rosetta not working?

in macOS edited January 2014
Im pretty new to the Mac camp so forgive a rookie error, but Rosetta is just there and just works right? But not for me

Im trying to run GLMStatX 6.0.0, its a ppc statistics app. It runs on my supervisors mac-intel-book pro, but not my macbook. Am i missing something obvious? It loads into the dock for a split second then vanishes. I also tried burnx free, firestarterfx, mactheripper, all have the same behaviour.

I am running stoplight, but it isn't set to close if last window, and i am running application enhancer (rosetta compatable version as part of audio hijack pro) and have tried disabling it but nothing helped. Any other danger apps? Should i remove these completely? (id rather not)

I would really appreciate any advice on this.



ps - firefox3 alpha is worth a look...its even cocoa...


  • Reply 1 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    You didn't by any chance run Monolingual and forget to turn off the option that removes all the PPC stuff from your machine?
  • Reply 2 of 5
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Try killing Rosetta - in Terminal,

    sudo killall translated
  • Reply 3 of 5

    I tried the terminal option, and then checked the monolingual site, checked the console for the errors they describe and what do you know...

    Marvin, you got me...

    So where do i go now? If it a clean install? Can they be replaced using pacifica? Advice would be really appreciated. Can i repair/upgrade my install to reinstall those files but not touch the rest of the system (docs, apps etc)?

    Thanks very much,

  • Reply 4 of 5
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by thestickman

    I tried the terminal option, and then checked the monolingual site, checked the console for the errors they describe and what do you know...

    Marvin, you got me...

    So where do i go now? If it a clean install? Can they be replaced using pacifica? Advice would be really appreciated. Can i repair/upgrade my install to reinstall those files but not touch the rest of the system (docs, apps etc)?

    I nearly did that myself. It's setup in a really stupid way because that option is hidden in another tab and turned on by default.

    You should be able to get it working again by doing an archive install. The installer that came with your machine gives you this option and it will replace the system folder only. Here's a step-by-step:
  • Reply 5 of 5
    Thanks a lot. Done and dusted.

    Many thanks,

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