An Apple Wireless Network service: What would it take?
I believe we all had a similar discussion about this some time ago.
But could you all remind me of what it would take for Apple to run their own wireless network in the USA? Wouldn't it be cool if we all (including Apple) didn't have to rely on AT&T for wireless network coverage?
I mean, Apple keeps saying they want their gear and services to be part of a walled garden and closed to other tech. So why not cut out the middleman entirely and run their own cell network?
They could partner with a network of smaller companies if Apple doesn't have all the cash or come up with some other brilliant plan to run their own network.
All I know is that relying on other carriers (at least in the USA) is just not working or I should say not working to Apple's high standards.
I just know if Apple would to have their own nationwide network that its tech and services would be unmatched when compared to the rest of the industry to the point where they would thoroughly embarrass the competition.
Tell me if you haven't dreamed of this before!
But could you all remind me of what it would take for Apple to run their own wireless network in the USA? Wouldn't it be cool if we all (including Apple) didn't have to rely on AT&T for wireless network coverage?
I mean, Apple keeps saying they want their gear and services to be part of a walled garden and closed to other tech. So why not cut out the middleman entirely and run their own cell network?
They could partner with a network of smaller companies if Apple doesn't have all the cash or come up with some other brilliant plan to run their own network.
All I know is that relying on other carriers (at least in the USA) is just not working or I should say not working to Apple's high standards.
I just know if Apple would to have their own nationwide network that its tech and services would be unmatched when compared to the rest of the industry to the point where they would thoroughly embarrass the competition.
Tell me if you haven't dreamed of this before!
I believe we all had a similar discussion about this some time ago.
But could you all remind me of what it would take for Apple to run their own wireless network in the USA? Wouldn't it be cool if we all (including Apple) didn't have to rely on AT&T for wireless network coverage?
I mean, Apple keeps saying they want their gear and services to be part of a walled garden and closed to other tech. So why not cut out the middleman entirely and run their own cell network?
They could partner with a network of smaller companies if Apple doesn't have all the cash or come up with some other brilliant plan to run their own network.
All I know is that relying on other carriers (at least in the USA) is just not working or I should say not working to Apple's high standards.
I just know if Apple would to have their own nationwide network that its tech and services would be unmatched when compared to the rest of the industry to the point where they would thoroughly embarrass the competition.
Tell me if you haven't dreamed of this before!
Dumb idea, IMO.
To actually be a telco, would require untold amounts of money and untold amounts of hassles to get approved and licensed.
They could be a MVNO but most of them went out of business. Doesn't that tell you something?
I guess its possible that Apple could pick up Sprint on the cheap. But Sprint is cheap because their future prospect don't look so great. They are heavily invested (or were) in WiMax and most industry observers feel that WiMax will loose out to LTE (4g successor to GSM) in the long run.
Much of Apple's success is attributable to their focus. This would only seem to spread them thinner into areas were they have little expertise.
Dumb idea, IMO.
To actually be a telco, would require untold amounts of money and untold amounts of hassles to get approved and licensed.
They could be a MVNO but most of them went out of business. Doesn't that tell you something?
I guess its possible that Apple could pick up Sprint on the cheap. But Sprint is cheap because their future prospect don't look so great. They are heavily invested (or were) in WiMax and most industry observers feel that WiMax will loose out to LTE (4g successor to GSM) in the long run.
Much of Apple's success is attributable to their focus. This would only seem to spread them thinner into areas were they have little expertise.
What does that tell me? Concerning other losers not being able to become an MVNO I mean.
It tells me that Apple certainly wasn't involved with any of their decision making. If anyone can make being an MVNO work it would be Apple.
And hey, what did Apple know about cell phones until a couple years ago. Perhaps a couple more years because the iphone was in development. But the fact was they were not a cell phone company yet here they are taking over the market.
I think there are reasons for Apple wanting to own or at least have a controlling interest in a wireless telco. That way they can keep EVERYTHING in their "closed garden". Thats the Apple philosophy right?
What does that tell me? Concerning other losers not being able to become an MVNO I mean.
Well it should tell you is that its not as easy as you think. Maybe MVNO isn't a viable business model. How can you compete on price when you're buying the network service from ATT or Verizon and reselling it? Most failed because they couldn't offer any better service than the company they purchased the network service from (if Verizon's network coverage is crappy in Houston and you are purchasing network service from Verizon what makes you think it's going to be any better?) and they couldn't offer the service at a better price.
What's your gripes with ATT? How would Apple being a MVNO solve them? Most complain that ATT are have expensive plans and want an arm and leg to upgrade to the new 3gs but do really think Apple will make things cheaper?
I'm not enamored with ATT either but they're as good as the alternatives all things considered, IMO.
Well it should tell you is that its not as easy as you think. Maybe MVNO isn't a viable business model. How can you compete on price when you're buying the network service from ATT or Verizon and reselling it? Most failed because they couldn't offer any better service than the company they purchased the network service from (if Verizon's network coverage is crappy in Houston and you are purchasing network service from Verizon what makes you think it's going to be any better?) and they couldn't offer the service at a better price.
What's your gripes with ATT? How would Apple being a MVNO solve them? Most complain that ATT are have expensive plans and want an arm and leg to upgrade to the new 3gs but do really think Apple will make things cheaper?
I'm not enamored with ATT either but they're as good as the alternatives all things considered, IMO.
That would mean that they are going to have to partner with one or several smaller wireless telcos that could provide the services that Apple wants and needs without any hassle or restrictions.
Apple needs to be in a position where they could dictate exactly what the wireless company should be doing and not the other way around. Then we'll see some real innovation in the marketplace. This would be revolutionary up and away beyond what the original iphone did in 2007.
We're going to need Steve for this.
In short if Apple wanted to 'roll their own' they would still be beholden to whoever owns the GMS frequency in the regions where they want to do business... In the US alone its a TON of regions all owned buy potentially a large number of different shell companies who are in turn usually owned by one of the big telecom companies. So long as thats the case... Apple simply can't do 'whatever they want' cause the people who own the frequency hold all the cards and will react once they see their core business loosing a measurable number of subscribers.
Its all a shell game... and guess who always looses... and I give you a huge hint... Its not the government and its not the engulf and devour telcos... Got your answer?
On the upside:
"On November 4, 2008, the FCC unanimously agreed to open up unused broadcast TV spectrum for unlicensed use."
Lets hope that decision remains true and intact... Unfortunately the FCC has been known to flip-flop and even flip-flop-flip from time to time.
What's the frequency Kenneth? That's what it all comes down to really... In retail they say the three most important things are location, location, location... In the cell biz its frequency. Period, end of sentence. You can't just go out building towers and setting up cells, unless you want the FCC at your door.
In short if Apple wanted to 'roll their own' they would still be beholden to whoever owns the GMS frequency in the regions where they want to do business... In the US alone its a TON of regions all owned buy potentially a large number of different shell companies who are in turn usually owned by one of the big telecom companies. So long as thats the case... Apple simply can't do 'whatever they want' cause the people who own the frequency hold all the cards and will react once they see their core business loosing a measurable number of subscribers.
Its all a shell game... and guess who always looses... and I give you a huge hint... Its not the government and its not the engulf and devour telcos... Got your answer?
Your right of course. It would have been awesome if Apple had secretly partnered with some for instance when all the telcos were bidding on the 700mhz frequency and the resulting 4G network.
Google was RETARDED for not going through and actually spend the billion for it when they had the chance. But, they went with the cheap route and bluffed Verizon into doing it for them. But I just know Verizon is going to try to get around the open network clause and restrict what devices can and can not do on their network to the regret of google and their android based devices.
Apple and google should have teamed together to buy the spectrum so they could set up their own network. They also could have banded together a network of smaller wireless telcos into a powerful consortium that would rule the wireless industry in the U.S. offering services unmatched by anyone and at very reasonable costs.
We would have as a country, in a short space of time, shot up to the number one wireless country in the world in terms of tech. We'd be assigining IP addresses to everything from mobiles to mailboxes to lunchboxes.
But alas, its not to be. Its going to be more of the same draconian crap from the big telcos for years to come....stagnating technology from progressing as it should.
Perhaps its just as well.