How to copy iTunes from one Mac to another

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I have my iTunes on my MBP but want to be able to copy it to my Mac Pro. I copied the folder on my local directory/Music/iTunes. It contains many folders such as iTunes Library, iTunes Music Library.xml, etc. I copied that entire folder to my Mac Pro in the same location, local directory/Music/iTunes.

I then opened iTunes. All of my music was there but one issue I have is with Podcasts. I subscribe to many of them but have some set up to only keep one at a time, others to keep all podcasts that I have not listened to, etc. The problem is it just simply downloads all podcasts, not deleting any. It seems some of my preferences aren't being copied. Is there another location that I have to copy some type of prefs from?
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