Windows XP partition size?

in macOS edited January 2014

I'm going to install xp home edition using bootcamp. The reason I'm doing this is b/c I have a program for work that only works with XP. Also, my cell phone with Verizon is the Dare, and it only syncs up with Rhapsody or Windows Media Player.

I was just wondering how big of a partition I should give for XP. I'm thinking like 10GB. Can I adjust the size after I install it? That would make things significantly easier.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    Originally Posted by omelet1978 View Post


    I'm going to install xp home edition using bootcamp. The reason I'm doing this is b/c I have a program for work that only works with XP. Also, my cell phone with Verizon is the Dare, and it only syncs up with Rhapsody or Windows Media Player.

    I was just wondering how big of a partition I should give for XP. I'm thinking like 10GB. Can I adjust the size after I install it? That would make things significantly easier.

    If you are not into gaming, use parallels or fusion. Less headache with partitioning.

    If you want to dual boot, 10GB is low. I would go with 20GB for XP boot partition (+antivirus, etc)
  • Reply 2 of 3
    Originally Posted by omelet1978 View Post


    I'm going to install xp home edition using bootcamp. The reason I'm doing this is b/c I have a program for work that only works with XP. Also, my cell phone with Verizon is the Dare, and it only syncs up with Rhapsody or Windows Media Player.

    I was just wondering how big of a partition I should give for XP. I'm thinking like 10GB. Can I adjust the size after I install it? That would make things significantly easier.

    If you going to do it I would go for the 32 GB, unless you have an 80 GB drive or smaller. I have tried the lower, but if you ever do something like install office, or even put mp3s or something funky windows that would cover it, but I take that back with XP 20 GB is fine like omelet said, but 24 GB sound more comfortable, with Vista you should do at least 32 GB.

    What's funny is if this is only for your cell phone, then yeah 16 GB and XP could work, nothing lower though. But if you want to put a video or even mp3s you might want to think again...

  • Reply 3 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    I use a 10GB partition and I've never felt that I run out of space particularly. XP only uses 2GB and you can turn off your VM paging to save some space. For just one program and cell phone syncing, you should try Parallels as you don't have to reboot. Check the device works with the USB though.
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