I-Tunes intermittant problem

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Recently I have had a problem with I-Tunes not responding when I try to open either on the task bar or desk top. I get a split second action with the cursor then nothing.

I have uninstalled/re-installed. On one occasion it showed an error that a file was missing. No indication what it was, but it effectively installed anyhow.

I have done a system restore and it worked. It happened again today and I used System Restore to good effect.

I have checked for a virus, I have done a malware check, nothing found.

I did notice that one at least one occasion when I did an installation the soft reckoned that the software running anyhow and asked me to stop the installation. I had already properly uninstalled.

One thing I did notice recently was that Spybot seemed to be a problem. I have uninstalled that and use another paid for better checker.

I cannot think of anything else. Any ideas please
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