Apple netbooks to arrive with Mac AppStore?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Given the astonishing success of Apple's 'app-store', and the dominance of iTunes in media content delivery, do you see Apple putting out netBooks to selected Worldwide partners with broadband contracts/subsidised prices? It has to be too much of a business opportunity for Apple to pass on given that the download market is set to exceed the online advertising market in 2009:

Apple have the infrastructure already in place (and has been buying up capacity of late), the experience, the know-how. In a couple of small steps, Apple could soon take over the World....


  • Reply 1 of 3
    As long as said App Store doesn't become the only legit way to put Apps on the computer, I'm all for it.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    As long as said App Store doesn't become the only legit way to put Apps on the computer, I'm all for it.

    It had better not be. There is no possible justification for locking down a computer in such a way- Apple's only excuse for doing so on the iPhone is the BS line about not wanting apps that might harm AT&T's network.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    No where in that article did it say anything about an Apple netbook, or an app store for a netbook.
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