entourage Office for Mac 2008 Bugs
does any one know if entourages calender can month or week scroll up & down using the mouse. Is it a preference setting i cant find, nor can i find it in entourage help. I have noticed that even ical wont do it. But outlook 2003 calender can view scroll....Is it something the code writers just forgot. everything else scrolls using the trackball.
help would be appreciated...even knowing other stupid cant do issues on entourage and even on i cal.
does any one know if entourages calender can month or week scroll up & down using the mouse. Is it a preference setting i cant find, nor can i find it in entourage help. I have noticed that even ical wont do it. But outlook 2003 calender can view scroll....Is it something the code writers just forgot. everything else scrolls using the trackball.
help would be appreciated...even knowing other stupid cant do issues on entourage and even on i cal.
does any one know if entourages calender can month or week scroll up & down using the mouse. Is it a preference setting i cant find, nor can i find it in entourage help. I have noticed that even ical wont do it. But outlook 2003 calender can view scroll....Is it something the code writers just forgot. everything else scrolls using the trackball.
help would be appreciated...even knowing other stupid cant do issues on entourage and even on i cal.
I'm not a Entourage guru or nothing but I think you are asking if the calendar views will change with the mouse wheel or in your case the trackball in office 2008. From my experience no, although it does sound like a great feature request. Hope this helps.