Background App Support coming to iPhone 3.0?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
"Apple is serious about letting more iPhone software -- beyond its native apps like phone, iPod, and Mail -- run in the background, we've heard from sources in the mobile industry. This could potentially happen as soon as Apple's iPhone 3.0 release, based on scuttlebutt we've heard."


  • Reply 1 of 2
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Hopefully they do so in a way that throttles battery usage by those background apps.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,486moderator
    Originally Posted by groverat View Post

    Hopefully they do so in a way that throttles battery usage by those background apps.

    Even if they suspended them onto disk like how virtualization software stores VM states, it would be better than quitting them and they could queue push notifications in an app-independent way so you just get a popup or note on the app notifying and then jumping back to the app loads it into Ram if suspended and acts on it.

    I personally have about 5GB or more free on my 8GB iphone. Assuming an app uses 100MB Ram, 1GB could be used to suspend 10 background apps.

    Constant writes to the flash drive might not be great and 100MB could take 2-3 seconds or more but it wouldn't be 100MB for every app. Maybe they could suspend apps in say the 10-50MB range, leave lower apps open and just quit high usage apps.

    It's unlikely you'd want high memory usage apps left open anyway like games etc as they save states anyway.
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