Mac Web design, Quicktime Streaming Server

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Background info on the following questions (first thread, received no answers):

I got a copy of Leopard Server in order to test quicktime streaming server (QTSS). Does anyone have any experience with QTSS that can offer any input on the following? The Leopard server manuals are so general that they are useless for a noob like myself. I've searched for books dealing specifically with Leopard video streaming to no avail.

1: Web design: I want to design the test site with a Vimeo inspired UI (tabs for each category of video that we have). Each file will include reference movies for different devices/download speeds.

I will be using Dreamweaver and have purchased the following books:

Head First HTML

Dreamweaver the missing manual

Quicktime for the Web.

Any other reading suggestions would be appreciated.

Embedded quicktime control question: can an embedded quicktime movie have inline player controls (like Flash) and thumbnail links of other videos that pop up inside the player once the current video is done playing (like Vimeo/Youtube)?

Snow Leopard Server and QTSS: anything new? Apple axed Quicktime Publisher. Does anyone know if this is going to be replaced with anything?



  • Reply 1 of 2
    rezwitsrezwits Posts: 895member
    I haven't seen anything that can give you links at the end of the video for quicktime. I used to try messing with sprites back in 2000, not a chance. You can have a track though for clicking somewhere in the middle of the window that if you click it links to something else, but I can't remember what it was or how I did it, but of the top of my head I know that links can be embedded, but not with a live broadcast, but you could with html make the video a link also.

    I have messed with quicktime streaming server before ever since 10.0, it runs as expected and if windows users have quicktime or in their browser they can see the broadcast live, or downloaded. I guess in 10.6 things might get better with http streaming?

    Good Luck,

    but you are right it's a much better solution than windows server.

  • Reply 2 of 2
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by rezwits View Post

    I have messed with quicktime streaming server before ever since 10.0, it runs as expected and if windows users have quicktime or in their browser they can see the broadcast live, or downloaded. I guess in 10.6 things might get better with http streaming?


    Thanks for the reply.

    Doing the research for this has been an enlightening experience. Several things that I've learned so far (early stages of testing).

    1. The QuickTime Plug-in does not support full-screen playback, which we need. The workarounds for this are cumbersome, and frankly, Apple should have added a full-screen parameter a long time ago.

    2. I'm experimenting with the HTML5 <video> tag to play mp4 files through a flash player first (to offer full-screen playback) and Quicktime as a fall-back. has sample code and examples. I haven't tested whether this would work with a reference file (for different resolutions depending on bandwidth, iPhone support). One of the greatest benefits/potentials of the <video> tag is that in the future users will hopefully be able to play the video without having to worry about plug-ins.

    I've tried to find info on what changes, if any, Apple has made to QTSS. How will Quicktime X affect QTSS?
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