Tracking my internet and SSL

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
My employer is apparently now tracking all internet traffic after a bad internet attack. As such, a fellow employee told me not to do any kind of online shopping because they can see my credit card number. Similarly, they said not to check my gmail, etc.

I am pretty sure that this is wrong as long as I use SSL. Since I read my gmail with https and all sites where I enter my credit card are https, doesn't that mean that they cannot see it. Even if they are internal.

Like I said, I think it is unviewable with SSL but can you confirm?



  • Reply 1 of 1
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    This is correct, they cannot view the contents of a page if it is SSL enabled. However, they can certainly see how often you visit such sites, how much time you spend when you are there, and how much you're downloading from those sites.

    UPDATE: I stand corrected, with the right network security equipment it is possible to inspect SSL traffic
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