Keynote Location Moved?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I will be attending MWSF this year and will be attending the keynote as well. Today, i received an official email from MacWorld noting special keynote information. This specific section of the email read..



Interesting, it appears as if the Keynote has been moved to Moscone West, the third wing of the Moscone center, to accommodate more people? more product? who knows? What do you guys think?This is a very large space!

Click here to view Moscone West

Also, have any of you ever attended a Live keynote before? If so, do you have any tips on getting a good seat? What time should i be in line? I will be badged so i will have no problem getting access, i hope.

Thanks !


  • Reply 1 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Moscone Centre has become bigger with the addition of the new Moscone West building. Probably depending on floor space and conference management and so on, this Macworld they will be using Moscone North, South and West. Floorplans show the main expo at North and South, so West may be additional space for seminars, labs, etc, etc.

    "Interesting, it appears as if the Keynote has been moved to Moscone West, the third wing of the Moscone center, to accommodate more people? more product? who knows? What do you guys think?This is a very large space!"

    Your guess is as good as any, a lot of hype kicking off 2007. I'm nearly... wait... I've lost my mind already WAITING OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG

    "Also, have any of you ever attended a Live keynote before? If so, do you have any tips on getting a good seat? What time should i be in line? I will be badged so i will have no problem getting access, i hope."

    In 2001 Jan I was too far behind in the queue, I couldn't get into the main Stevenote auditorium, we got shuffled (heh.. remember there was no iPod Shuffle back then... or even a SanFran official Apple Store) into a flow-on auditorium for live video feed from main auditorium.

    Okay, here's the 411.

    1. Monday make sure your badge and everything is in order

    2. Double- and triple-check where the auditorium is - confirm with at least 3 people, Apple employees and conference staff (temps) where the keynote is going to be.

    3. Scope out the location - possible entry points, where the queue may start, etc.

    4. Do not party late on Monday night

    5. Winter in SanFran can be cold. Remember, it's NORTHERN California not LA. Be prepared for (checking weather, please hold) very cold weather in the early morning. Dress for winter. I kid you not. Especially early morning.

    6. Tuesday: Double-check you have your BADGE before you leave the hotel. BADGE !!!! Very importante.

    7. Be there at 5am. 6am latest.

    8. Make sure you don't have to go to the toilet for at least 5 hours (5 or 6am until 11am when keynote ends)

    9. Remember coffee is a diuretic so take some hot cocoa (or just a few sips of water), and just some low-glycaemic-index muesli bars for breakfast and while waiting in line.

    10. 5am. If you're serious.

    Good luck. Lock and load, people............... Get ready toooooo ruummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmble......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!1!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 2 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member

    Check that you will have access to the keynote:

    * The keynote is open to Platinum and Super Pass, MacIT, Users, Power Tools, Market Symposiums, and Hands-on MacLabs attendees ONLY. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis except for Platinum and Super Pass attendees who have access to priority Keynote and Feature Presentation seating.
  • Reply 3 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Edit: Weather forecast images below: Northern California = Cold in Winter. It ain't LA.
  • Reply 4 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Okay. Weather below. Note 35degF and 0degC may be possible, especially around the 3am-6am time frame. BE PREPARED if you are going to be in the queue freezing your ass off waiting for the wonderful SteveNote



  • Reply 5 of 42
    suni why the vague answer?

  • Reply 6 of 42
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Check that you will have access to the keynote:

    * The keynote is open to Platinum and Super Pass, MacIT, Users, Power Tools, Market Symposiums, and Hands-on MacLabs attendees ONLY. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis except for Platinum and Super Pass attendees who have access to priority Keynote and Feature Presentation seating.

    I should be good to go, I am registered under a users badge.
  • Reply 7 of 42
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Okay. Weather below. Note 35degF and 0degC may be possible, especially around the 3am-6am time frame. BE PREPARED if you are going to be in the queue freezing your ass off waiting for the wonderful SteveNote

    Psh, Suni. 45 degrees is t-shirt weather. You're spoiled by the warm climate.
  • Reply 8 of 42
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    They need more room for the RDF Pro!

  • Reply 9 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Heh. You all funny. 8)
  • Reply 10 of 42
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Moscone West is a separate building, where the WWDC is held every year.

    No matter if you are at the very front of the line, you are not going to get front row - the VIPs go in before you. But getting there late could mean you have to watch it on the TV monitor so don't do that.

    I've been to 4 or 5 of them - lived in SF for 22 years.

    Bring something to entertain yourself - waiting 4 hours ain't easy, and you are packed in there with a bunch of people who don't smell so great.
  • Reply 11 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Cut up all your credit cards before the keynote or leave it in the safe in the hotel room. After watching the keynote live and in person, you will clearly exceed your yearly RDF* recommended dose a hundred times over. Upon the finish of the keynote, you will have an insatiable and uncontrollable desire to rush to the San Fran big Apple Store (conveniently located only a few blocks down from Moscone) and buy anything and everything you can get your hands on. *
  • Reply 12 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    Bring something to entertain yourself - waiting 4 hours ain't easy, and you are packed in there with a bunch of people who don't smell so great.

    Heh. At least it's not 2 or 3 days camping out with uber-fanbois at the Wii and PS3 launches. 8)

    So Lundy, you're recommending 5am as well? Cool.

    "Bring something to entertain yourself" -- like a widescreen touch video-iPod ?????
  • Reply 13 of 42
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    Psh, Suni. 45 degrees is t-shirt weather. You're spoiled by the warm climate.

    I spent the first 16 years of my life pretty much on the equator. Then the next 4 in an LA-like climate.
  • Reply 14 of 42
    carlcarl Posts: 17member
    Guys the Keynote has actually been scheduled to take place at Moscone West for some time. I don't know if they are just trying to tell folks who may be used to waiting in line at the other building in the past. I have been to several keynotes. Last year I was in line by about 6:15 and still ended up in the overflow room.. it stunk.

    I was at WWDC a couple years ago at Moscone West. That hall appeared to be larger to me. Last year in the keynote from WWDC Steve Jobs said they had over 4200 developers at WWDC I think. Since every developer gets into the main hall for the WWDC keynote.. there was enough room for at least 4200. There were of course tons of reporters, VIP's, Apple employees, etc.. so there were probably at least 5000 people in the room. My experience at WWDC was that it was not totally full.. I don't know how many people were there when I was.. It was 2004.

    Paul Kent the VP from IDG and the guy running Expo said on YourMacLife that West is slightly larger than the previous building. I heard last night on YML that Paul said pre-registrations are up 28% from last year. That is incredible. That means the number of folks in line is going to be huge. I also think that number is far greater than IDG was expecting. So even with the extra room in west.. I think it is going to be overflow city. I plan on getting my badge early on Monday.. hitting the Apple Employee store in Cupertino and then hitting a great Greek place to eat in the city.. 4AM in line the next morning. Good luck and see you there.. 8)
  • Reply 15 of 42
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    For those wondering what Moscone West looks like...

    It's huge inside, especially when it's empty. I used to pass by it on my way to the Metreon, which by the way, looks like an Old Office Building compared to the "New" (more like Updated) Mall. The Design of that building is like something out of my dreams (in the Architecture, kind of like an indoor city, I saw some people through the Windows working in the Office), except for the part where it's filled with Clothing and Shoe Stores, but hey, it's a mall with a very kick ass Chocolate Shop.

  • Reply 16 of 42
    I also reccommend trying to get there by 5 a.m. I live here in SF and figured that catching the first N line MUNI will get me there by 5:45 last year - plenty of time. Wrong. I barely made it into the auditorium. I'm definitely trying to get there earlier this year. Hmmmm... now how reliable is the OWL...
  • Reply 17 of 42
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Meaningless View Post

    Hmmmm... now how reliable is the OWL...

    I never took it. I did find this though.

  • Reply 18 of 42
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Heh. At least it's not 2 or 3 days camping out with uber-fanbois at the Wii and PS3 launches. 8)

    So Lundy, you're recommending 5am as well? Cool.

    Yeah, at least. Most likely everyone in line will get to sit on the floor while they wait. Try to sit next to a girl if possible - they smell better than the 280-pound greasy-haired pony-tailed IT director from college XYZ who always seemed to be in front of me.


    "Bring something to entertain yourself" -- like a widescreen touch video-iPod ?????

  • Reply 19 of 42
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    The third floor of Moscone West holds 6,075 people in the "Theater Mode" of the Ballroom Configuration, which is what they will use.

    This building is much nicer for waiting than the underground tunnel they used at the main Moscone Center. That was like a dungeon.

    It's still like a cattle drive though. Travel light
  • Reply 20 of 42
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    It's still like a cattle drive though.

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