I'm New in Mac Developer World

in Mac Software edited January 2014

I want learn developper Mac a plication, but a don't have MAC device, i have my laptop with Windows, i'd like to know how a can do, for developpers Mac Application in Windows.

With virtualization software i can install for run MAC OS in Windowns (virtual machine.)

What Recommendations yours haven for me.

I have knowledge of java


Please remember I'm new in this.




  • Reply 1 of 4
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Sacreo View Post


    I want learn developper Mac a plication, but a don't have MAC device, i have my laptop with Windows, i'd like to know how a can do, for developpers Mac Application in Windows.

    With virtualization software i can install for run MAC OS in Windowns (virtual machine.)

    What Recommendations yours haven for me.

    I have knowledge of java


    Please remember I'm new in this.



    Macs can run Windows in a virtual machine.

    The reverse isn't true. At least not without some hackin'.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    There is no way of getting around the requirement to have Apple-branded hardware. You can't run MacOS X any other way. Even if you decide to write your software in Java at a bare minimum you are still going to test on MacOS X (remember: Java is write once, test/debug everywhere), and that is not going to result in software that "feels" like it belongs on MacOS X (Apple users are picky about that).

    But depending on the sort of software you want to write you are more likely going to need to get up to speed with some new tools (the Cocoa Frameworks) and probably a new language (Objective-C). This is not a small jump, but the are good tools.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    It's nearly impossible to write Mac software without a Mac. I couldn't imagine making a Java app in netbeans, compiling it and just "assume" the jar will work on Mac, Linux and Windows...

    No matter what language you use, or what platform you develop for, you will need a way to test on that platform.

    This is why Macs are so popular among developers, they can run all the OSes.

    Anyway, a jar that just uses all the standard Java libraries, and has a simple Swing GUI will work on Macs, but it won't look very attractive.

    Bare in mind most Macs only support Java5, only Core2Duos support Java6
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Face it, you need to buy or borrow a newer model Mac of any configuration if you want to create apps.
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