How can I downgrade a G5 from Leopard to Tiger?

in macOS edited January 2014

I just got a Quad 2.5Ghz G5 and it has Leopard installed.

I have certain software that I need to pay for an upgrade to make it work in Leopard

I can't afford that at the moment and would like to downgrade to Tiger

which all of the software will work just fine.

The problem is that every time I try to do a clean install for Tiger (Retail DVD)

it gives me a kernel panic every time.

could anyone tell me the right way on how to downgrade to Tiger?

thanks a lot



  • Reply 1 of 2
    endymionendymion Posts: 375member
    Looking in Mactracker, it appears that model shipped with either 10.4.2 or 10.4.4, so my guess is you would need to be installing that version or later directly as opposed to installing 10.4.0 and upgrading (if that's what you're doing). Does the seller have the original install discs?
  • Reply 2 of 2
    hi Endymion

    it seems that he doesn't have the original discs

    let's hope I can download that tiger from and hopefully

    I could get a working machine

    thanks for your help


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