The 3G iPhones are mostly 8GB $99 models except what few 16GB units are still in the pipeline. It's really foolish to buy less than the 32GB 3GS for only $299. Video recording will eat RAM at the rate of 2GB/hr. Photos also eat RAM for breakfast. Folks with less than 30 (net) GB iPhones will live to regret not spending the extra $100-$200 for the fattest iPhone they could have gotten. That means more 3GS sales than analysts are predicting and persistent shortages in the beginning months.
If current owners of iPhones don't realize the cost of advancing to the 32GB iPhone is almost nothing. Resale value of used out-of-contract 16 GB 3G iPhones is $400. wost case scenario cost to get 32GB 3GS is $299 + $120 early termination fee for those who bought last July and got minimum plan @ about $78 in USA. So the move will cost $20 at most.
THE 99 dollar 3g addresses the crowd who don't need or have use for many of the new 3gs capabiltie's. ADD that to a cheap data plan and its a very large market that has now opened for apple.
The 3g phone is still in production and probaly will be sold in china and india . All of this bodes well for apple and the apple market place .
PS of note to all those who don't yet qualify for the upgrade and are pissed about the 200 dollar charge. Well its only 34 cents a day extra for the 32g 3gs phone. Go sell your 3g phone on ebay/craigs list and fork over the extra $200 <32cts a day over life of the contract> fee to get a fantastic phone RIGHT now !!!! REAd today's NYT review, It is very accurate and may suck you right in.
The 3G iPhones are mostly 8GB $99 models except what few 16GB units are still in the pipeline. It's really foolish to buy less than the 32GB 3GS for only $299.
Originally Posted by brucep
THE 99 dollar 3g addresses the crowd who don't need or have use for many of the new 3gs capabiltie's. ADD that to a cheap data plan and its a very large market that has now opened for apple.
yeps. I have a niece that is turning 13 and is begging for an iphone like mom and dad have. no way would they buy her a $299 phone. but they will buy her the $99 one and she can save up her babysitting money to upgrade next year or whenever at her cost.
and yes they have the unlimited family texting plan. LOL
How about someone who owned an iphone but returned it? Do they have a say in the matter?
As it turns out, I pay about 20 dollars less per month for the same thing I initially tried with AT&T (450 anytime, unlimited text / data) and that's with insurance on my phone (albeit the insurance only gives u a refurb some of the time, but it's better than dishing out another 300 bucks or so.)
At the time, the iphone didn't have what I wanted. It was great, bought a few apps, but for the most part, I was dissatisfied. I ended up going to Sprint within my 30 days, and at the time, all they had was an Instinct which was comparable. Like a moron, I decided to get it. And like a complete retard, I actually listened when they said updates would fix it's problems. It didn't, and I stayed past my 30 days. In the long run, I sold it on ebay for about $75 more than I spent on it, and got a Touch Pro for half of what new users get it for and I've been very happy ever since.
Now that the 3.0 software is out, and the 3G S is out, had this happened last year, I wouldn't have left.
I love my Touch Pro, and all the features I wanted but were lacking in the iPhone have been present in this phone for a while now. It's been great owning this phone, but the 3GS with the 3.0 software is really what I wanted (and more) to begin with.
And a word about AT&T's coverage: Where I live, Sprint is much better, and has way faster 3G download speeds. Add to the fact that I can tether my phone for free and do video recording and mms, and the switch at the time was far more than worth it.
This is for June. iPhone 3Gs has 11 days, iPhone 3g has 30. If you look at the next quarter, he's predicted much more 3Gs sales.
I just still don't see that many 3G sales when Apple announced the new iPhone on the 8th if you were going to buy a new one you'd (at least in the case of all the people I know that are getting iPhones) wait the extra week and get the 3Gs - I just don't see Apple hitting the 2.5M mark with the 3G unless Gs sales for June are going to be closer to 1M. But I guess only time will tell - btw - does Apple even release month by month numbers? I thought they only did quarters...
When a company's products are so far ahead of what's out there currently, and are so well designed, critics have to reach further and further - often well into the realm of the ridiculous, in order to find something to use, no matter how silly or obscure.
A phone not getting clear constistent calls is ridiiculous and silly ?
I will be a new iPhone owner, long time AT&T user on Friday. Does anyone have the data as to how many new iPhone owner there are and how many returning owners there are of the 3G and the original iPhone?
I can not tell you the numbers but I got the first iPhone opening weekend. Waited at AT&T for the 3G from 1:00AM for the store to open to get that model and will be in line early tomorrow morning at my local Apple store for the 3GS. I love my iPhone so much I will likely switch carriers to keep using one if I need to switch carriers in the future. There is no better phone period.
Neither has Teckstud. He doesn't own an iPhone. Never has. And based on his comment yesterday, never will.
Obviously, there is a God.
Don?t underestimate his hypocrisy and ability to change his stance on a dime (while denying he ever had that stance despite written proof, even within the same thread). He was rabid about how crappy the G2 Shuffle sounded, but when the G3 Shuffle appeared, with better sound he went out and bought the G2 Shuffle and now touts it as the best Shuffle. He also has recently claimed that he?s going to get a MB despite claiming how much glossy displays suck
Stop the personal attacks now. If you don't you will find yourself removed from the option of participating in this discussion for a period of time. Have some respect or find something else to do.
The 3G iPhones are mostly 8GB $99 models except what few 16GB units are still in the pipeline. It's really foolish to buy less than the 32GB 3GS for only $299. Video recording will eat RAM at the rate of 2GB/hr. Photos also eat RAM for breakfast. Folks with less than 30 (net) GB iPhones will live to regret not spending the extra $100-$200 for the fattest iPhone they could have gotten. That means more 3GS sales than analysts are predicting and persistent shortages in the beginning months.
If current owners of iPhones don't realize the cost of advancing to the 32GB iPhone is almost nothing. Resale value of used out-of-contract 16 GB 3G iPhones is $400. wost case scenario cost to get 32GB 3GS is $299 + $120 early termination fee for those who bought last July and got minimum plan @ about $78 in USA. So the move will cost $20 at most.
THE 99 dollar 3g addresses the crowd who don't need or have use for many of the new 3gs capabiltie's. ADD that to a cheap data plan and its a very large market that has now opened for apple.
The 3g phone is still in production and probaly will be sold in china and india . All of this bodes well for apple and the apple market place .
PS of note to all those who don't yet qualify for the upgrade and are pissed about the 200 dollar charge. Well its only 34 cents a day extra for the 32g 3gs phone. Go sell your 3g phone on ebay/craigs list and fork over the extra $200 <32cts a day over life of the contract> fee to get a fantastic phone RIGHT now !!!! REAd today's NYT review, It is very accurate and may suck you right in.
I might get one, after reviews/bugs etc.
Just got to get it by my accountant wife.
If anyone reading this can post their average monthly bill (minus purchases) I would appreciate it.
read this my friend
The 3G iPhones are mostly 8GB $99 models except what few 16GB units are still in the pipeline. It's really foolish to buy less than the 32GB 3GS for only $299.
THE 99 dollar 3g addresses the crowd who don't need or have use for many of the new 3gs capabiltie's. ADD that to a cheap data plan and its a very large market that has now opened for apple.
yeps. I have a niece that is turning 13 and is begging for an iphone like mom and dad have. no way would they buy her a $299 phone. but they will buy her the $99 one and she can save up her babysitting money to upgrade next year or whenever at her cost.
and yes they have the unlimited family texting plan. LOL
Your poor grasp of logic is truly astounding and consistent in all your posts.
You constantly complain about a problem that you don't have because you are convinced that you would have it if you owned an iPhoneQuote:
Originally Posted by patroll
Just to point out that to be affected by this, one has to own and use an iPhone first.
Originally Posted by teckstud
Not true- if you can both READ and comprehend. Take off your fanboi blinders.
Originally Posted by patroll
The person to whom you are responding, by his own admission, doesn't own or use an iPhone.
Originally Posted by teckstud
Because of the reviews- why would I want inferior calls in NYC where I require a great connection ??
Your poor grasp of logic is truly astounding and consistent in all your posts.
You constantly complain about a problem that you don't have because you are convinced that you would have it if you owned an iPhone..
DUDE you just put techdpud in his place, like no one ever has . Only a troll would ever post here again after that .
i bow to you .
As it turns out, I pay about 20 dollars less per month for the same thing I initially tried with AT&T (450 anytime, unlimited text / data) and that's with insurance on my phone (albeit the insurance only gives u a refurb some of the time, but it's better than dishing out another 300 bucks or so.)
At the time, the iphone didn't have what I wanted. It was great, bought a few apps, but for the most part, I was dissatisfied. I ended up going to Sprint within my 30 days, and at the time, all they had was an Instinct which was comparable. Like a moron, I decided to get it. And like a complete retard, I actually listened when they said updates would fix it's problems. It didn't, and I stayed past my 30 days. In the long run, I sold it on ebay for about $75 more than I spent on it, and got a Touch Pro for half of what new users get it for and I've been very happy ever since.
Now that the 3.0 software is out, and the 3G S is out, had this happened last year, I wouldn't have left.
I love my Touch Pro, and all the features I wanted but were lacking in the iPhone have been present in this phone for a while now. It's been great owning this phone, but the 3GS with the 3.0 software is really what I wanted (and more) to begin with.
And a word about AT&T's coverage: Where I live, Sprint is much better, and has way faster 3G download speeds. Add to the fact that I can tether my phone for free and do video recording and mms, and the switch at the time was far more than worth it.
This is for June. iPhone 3Gs has 11 days, iPhone 3g has 30. If you look at the next quarter, he's predicted much more 3Gs sales.
I just still don't see that many 3G sales when Apple announced the new iPhone on the 8th if you were going to buy a new one you'd (at least in the case of all the people I know that are getting iPhones) wait the extra week and get the 3Gs - I just don't see Apple hitting the 2.5M mark with the 3G unless Gs sales for June are going to be closer to 1M. But I guess only time will tell - btw - does Apple even release month by month numbers? I thought they only did quarters...
When a company's products are so far ahead of what's out there currently, and are so well designed, critics have to reach further and further - often well into the realm of the ridiculous, in order to find something to use, no matter how silly or obscure.
A phone not getting clear constistent calls is ridiiculous and silly ?
You're ridiculous!
Obscure indeed.
Not true- if you can both READ and comprehend and know others who own it and have problems
So you have never actually owned one?
So you have never actually owned one?
Can you read? Do I need to spoon feed you?
Seriously I own a Touch - same thing- no bad AT&T calls.
Your poor grasp of logic is truly astounding and consistent in all your posts.
You constantly complain about a problem that you don't have because you are convinced that you would have it if you owned an iPhone.
No complaining- just the telling the facts.
Can you read? Do I need to spoon feed you?
Yes, spoon feed me.
Yes, spoon feed me.
I own a Touch (love it)- same thing- no bad AT&T calls.
How many times has this been addressed? DOESN'T affect all users.
I've never had a problem with AT&T service in 2 whole years.
Neither has Teckstud. He doesn't own an iPhone. Never has. And based on his comment yesterday, never will.
Obviously, there is a God.
I will be a new iPhone owner, long time AT&T user on Friday. Does anyone have the data as to how many new iPhone owner there are and how many returning owners there are of the 3G and the original iPhone?
I can not tell you the numbers but I got the first iPhone opening weekend. Waited at AT&T for the 3G from 1:00AM for the store to open to get that model and will be in line early tomorrow morning at my local Apple store for the 3GS. I love my iPhone so much I will likely switch carriers to keep using one if I need to switch carriers in the future. There is no better phone period.
Neither has Teckstud. He doesn't own an iPhone. Never has. And based on his comment yesterday, never will.
Obviously, there is a God.
Don?t underestimate his hypocrisy and ability to change his stance on a dime (while denying he ever had that stance despite written proof, even within the same thread). He was rabid about how crappy the G2 Shuffle sounded, but when the G3 Shuffle appeared, with better sound he went out and bought the G2 Shuffle and now touts it as the best Shuffle. He also has recently claimed that he?s going to get a MB despite claiming how much glossy displays suck
Stop the personal attacks now. If you don't you will find yourself removed from the option of participating in this discussion for a period of time. Have some respect or find something else to do.
This is not a suggestion.
Neither has Teckstud. He doesn't own an iPhone. Never has. And based on his comment yesterday, never will.
Obviously, there is a God.
Not true- if there is a god, AT&T fixes their Network and then I am in. I'm not the only one.
Hyper? I didn't use caps or anything. I'm just calling a spade a spade since nobody else was calling out the pink elephant in the room...
I guess I'm going to have to be "one of those people" who points this out...
The phrase is actually, "... the elephant in the room...". Changing it to a "pink" elephant does not enhance the original saying.
Thank you.
Neither has Teckstud. He doesn't own an iPhone. Never has. And based on his comment yesterday, never will.
Obviously, there is a God.
If there was a god it would have struck him with lightning by now.