MacBook Pro: now or wait until Leopard?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I am thinking of upgrading to a MacBook Pro. Was all ready to trot down to the Apple Store (should it be open on Jan 1st...), but I then remembered that Leopard is on the horizon.

Am I correct that it would be dumb to get a new Mac now given that in a few (?) months the new version of the OS will be out and I'll have to chunk down some additional cash for it? (I'm guessing that Apple isn't giving free upgrade coupons out with the Macs yet...)



  • Reply 1 of 16
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    I am also in the market for a MacBook Pro in the near future, although right now I am definitely waiting. At the very least wait until after Macworld '07, which is in 7 days. You never know what they might announce and it is not like you're going to lose much by waiting a little bit longer. Who knows, they might even give us a release date for Leopard.

    Wait and see what happens there, then make your decision.
  • Reply 2 of 16
    Originally Posted by jvb View Post

    I am also in the market for a MacBook Pro in the near future, although right now I am definitely waiting. At the very least wait until after Macworld '07, which is in 7 days. You never know what they might announce and it is not like you're going to lose much by waiting a little bit longer. Who knows, they might even give us a release date for Leopard.

    Wait and see what happens there, then make your decision.

    That's pretty much the conclusion I've come to... I'm just so bad with delayed gratification.

  • Reply 3 of 16
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    Originally Posted by Argelius View Post

    That's pretty much the conclusion I've come to... I'm just so bad with delayed gratification.


    Same here. If Leopard is a long way off it will be hard for me to not buy the MBP now.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Leopard is supposedly due in four to six months, and the updated chipset for the Core 2 Duo is coming in about that time frame. There may be a delay in that chipset coming to Macs though. That's probably a decent upgrade, but the current products are pretty good too. I have to say that the wait probably isn't worth it because while the next versions will be faster, you have to go without it until then.

    One rule of thumb is that if you know there is a major Apple-involved trade show in less than a month, then you probably should wait. MacWorld is next week. I don't think that the MBP will be updated then though.
  • Reply 5 of 16
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    Given that the C2D just came out not long ago, I'd buy now. They won't update at MWSF. Leopard is probably not going to ship for a while. You then need to ask yourself if you NEED it immediately upon its release. Even if you do, an education priced copy is ususally like $79.00.
  • Reply 6 of 16
    Another consideration is that when a new system comes out many people like to wait until the .3 version as they assume by then that the major unexpected bugs have been fixed.
  • Reply 7 of 16
    If you feel you can get $129 worth of usability and productivity in the next 4-6 months while you wait for Leopard, then go for it. If you don't need the computer now, wait and buy it when you need it. Simple as that.
  • Reply 8 of 16
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    Originally Posted by MovieCutter View Post

    If you feel you can get $129 worth of usability and productivity in the next 4-6 months while you wait for Leopard, then go for it. If you don't need the computer now, wait and buy it when you need it. Simple as that.

    I don't need it right now but that doesn't stop me from really, really wanting it.
  • Reply 9 of 16
    tekmatetekmate Posts: 134member
    Originally Posted by jvb View Post

    I don't need it right now but that doesn't stop me from really, really wanting it.

    If you don't need it right now I would wait there seems to be some cool things coming down the pike.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    would you be able to download more porn with the new OS?
  • Reply 11 of 16
    argeliusargelius Posts: 309member
    Originally Posted by fatcatdj View Post

    would you be able to download more porn with the new OS?

    Personally, I'm sure hoping that's one of the new yet-to-be-announced features (perhaps with some built in Automator scripts to facilitate one-hand typing.... )
  • Reply 12 of 16
    kfdankfdan Posts: 81member
    Originally Posted by Argelius View Post

    I am thinking of upgrading to a MacBook Pro. Was all ready to trot down to the Apple Store (should it be open on Jan 1st...), but I then remembered that Leopard is on the horizon.

    Am I correct that it would be dumb to get a new Mac now given that in a few (?) months the new version of the OS will be out and I'll have to chunk down some additional cash for it? (I'm guessing that Apple isn't giving free upgrade coupons out with the Macs yet...)


    I found it worth the wait for my MacBook Pro 17" C2D because i needed it for specific reasons having to do with video HD capture and editing. I waited for close to a year! I'm happy I did!

    I have other Macs so the need for a new machine was not dire! If you can wait for Leopard and a new 8 core or whatever laptop comes your way in Spring/Summer/Fall release! Get it when you need it!

  • Reply 13 of 16
    argeliusargelius Posts: 309member
    Originally Posted by kfdan View Post

    If you can wait for Leopard and a new 8 core or whatever laptop comes your way in Spring/Summer/Fall release! Get it when you need it!


    Perhaps the money I save on waiting for Leopard I can spend on psychotherapy, cuz that's what I'll need if I wait until the fall....

  • Reply 14 of 16
    jvbjvb Posts: 210member
    I'm buying in March/April at the latest. I pray that Leopard will be out around then to give me a really good reason to wait a few more weeks.
  • Reply 15 of 16
    mikefmikef Posts: 698member
    I'm waiting to see what happens at MWSF. At the very least, iLife '07 will be released. I sold my iBook G4 last week and cannot wait until Leopard is released (and seriously, it's $99, it's not going to break me to buy it).

    Looks like there aren't any new Intel CPUs out for the MBP until late in '07 so that should mean the next round of MBP updates is nothing more than speedbumps, perhaps a different screen (rumoured with LED backlighting), and maybe small things. (Forgive me while I convince myself that I should buy now instead of wait).
  • Reply 16 of 16
    argeliusargelius Posts: 309member
    Originally Posted by mikef View Post

    I'm waiting to see what happens at MWSF. At the very least, iLife '07 will be released. I sold my iBook G4 last week and cannot wait until Leopard is released (and seriously, it's $99, it's not going to break me to buy it).

    Looks like there aren't any new Intel CPUs out for the MBP until late in '07 so that should mean the next round of MBP updates is nothing more than speedbumps, perhaps a different screen (rumoured with LED backlighting), and maybe small things. (Forgive me while I convince myself that I should buy now instead of wait).

    I support your decision! I just ordered my MBP. It's supposed to arrive (from Shanghai) on Wednesday. So I figure I can always return it (to my local Apple Store) if it turns out there is some monumental announcement at MWSF...
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