Apple iCar

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Apple is about to unveil a car.

It will be based on the T25.

Quote "Our company was set-up to develop the iStream automotive manufacturing process which we hope will help to revolutionise the way the world builds cars. We’re nearing the end of the first phase of developing iStream as we’ve reached a major milestone."

Quote "A sub $10,000, zero-emissions car will be the most desirable consumer electronics device in history.

It builds on an old rumor, new evidence possibly (?)

The T25 fits, Gordon Murray is a genius, the U.S. auto industry needs a volume eco-car BADLY.

This is just the kind of thing that Steve would pull for his "Comeback".



  • Reply 1 of 7
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,394moderator
    Originally Posted by sixfootbrit View Post

    Apple is about to unveil a car.

    Quote "A sub $10,000, zero-emissions car will be the most desirable consumer electronics device in history.

    The T25 fits, Gordon Murray is a genius, the U.S. auto industry needs a volume eco-car BADLY.

    This is just the kind of thing that Steve would pull for his "Comeback".

    I agree that it's something Apple would do well to get involved in as it's an area that needs revolutionizing but it's not an area they are remotely familiar with so they would at best be partnering up with a company who does most of the work but even then, I don't know what part Apple would play.
  • Reply 2 of 7

    I agree that it's something Apple would do well to get involved in as it's an area that needs revolutionizing but it's not an area they are remotely familiar with

    Like the phone business?


    they would at best be partnering up with a company who does most of the work

    Gordon Murray Design is exactly that kind of company.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,394moderator
    Originally Posted by sixfootbrit View Post

    Like the phone business?

    Not quite as they already made mobile electronic products. A car is an entirely different type of machine. Like I say, I'm not sure which part of the manufacturing they'd really have a part in.
  • Reply 4 of 7
    krispiekrispie Posts: 260member
    Zero emissions?

    Oh yeah? How does that work, then?
  • Reply 5 of 7

    Not quite as they already made mobile electronic products.

    Point conceded.


    I'm not sure which part of the manufacturing they'd really have a part in.

    They don't manufacture iPods etc either technically. The T25 primarily showcases new manufacturing methods and materials, the basic design is tailored to individualization. Ergo Apple is (arguably) a supreme industrial design company.


    Zero emissions?

    Oh yeah? How does that work, then?

    Somewhat imprecise language admittedly. I think that "zero" is becoming a synonym for "low"


  • Reply 6 of 7
    bg_nycbg_nyc Posts: 189member
    Has anyone heard of Chrysler's peapod? Here is a car that is designed to use the iphone as its central device.
  • Reply 7 of 7
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by sixfootbrit View Post

    ... the U.S. auto industry needs a volume eco-car BADLY....

    I'm not sure I believe this. The Smart has done OK, but there's simply not a massive volume of car-based city commuting in the states. We use the highways to get in and out of the cities. It makes more sense for city cars to come from places where the designers can go outside for 10 minutes and see exactly what the challenges are: namely, europe.

    Add to that the very strict US emissions regulations that tax the hell out of diesel and prevent the use of diesel cars. We pay more for diesel in California than people do anywhere else.

    Also, the car in the gizmodo photo is the Tesla White Star, which is considerably more than $10k.
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