Apple's rejection of "Life Decisions" app due to obscene content

in iPhone edited January 2014
I don't know how many nice little bikini, asian or whatever girls apps are in the app store. Apple doesn't seem to have any problems with these (why should they).

Our really harmless app "Life Decisions" had more difficulties to pass the "Apple clean" test. Guess why? We introduced a new categories in our latest update called "sex" to get answers/recommendations on this life influencing and highly relevant topic. This was maybe a bit to courageous. We also used a condom to illustrate the category. That has been too much. We finally renamed it to "pleasure" and changed some of the potential answers. After two rejections they finally approved it.

If you are building an app, make sure not to use any words e.g. sex, condoms, viagra.

If you are aware of other blacklisted words, please share.


  • Reply 1 of 7
    i2mi2m Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by i2m View Post

    I don't know how many nice little bikini, asian or whatever girls apps are in the app store. Apple doesn't seem to have any problems with these (why should they).

    Our really harmless app "Life Decisions" had more difficulties to pass the "Apple clean" test. Guess why? We introduced a new categories in our latest update called "sex" to get answers/recommendations on this life influencing and highly relevant topic. This was maybe a bit to courageous. We also used a condom to illustrate the category. That has been too much. We finally renamed it to "pleasure" and changed some of the potential answers. After two rejections they finally approved it.

    If you are building an app, make sure not to use any words e.g. sex, condoms, viagra.

    If you are aware of other blacklisted words, please share.

    I was told that Apple is using a kind of search algorythm to look for blacklisted words in the apps . Can anyone comfirm this?
  • Reply 2 of 7
    frediefredie Posts: 1member
    I heard that Nine Inch Nails also had some problems to get their app approved because of sexual content, but they finally got it through (most probably because of all the media attention).

    Seems a bit funny that Apple has such problems with sex, I always thought that people in California were a bit more relaxed ...
  • Reply 3 of 7
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by fredie View Post

    I heard that Nine Inch Nails also had some problems to get their app approved because of sexual content, but they finally got it through (most probably because of all the media attention).

    Seems a bit funny that Apple has such problems with sex, I always thought that people in California were a bit more relaxed ...

    This is the elephant in the room that everyone seems to ignore: This sort of thing is precisely why I stopped working in the iphone platform, I was tinkering, thinking about what app to do when the whole NIN thing hit and that got me to looking: I can spend weeks of my life making a cool app, but it will just get blocked if some prude at Apple thinks it isnt "clean" whatever that means.

    The utter hypocracy here is that not only do they sell all kinds of offencive content in the music section, THEY FEATURE IT...go to, they have an ad for Linkin Park...they may nbot drop the f bomb every verse, but they sure arent family appropriate, and on the store front page, they highlight the new Greenday album, which carrys a warning lable and like 6 explicit tagged songs.

    Not everyone has an army of rabid fanboys like NIN, they got in because of a media shit storm, so start a media shit storm of your do you do that? I do not know...

    aw fuck it, just do a tip calculator, theres no way they block that, they havnt blocked the other 500
  • Reply 4 of 7
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Didn't I read that this kind of thing will be less of an issue in OS 3.0, which will have parental controls like the music store already has?
  • Reply 5 of 7
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Didn't I read that this kind of thing will be less of an issue in OS 3.0, which will have parental controls like the music store already has?

    Yes I believe this is the plan. But it would by definition require that some applications be labeled "adult content," which would probably make just about as many people unhappy. File under "can't win for losing."
  • Reply 6 of 7
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Apple already has that hilarious algorithm that randomly decides words in song titles are obscene and replace letters with asterisks, leading to some perfectly innocent numbers appearing to be comprised of highly eccentric swearing.

    So hopefully it'll be entertaining, is what I'm saying.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    i2mi2m Posts: 5member
    The level of prudisness various. One learning is that you can say what you want in any other language except for english.
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