appolo G4 coming soon

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
see in this site :

Le G5 tant attendu ne serra probablement qu'une extension des nouvelles machines de la gamme "pro" équipées de G4+, nom de code Apollo. Munies d'une carte mère entièrement revue, les nouvelles tours seraient pourvues d'un bus PCI cadencé Ã* 66 Mhz aux performances allant jusqu'Ã* 512 MB/s de taux de transfert. Elles pourraient être dotées d'un bus AGP "Pro" mais qui n'apporterait pas d'améliorations significatives par rapport Ã* l'AGP 4x, ce dernier point pouvant faire l'objet d'une décision de dernière minute. Les G4+, selon des représentants de chez Motorola, seraient équipés avec des fréquences allant de 1 Ghz pour l'entrée de gamme jusqu'Ã* 1,4 Ghz pour le modèle super luxe. Selon eux, la date d'introduction de ces machines se situerait quelque part entre la semaine prochaine et le 19 février. Ceux qui rêvent d'une machine G5 devront attendre encore quelques jours.

Translation for those who don't understand french :

The G5 who was so mush wished will be probabily only one extension of the new powermac line name G4+, codename Apollo. The new towers , will have a entirely revised mobo with 66 mhz PCI bus able to perform until 512 MB/sec data rate transfer. They should have AGP pro bus , that unfortunetaly will not bring many major improvements compared to aAGP 4x, this last point should be the subject of a change of the last minute. The G4+ according to Motorola officials, will ship with frequencies going from 1ghz for the basic model up to 1,4 ghz for the ultimate model. According to them, the date of introduction of this computers may vary from next week until february the 19. Those who dream of a G5 computer should wait a few days more.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    "Those who dream of a G5 computer should wait a few days more."

    OK. I'll wait a few days...

    - Mark
  • Reply 2 of 6
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I thought this looked familiar. This quote from ThinkSecret:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></A>;

    [quote]Since Macworld, a few new details have leaked out. Word on the show floor from multiple vendors is that the motherboard of the new G4 will have a new 66 MHz PCI bus with a theoretical maximum sustained throughput of 512 MB per second. Another show floor informant said that the new Power Mac's AGP slot could be an AGP Pro, but stressed that it could easily change at the last minute. According to the source, Apple hasn't seen any significant performance gains from the AGP 4X slot to AGP Pro.<hr></blockquote>

    Funny how many rumors seem like they have multiple sources, but in reality are just the same single rumors passed around to multiple sites.
  • Reply 3 of 6
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    "Funny how many rumors seem like they have multiple sources, but in reality are just the same single rumors passed around to multiple sites."

    Good point.

    I also wonder if Apple sometimes feeds these forums with BS. Competitors of Apple could also use these forums to their advantage.

    - Mark
  • Reply 4 of 6
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,461member
    Or, for those less inclined to believe in conspiracies, perhaps these rumour sites are just reporting eachothers "news". The whisper-in-the-ear-around-the-room phenomena causes slight changes as it goes from site to site.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    If it leaked at MWSF and buzzed around the expo floor, then it very well could be from multiple sources.

    But it also could just be some a$$hole spreading around BS at all the sites.

    I hope for the former but fear the latter is more probable.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    [quote]Originally posted by sc_markt:

    <strong>"Those who dream of a G5 computer should wait a few days more."

    OK. I'll wait a few days...

    - Mark</strong><hr></blockquote>

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