with your photos from within the app itself.

    Kishan is correct -- the originals are kept so that the user can always revert to the original and start over if one wants to. Leave that file alone!
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