changing an app's name on OSX

in macOS edited January 2014
I was recently asked on AIM to find the old thread where I explained how to change AIM's name that goes in the menubar because it is so long. Frankly, I'd rather just say "bugger off" and tell the guy to just use iChat, but that wouldn't be too nice, would it?

Well, I couldn't find the thread; so, here is an explanation that applies to any app that follows the standard package format.
  • Control click the app in the Finder and choose Show Package Contents.

  • Navigate down to and open the file located at Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings (or use a different language if applicable) in your text editor of choice.

  • Change the entry for CFBundleName to whatever you like.

  • Save.

  • Relaunch AIM.


[ 01-15-2003: Message edited by: Brad ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 3
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    man, that's nice and all but just goes to show how far OSX still needs to go.

    it should be something like

    "Get Info"

    then next to the icon is the name. click in that box and rename it and you're done.

    oh well.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    thanks Brad

    and just for the record, i do use iChat. infact thats how I IMed you
  • Reply 3 of 3
    I'm not sure where you are talking about it being displayed, but I just changed the apps name in the finder, and it appears as AIM everywhere (pull down menu, dock, etc). Where else is it displayed?
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