HELP!!! DSL under X

in macOS edited January 2014
I just got 512k DSL service. Using MacOS 9.2.2, I get speeds upwards of 450kbps downloads, but under MacOS X 10.2.1, I get around 100kbps tops.

Why? Same computer, same dsl modem, only difference is booting under either OS...

Please help.



  • Reply 1 of 17
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    this goes into GeniusBar.

    <a href=""; target="_blank">Broadband Optimizer</a> might help you.
  • Reply 2 of 17
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    Thans Defiant, I already tried Broandband Optimizer, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

    I think this is an issue of OS X per se, not so of a "how to" for the Genius Bar, but if the mods think it should go there, I think it will eventually be moved.

    Back on topic, I have read lots of messages in other forums regarding X being quite slower than 9 (or Windows) with broadband connections, but not until last night I realized this problem myself.

    I just hope someone out there has a solution / comment.
  • Reply 3 of 17
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    did u reboot ?
  • Reply 4 of 17
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    Defiant, yes, I tried rebooting multiple times. In fact, I just tried it with another borrowed Mac with similar results.

    Under MacOS 9.x, I get download speeds above 400 kilobits per second, while under Mac OS X 10.2.1, roughly 100kbps.

    I just tried a couple of websites that allow you to test your download speed (i.e. <a href="," target="_blank">,</a> and it consistently showed both MacOS 9 and a Windows PC having around 4 times faster download speeds than the same PowerMac under MacOS 10.2.1.

    Thanks in advance for your knowledgeable comments.


  • Reply 5 of 17
    What browser are you using?

    In super-broadband connections (I'm talking many Mb/sec), Internet Explorer consistently chokes back on the speed. OmniWeb is always the clear winner in transfer rates. Though, at lower speeds, IE's slower rate isn't nearly as noticeable. Still, it would be worth a try to switch for a bit and try a speed test again.
  • Reply 6 of 17
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    Brad, not a browser issue. I already tried Chimera 0.5.0 and OmniWeb; same results.

    I just downloaded a 9 megabyte HP deskjet driver under MacOS 9.2.2, download rate was around 48KBps. Immediately booted X 10.2.1 and the same file got here never faster than 12KBps...

    This is really sad. At least booting 9 makes DSL download speeds as fast (or faster) than the other PCs.
  • Reply 7 of 17
    jdbonjdbon Posts: 109member
    is it connected through ethernet/hub or usb. if it is a usb modem you may want to try and update the driver for X. There is also a utility: IP Tuner (see versiontracker). This is a very in depth optimizer.
  • Reply 8 of 17
    I am running DSL (through an Airport) and running 10.2.1

    I just ran the "pcpitstop" test and got 493 Kb/s on their test.

    So it doesn't seem to be an OS X problem overall, but it could be a system problem on your computer. I have had no problems with upgrade installs on my computer (iBook 466 and iMac 266), but many people have reported fixing sytem problems by doing a total system re-install.

    That's a poor way to run an operating system (if that's even your problem), but I'd be pissed too if i was barely doubling dial-up speed with my DSL !!!

    P.S. ... i got a similar result when bypassing the Airport and pluging the DSL modem straight into my mac ... 432 Kb/s.

    sorry i couldn't find a quick fix to your problem, but mabey this info will help you troubleshoot it.
  • Reply 9 of 17
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    DSL modem is ethernet based. I have my Mac directly connected to it.

    I just tried IPNetTunerX as jdbon mentioned. No difference. I tried the default DSL settings that come with the software. But it has over 20 settings to tweak and I don't even have a clue on where to start. On the other hand, why should one have to "tune" the raw network settings to get it to work correctly??? So much for a modern OS.

    On the other hand, the post from KingOfSH gives me high hopes. I didn't have DSL before upgrading to Jaguar, so I don't know if the "archive and install" upgrade from 10.1.5 crippled my network speed. I guess I don't have anything to lose if I try performing a complete OS reinstall from scratch, albeit I wish I didn't have to.

    I will post my results tomorrow after reinstalling the OS.

  • Reply 10 of 17
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    I get 1500k/sec regularly with my well-positioned DSL line, so there isn't a limitation of the OS that I have seen.
  • Reply 11 of 17
    xaqtlyxaqtly Posts: 450member
    I have no problems with my DSL in OS X either... in fact it's faster in OS X than it was in OS 9. I suspect it's either something on your machine or it's a configuration issue between you, your DSL router and your ISP. Have you called your ISP and mentioned this just in case they've heard about it before? OS X does do networking differently than OS 9, there could be a config problem somewhere.
  • Reply 12 of 17
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    What kind of computer? G4? G3?

    Have you tried scanning the disk for problems? Sometimes a damaged directory can cause problems.

    When you are checking the speed open up Process Viewer or similar and see if something else is siphoning off processor cycles.

    BTW, I am running OS X on a QS G4 and my DSL speeds seem fine (around 1,500 kbits/sec at best). I have had similar results with a Pismo PowerBook that I have hooked up to four different DSL networks while traveling.

    I don't put too much stock in those speed test sites. You might have a fast local connection but there are often bottlenecks between you and their site.

    Try downloading several files at once and see what aggregate speed you can achieve.

    Dumb question but are OS 9 and OS X both logging in to your ISP in exactly the same way?
  • Reply 13 of 17
    jj_wijj_wi Posts: 22member
    Try this test:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Ignore the advice on selective ACKs (OS X doesn't support them) and the MTU reported as 1488 (to get the tweak tester to report your MTU correctly you have to turn off timestamps).
  • Reply 14 of 17
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    First of all, I want to thank all who posted comments and tips. Now some results from my experiments,

    My computer is a TiBook 400 w/512MB Ram connected to an ethernet based 512k DSL modem. The second computer I tested is a borrowed 733 G4 tower (Digital Audio). Both running 10.2.1 upgraded from 10.1.5 via Archive and Install. As I stated before, both computers DSL performed great under 9 and terribly slow under X.

    After reading some of your comments confirming this not being an OS issue, I decided to try a clean install of 10.2.1; more on this later.

    I am currently running on a 2 months old 30gb drive and have the original 10gb on an external FW case. I performed a clean 10.2 install on the external drive, booted from it and the DSL speeds were finally on par to 9.2.2's. I added all the updates (10.2.1, security, etc...) and it still performed great. In fact, the test sites now report speeds a bit faster than under OS 9.

    DSL + X rules!!!!...ahem....ok, ok...

    Back to the clean install issue. When I originally upgraded to Jaguar from 10.1.5, I performed an Archive and Install procedure, as suggested on the manual and here on the boards. Everything seemed to run great, user settings, Apps, etc... but only now I realize something must have gone wrong either during the upgrade or afterwards due to the crippled DSL speeds while booting from the internal drive.

    Since the problem seems to be my current System install, is there an easy way to perform a clean Jaguar installation and getting back the user settings, homes, etc? Can I simply backup my current Home and Applications directories and somehow copying them back to the Clean Jaguar install?

    Thanks again to everyone for your time and support.


  • Reply 15 of 17
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    Reinstalling 10.2.1 on top of 10.2.1 (Archive and Install) on both machines cleared the DSL speed issue. No clue as to why this was needed, but it worked well.

    Thanks again to all.

  • Reply 16 of 17
    [quote]Originally posted by Bill M:


    Back on topic, I have read lots of messages in other forums regarding X being quite slower than 9 (or Windows) with broadband connections, but not until last night I realized this problem myself.

    I just hope someone out there has a solution / comment.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I have never seen OS9 beat OSX on any networking issues and I have quite a bit of experience with both. I don't think that your monitoring of speed in 9 was accurate. 100kBs downloads on a 512kb service is better than you should get actually. I seldom get better than 450kBs on my cable which is better than T1 speeds.
  • Reply 17 of 17
    bill mbill m Posts: 324member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacTech:


    I have never seen OS9 beat OSX on any networking issues and I have quite a bit of experience with both. I don't think that your monitoring of speed in 9 was accurate. 100kBs downloads on a 512kb service is better than you should get actually. I seldom get better than 450kBs on my cable which is better than T1 speeds.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think you misread my post, unless I failed to make myself clear. I am talking kilobits and you are talking kilobytes. On my 512k DSL (broadband is always rated in kilobits), I was getting &gt;450 kilobits per second under OS 9 and roughly 100 kilobits per second under OS X. If you read further down the thread, you will see I later realized a clean install on an external firewire drive proved OS X as fast or even faster than OS 9. Reinstalling 10.2.1 (archive and install) cleared the issue on my internal TiBook drive too. Something messed up networking on my TiBook, but all is good now.
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