Refurbished iPhones

in iPhone edited January 2014
I apologize if this has been discussed earlier. I noticed that ATT had refurbished phones available to customers at 199 if they were not upgrade eligible(about 3-4 weeks ago on the premier website). However, I cannot find them on the premier website, nor are the CS reps any help. The lady today told me that whenever a phone is available, get it because it may not be there later. My question for everyone is whether the phones become available periodically or not? Or was that a rarity.


  • Reply 1 of 2
    mercury7mercury7 Posts: 203member
    Hi, it is not rare, however what they have in stock varies from 1 day to the next. For example the day I ordered my wifes white 16gig they did not have any 8gig in stock, the next week they were out of the white phone but had the 8gig. This seems to be a great deal btw, the phone we received looks to be brand new, no problems, it just comes in an att refurb box. ....also I want to plug the otterbox impact silicone case, just got ours in the mail today and it is a great case, check it out if you need one. Scott
  • Reply 2 of 2
    Thanks for the info. I am just trying to gather opinions since I don't want to shell out extra cash when a better deal existed and may exist again. I just wish I knew what variables determined the availability of certain phones on the premier website.
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