LOL: MacOSRumors For Sale

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Speaking of insanity...

Yup, you read right. I just bopped over there for my every-once-in-awhile chuckle.


We will continue to publish until we can fund a buyer, but as we have recently mentioned, is one of the most valuable domain names on the Internet because of its long and rich history of breaking stories that have been mentioned widely throughout both the online and traditional media (valued in the high six figures by several appraisal firms

The insanity has been far from temporary over there, but the notion that they are going to get "six figures" for that P.O.S. website will be on their part. I wouldn't pay one dollar for that site.


  • Reply 1 of 22
    Sure, they'll get six figures -- so long as there's a decimal point after the first two. Or maybe, if all 6 figures are zeros.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    Quote: is one of the most valuable domain names on the Internet because of its long and rich history of breaking stories.

  • Reply 3 of 22

    Yeah, he moved out of his parents house and had to get a real job from his previous at Mickey D's!

  • Reply 4 of 22
    lol MacOsRumors for sale, and for how much... they want $960,000 for it!!!!!!

    Maybe the best they could do would be $100.00

    then again if someone that was truly wanting to improve the site and make the domain actually worth something...... this might be a good thing. it could grow into something a lot bigger and accurate than what it is at the moment.
  • Reply 5 of 22
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Six figures. This is about as likely as one of Meaders so called rumors. This is one of Meaders fabricated rumors.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    Actually the domainname is good, the content at the moment is bad..
  • Reply 7 of 22
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Six figures. This is about as likely as one of Meaders so called rumors. This is one of Meaders fabricated rumors.

    With one (oops that's 2 if you count Woz) of Apple's Top Exc's born (with homes still in Maine) in Maine and one of them went he to school with Ryan, there was a time he had some great help with intell from the inside, back then the site and news posted on it was #1.

    There were other things that had Ryan in Apple's backyard, but yes, that was a while back.

    I have seen the offices of, with a ton of stuff to test, review and talk about (yes always before the public got it). He has some great conncetions still.

    Oh, he will get more then $100.00, for the site much more, but $960,000.00 I DON'T THINK SO. It would be nice if him and his young family.. But will someone without connections to the Mac under-ground buy it…

    In any case, that's my take / input on it

  • Reply 8 of 22
    I own a number of Web, yes, it's worth some cash. As a Google Page Rank 7, it probably generates more than $100 a day, so obviously, I'd pay more than that for it.

    But, and this is the downside, it'd need to be rebuilt from scratch with a new editorial team, a new CMS and structure to help it improve its dubious reputation. So, despite the claims of it being worth in the six figures (those valuations, in my mind of kind of dubious based on the way my own domains appear to be overvalued) that seems kind of high to me.

    It would only be of value to someone with solid reporting credentials in the tech world and of course, the cash lying around to buy it. It makes me wish I hadn't dropped $25K on my last publishing venture.
  • Reply 9 of 22
    That just made my day.

    Seriously though, I would be embarrassed to own that domain name...
  • Reply 10 of 22
    I wouldn't be, I think it would be fixable and has a lot of value in terms of traffic.

    I don't think it's a six-figure value at this point, but it's like a cool, old Victorian house that needs a ton of repairs, but could be cool with some sweat and time.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    Originally Posted by mmcgann11 View Post

    I wouldn't be, I think it would be fixable and has a lot of value in terms of traffic.

    I don't think it's a six-figure value at this point, but it's like a cool, old Victorian house that needs a ton of repairs, but could be cool with some sweat and time.

    You can't be serious! With the tight ship Apple has these days, most of the rumors seem to come from Wall Street! Look at AI and TS for heaven's sake, over the past two years, even within a few day's of MWSF or WWDC hardly any hard rumors seem to get out these days. And the rep that MOSR has is like next to zero, I wouldn't take it if it was given to me for free!

  • Reply 12 of 22
    I am serious, but as you rightly point out, MOSR would need a new format ? geared toward analysis and product review (areas that I have a lot of experience with), plus, of course, a forum. If a few rumors happened, great, but it couldn't be the backbone of the site any longer.

    And I'd take it for free in a heartbeat ? and I wish I had some cash, to be honest, to try and buy it ? because it's a busy enough domain that one could build a pretty cool Mac site from it, and have it generate some cash. Granted, it would have to be someone who has some track record in the tech world, but MOSR is worth something to the right person.
  • Reply 13 of 22
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by mmcgann11 View Post

    I own a number of Web, yes, it's worth some cash. As a Google Page Rank 7, it probably generates more than $100 a day, so obviously, I'd pay more than that for it.

    But, and this is the downside, it'd need to be rebuilt from scratch with a new editorial team, a new CMS and structure to help it improve its dubious reputation. So, despite the claims of it being worth in the six figures (those valuations, in my mind of kind of dubious based on the way my own domains appear to be overvalued) that seems kind of high to me.

    It would only be of value to someone with solid reporting credentials in the tech world and of course, the cash lying around to buy it. It makes me wish I hadn't dropped $25K on my last publishing venture.

    Appleinsider is google rank 7 and MOSR is google rank 6, at least it was when I just looked it up (maybe it is on the edge between 6 and 7 and goes back and forth depending on daily traffic).

    Slashdot is google rank 9, so this must be an exponential scale...
  • Reply 14 of 22
    It's a seven, according to my PR toolbar, but I wouldn't be shocked if it went back and forth.

    But even as a six, it'd have value, not top of the heap crazy value like Slashdot, of course, and it would need good editorial content to keep its pagerank.

    My point was that MOSR (the domain) retains a decent amount of value and those who dismiss it as worthless are being shortsighted.
  • Reply 15 of 22
    To add to the death toll of crappy rumor sites:

    LoopRumors is suspended
  • Reply 16 of 22
    Originally Posted by MovieCutter View Post

    To add to the death toll of crappy rumor sites:

    LoopRumors is suspended

    Anyone have any idea why that site went down?
  • Reply 17 of 22
    Originally Posted by timewarp424 View Post

    Anyone have any idea why that site went down?

    Fabricated rumors and crappy overall content?
  • Reply 18 of 22
    Originally Posted by MovieCutter View Post

    Fabricated rumors and crappy overall content?

    Macosrumors has been like that for a long time, and no one decided to suspend that website.
  • Reply 19 of 22
    LoopRumors seems ok, a bit sluggish, but it works.

    Don't you hate it when it people put up rumors that aren't true?
  • Reply 20 of 22
    Originally Posted by mmcgann11 View Post

    Don't you hate it when it people put up rumors that aren't true?

    Yeah, but I have a bigger problem with it when they don't even TRY to make it sound legit.
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