For as much pi_sing and moaning that you do about AT&T, have you ever directed your vitriol at your city or county leaders for shooting down the tower application that would improve AT&T's coverage? Have you ever complained to AT&T itself? Let them know that you're not happy with them?
I bet if you directed your ire at these parties, that would go a lot further in improving coverage in your area, rather than ranting like the little troll you are in this comparative black hole of commentary where I can guarantee NOTHING will get done to alleviate your concerns.
Yeah, I work in the cell phone industry. Most towers get rejected because of citizen complaints. If you want improved coverage, speak up MAN!
Well, I don't disagree with you about your comments towards HIM
But in terms of coverage, I am not sure in words how bad AT&T's coverage has been for me and my 2 3G iPhones. I have lived in Chicago, Atlanta, DC, and New Orleans and it has been all around TERRIBLE.
Now, I know that every city is different and some cities have FANTASTIC AT&T coverage but my own personal experience has just been terrible.
I will stick with the iPhone because I love it so much but I tend to just email people now rather than call because the chances are it will be dropped anyway.
ROFL! I remember seeing a WB cartoon when I was like 5 at daycare and a little pink elephant shows up, and this blurping drunk says something like "What took you so long?"
ROAD runner
and all things acme .
also yosomite sam saying that famous line after being fooled once again by bug bunny.
Your poor grasp of logic is truly astounding and consistent in all your posts.
You constantly complain about a problem that you don't have because you are convinced that you would have it if you owned an iPhone.
Quotes directly from the School of Teckstud:
"If problem exists for one individual, hence it must exist for all people."
"If product does not meet expectation of one individual, product is failure for all individuals."
"If product is not owned by individual, product still sucks anyways".
You got to remember, Teckstud really does not have a clue what he is talking about. So he lives in NYC? I have friends living in NYC with iPhones and they have never had any real problems with reception.
I live in San Francisco and I rarely experience the problems that CNet discusses.
It's unfortunate Teckstud has such bad luck with iPhone reception in NYC and constantly complains about it... Oh wait... He's never OWNED an iPhone... sorry... my bad...
For every complaint about AT&T, the same can be said about any other carrier.
Did people not notice that Palm has asked developers to not discuss phone tethering for the Pre? Looks like Sprint had a hissy-fit about the idea of having it done on their network. Is it possible other carriers like AT&T are having the same issues? Pffft....
The 3G iPhones are mostly 8GB $99 models except what few 16GB units are still in the pipeline. It's really foolish to buy less than the 32GB 3GS for only $299. Video recording will eat RAM at the rate of 2GB/hr. Photos also eat RAM for breakfast. Folks with less than 30 (net) GB iPhones will live to regret not spending the extra $100-$200 for the fattest iPhone they could have gotten. That means more 3GS sales than analysts are predicting and persistent shortages in the beginning months.
I completely agree with you, but please, especially with a name like Multimedia, know the difference between RAM and storage space when you talk about things like this. RAM is memory that is easily accessed and where information for your OS, applications, and current data is temporarily stored for fast use. The more you have, the more applications you can effectively run at a faster pace. What you are talking about is storage space, where things are permanently stored for later use. Think of it as short-term memory (RAM) and long-term memory (storage/disk space). Correct assessment, but just make sure you've done your fact-checking for the less informed reading the boards.
I think it's stupid to compare iPhone sales to most other companies like RIM, as they have a dozen models and more importantly, the sell Blackberry phones on ALL networks. A better comparison would be to the Palm Pre, or just the Blackberry Storm v2 when it comes out. (the first was so bad it's not even worth comparing sales)
Similarly, what do you think would be first week sales would be in the USA if the new iPhone 3GS was available in both GSM and CDMA models, and was available on Verizon, Sprint, and T-mobile?
For every complaint about AT&T, the same can be said about any other carrier.
DUde- AT&T is rated at the bottom of every consumer rated list. The same thing can NOT be said about every other carrier. Dude, pull out your kool- aid drip and get a grip of reality.
With all due respect, I block him and it works well enough for me. You're right, he shows up when others respond, but it's an imperfect world we live in, right? Microsoft is not perfectly bad, Apple is not perfectly good, and Techstud is not perfectly absent ... but close enough!!!
DUde- AT&T is rated at the bottom of every consumer rated list. The same thing can NOT be said about every other carrier. Dude, pull out your kool- aid drip and get a grip of reality.
Not quite correct.
AT&T is usually close to Verizon in the rankings and far ahead of Sprint. It often does better than T-Mobile, too. And AT&T does have certain advantages over Verizon
The AT&T approach to 3G applications falls somewhere between Sprint's open policy and Verizon's overly restrictive one. Its feature phones use Java, so you can load third-party apps, but you may be plagued by nagging permission-request screens. AT&T supports the streaming MobiTV video service, but it doesn't have a music store of its own.
When it comes to customer satisfaction, AT&T doesn't score highest. In two major national surveys conducted in mid-2008, AT&T consistently performed worse than Verizon Wireless. Customers ranked AT&T below Verizon (but above Sprint, and in certain areas ahead of T-Mobile) on almost every measure related to the 3G experience: coverage, tech support, customer care, and general consumer satisfaction.
But because AT&T uses the HSDPA standard, it's the best of the three 3G carriers for international roaming. Many of AT&T's smartphones and all of its data modems work in something like over 200 countries, although roaming rates can be pretty bad. AT&T offers also offers different international data plans for smartphone and modem users.
Your poor grasp of logic is truly astounding and consistent in all your posts.
You constantly complain about a problem that you don't have because you are convinced that you would have it if you owned an iPhone.:
Originally Posted by teckstud
No complaining- just the telling the facts.
Since you claim to be a teck (and a stud at that), and a wide reader, can you please provide us statistically valid studies comparing the reliability of iPhones and other smartphones with respect to drop offs in their use with different carriers, customer satisfaction and whatever you have actually based your very strong suppositions?
Also, if you rely on reviews, can you provide us the reviews that led to your proclamations? Which reviews (and reviewers) did you accept and which ones did you reject?
Otherwise, if you cannot support your proclamations here, they will be more in the realm of anecdotes at best, not facts, or biased opinions because of dislike of a product, person or company, or worse proclamations spewed by a paid surrogate to advance the cause of others.
Also, if you cannot support your allegations, what patroll stated would be very logical characterization of what you are, at least how many readers here view you, so far.
Perception becomes your reality.
I am astounded by your self-righteousness proclaiming that you are the bearer of facts that are completely ignored, not grasped or if experienced, simply accepted with no complaints, by the current millions of iPhone owners in the United States. I have encountered several people like that.
For as much pi_sing and moaning that you do about AT&T, have you ever directed your vitriol at your city or county leaders for shooting down the tower application that would improve AT&T's coverage? Have you ever complained to AT&T itself? Let them know that you're not happy with them?
I bet if you directed your ire at these parties, that would go a lot further in improving coverage in your area, rather than ranting like the little troll you are in this comparative black hole of commentary where I can guarantee NOTHING will get done to alleviate your concerns.
Yeah, I work in the cell phone industry. Most towers get rejected because of citizen complaints. If you want improved coverage, speak up MAN!
Well, I don't disagree with you about your comments towards HIM
But in terms of coverage, I am not sure in words how bad AT&T's coverage has been for me and my 2 3G iPhones. I have lived in Chicago, Atlanta, DC, and New Orleans and it has been all around TERRIBLE.
Now, I know that every city is different and some cities have FANTASTIC AT&T coverage but my own personal experience has just been terrible.
I will stick with the iPhone because I love it so much but I tend to just email people now rather than call because the chances are it will be dropped anyway.
ROFL! I remember seeing a WB cartoon when I was like 5 at daycare and a little pink elephant shows up, and this blurping drunk says something like "What took you so long?"
ROAD runner
and all things acme .
also yosomite sam saying that famous line after being fooled once again by bug bunny.
he falls 50 stories
gets up all woobley and say's
I said
I said
I feel mighty low .
zune me up scotty
Nor me.
Honestly, I don't know why anyone pays any attention to his commentary - he doesn't even own an iPhone!
Yet he's . . . commenting on the carrier's service??
Anyway, I'm just in shock that Rogers in Canada will already have the 3G S tomorrow. I was expecting a month or two later, like last year.
Your poor grasp of logic is truly astounding and consistent in all your posts.
You constantly complain about a problem that you don't have because you are convinced that you would have it if you owned an iPhone.
Quotes directly from the School of Teckstud:
"If problem exists for one individual, hence it must exist for all people."
"If product does not meet expectation of one individual, product is failure for all individuals."
"If product is not owned by individual, product still sucks anyways".
You got to remember, Teckstud really does not have a clue what he is talking about. So he lives in NYC? I have friends living in NYC with iPhones and they have never had any real problems with reception.
I live in San Francisco and I rarely experience the problems that CNet discusses.
It's unfortunate Teckstud has such bad luck with iPhone reception in NYC and constantly complains about it... Oh wait... He's never OWNED an iPhone... sorry... my bad...
For every complaint about AT&T, the same can be said about any other carrier.
Did people not notice that Palm has asked developers to not discuss phone tethering for the Pre? Looks like Sprint had a hissy-fit about the idea of having it done on their network. Is it possible other carriers like AT&T are having the same issues? Pffft....
The 3G iPhones are mostly 8GB $99 models except what few 16GB units are still in the pipeline. It's really foolish to buy less than the 32GB 3GS for only $299. Video recording will eat RAM at the rate of 2GB/hr. Photos also eat RAM for breakfast. Folks with less than 30 (net) GB iPhones will live to regret not spending the extra $100-$200 for the fattest iPhone they could have gotten. That means more 3GS sales than analysts are predicting and persistent shortages in the beginning months.
I completely agree with you, but please, especially with a name like Multimedia, know the difference between RAM and storage space when you talk about things like this. RAM is memory that is easily accessed and where information for your OS, applications, and current data is temporarily stored for fast use. The more you have, the more applications you can effectively run at a faster pace. What you are talking about is storage space, where things are permanently stored for later use. Think of it as short-term memory (RAM) and long-term memory (storage/disk space). Correct assessment, but just make sure you've done your fact-checking for the less informed reading the boards.
Similarly, what do you think would be first week sales would be in the USA if the new iPhone 3GS was available in both GSM and CDMA models, and was available on Verizon, Sprint, and T-mobile?
For every complaint about AT&T, the same can be said about any other carrier.
DUde- AT&T is rated at the bottom of every consumer rated list. The same thing can NOT be said about every other carrier. Dude, pull out your kool- aid drip and get a grip of reality.
With all due respect, I block him and it works well enough for me. You're right, he shows up when others respond, but it's an imperfect world we live in, right? Microsoft is not perfectly bad, Apple is not perfectly good, and Techstud is not perfectly absent ... but close enough!!!
DUde- AT&T is rated at the bottom of every consumer rated list. The same thing can NOT be said about every other carrier. Dude, pull out your kool- aid drip and get a grip of reality.
Not quite correct.
AT&T is usually close to Verizon in the rankings and far ahead of Sprint. It often does better than T-Mobile, too. And AT&T does have certain advantages over Verizon
The AT&T approach to 3G applications falls somewhere between Sprint's open policy and Verizon's overly restrictive one. Its feature phones use Java, so you can load third-party apps, but you may be plagued by nagging permission-request screens. AT&T supports the streaming MobiTV video service, but it doesn't have a music store of its own.
When it comes to customer satisfaction, AT&T doesn't score highest. In two major national surveys conducted in mid-2008, AT&T consistently performed worse than Verizon Wireless. Customers ranked AT&T below Verizon (but above Sprint, and in certain areas ahead of T-Mobile) on almost every measure related to the 3G experience: coverage, tech support, customer care, and general consumer satisfaction.
But because AT&T uses the HSDPA standard, it's the best of the three 3G carriers for international roaming. Many of AT&T's smartphones and all of its data modems work in something like over 200 countries, although roaming rates can be pretty bad. AT&T offers also offers different international data plans for smartphone and modem users.
Just the facts ma'am:
Originally Posted by patroll View Post
Your poor grasp of logic is truly astounding and consistent in all your posts.
You constantly complain about a problem that you don't have because you are convinced that you would have it if you owned an iPhone.:
No complaining- just the telling the facts.
Since you claim to be a teck (and a stud at that), and a wide reader, can you please provide us statistically valid studies comparing the reliability of iPhones and other smartphones with respect to drop offs in their use with different carriers, customer satisfaction and whatever you have actually based your very strong suppositions?
Also, if you rely on reviews, can you provide us the reviews that led to your proclamations? Which reviews (and reviewers) did you accept and which ones did you reject?
Otherwise, if you cannot support your proclamations here, they will be more in the realm of anecdotes at best, not facts, or biased opinions because of dislike of a product, person or company, or worse proclamations spewed by a paid surrogate to advance the cause of others.
Also, if you cannot support your allegations, what patroll stated would be very logical characterization of what you are, at least how many readers here view you, so far.
Perception becomes your reality.
I am astounded by your self-righteousness proclaiming that you are the bearer of facts that are completely ignored, not grasped or if experienced, simply accepted with no complaints, by the current millions of iPhone owners in the United States. I have encountered several people like that.