Re-map key on MacBook Pro

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I've just got a new MBP, and an SORELY missing the 'enter' key to the right of the space bar. I work with After Effects and would use it all the time. Having to modify the 'return' key with 'fn' is pretty annoying. Also missing - the numeric modifiers on the letter keys, particularly '0' on 'm'. I can find no shortcut for RAM previewing now.

Is there any way to re-map the right 'option' key to 'enter', and 'fn' 'm' to what would be zero on the extended keyboard?


  • Reply 1 of 4
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    You can use the system prefs > keyboard and mouse > keyboard shortcuts and add in an application specific hotkey. It has to map to a menu option though and you wouldn't be able to just specify a modifier like the right command-key there.

    You do get 3rd party utilities like controllerMate that allow you to build up commands and you may be able to map the right-command key alone but I think the system prefs would be the easiest option.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    rezwitsrezwits Posts: 896member
    Controller Mate will work most likely, I don't know about fn key tho but you can try it out...
  • Reply 3 of 4
    bafigbafig Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by jasonfj View Post

    I've just got a new MBP, and an SORELY missing the 'enter' key to the right of the space bar. I work with After Effects and would use it all the time. Having to modify the 'return' key with 'fn' is pretty annoying. Also missing - the numeric modifiers on the letter keys, particularly '0' on 'm'. I can find no shortcut for RAM previewing now.

    Is there any way to re-map the right 'option' key to 'enter', and 'fn' 'm' to what would be zero on the extended keyboard?

    I had the exact same problem, check out KeyRemap4MacBook (also works for pro), it lets you rebind any part of your macbook(pro) keyboard to any other command.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 570member
    Originally Posted by bafig View Post

    I had the exact same problem, check out KeyRemap4MacBook (also works for pro), it lets you rebind any part of your macbook(pro) keyboard to any other command.

    KeyRemap4MacBook works great to modify the option key to enter. There's no map for the old keypad 'zero' on 'M' though.
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