wife's pissed off need your opinion

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
was in bestbuy today getting some stuff for my wife's new nano 2g(red) and as i was passing the display of mp3's the sales person was talking to two girls about ipod and competitors. "bad battery, dogging the ipod, well you can only download from itunes. but with these you can have more options and work great" when the girl asked where can she download he says "well from best buy store and it's 99cents just like itunes, and it's more fair" so one of the girls says but most people like the ipod but i guess with all the problems i could buy this one.....

well i chimed in fast "ipod has 80+% of the market for a reason, it works, i bought 9 this christmas because it's easy to use , work and people like it, i'd go ipod because of that" salesperson, says yea it's good i don't want to dog the ipod but these give you more options" i said, it's the best for a many reasons, hey i don't own stock in apple nor do i work at a best buy competitor, i don't like my gifts returned and i bought ipod, but then again bestbuy has a 30 day return policy, buy ipod"

as i was walking out my wife says you should of stayed out of that, the sales person is just doing his job and you have no dog in this fight, you should just butt out and let them make their own decisions, hey customers need to find out for themselves and i'm surprised the salesperson didn't dog you"

well i said, this guy is pushing a bestbuy download service which no one knows about and pushing his corp gooo all over these trusting customers, it's just wrong what he's doing.

hey husband of mine stay out of it. who cares whether they understand or not, it's not your place to educate.

i said i dissagree, i can't see an innocent customer get rifled like that.

yama yama yama.....

so i leave it to you.....should i have stayed out swallowed hard and moved on or did what i did an educate

what would you have done.....is their "store etiguette " i was breaching???

i'll accept your judgement, be kind if their is any punishment

oops double post


  • Reply 1 of 17
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    Sometimes I will overhear a sales clerk that isn't sure about something, so I will chime in. Other times I will hear them spreading FUD, and I say nothing.
  • Reply 2 of 17
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member
    I'm all for helping other customers out when I overhear them being fed a line, especially if I overhear someone being sold on ridiculously overpriced audio and video cables.

    I'm not sure if this is what you meant, but if the Best Buy guy was making it sound like iPods wouldn't even work with your own CDs -- that the ONLY thing you could play on an iPod was downloads purchased from iTunes, that's really low.
  • Reply 3 of 17
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    yea, only can download from itunes, i got the feeling he meant no cd's but the girls were focusing on downloads and same price. he was painting the ipod and itunes as "limiting"
  • Reply 4 of 17
    You did the right thing.

    There are two kinds of people who work at best buy.

    1) Geeks


    2) Idiots

    The geeks have the whole, "RESIST THE MAINSTREAM!" mentality, one reason why they might dissing the iPod. It shouldn't be up to them to force their eccentric views on customers.

    The Idiots are not qualified and just don't know. As a sales person, they talk with authority because that makes people confident in their purchase. Consumers should be informed of what they are buying.

    At any rate, I'm sure the girls appreciated your help. Your wife was probably only angry because she was being self-conscious and she felt embarrassed.

    Another thing to consider: how do you think she would have reacted if you corrected a sales person in front of a guy customer or an elderly customer. I doubt she would have cared.
  • Reply 5 of 17
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    You did the right thing, before I found this 2nd Topic, I posted in the other, and found out the thing didn't work with Macs meaning it probably uses Windows Media DRM. Talk about Limiting... -_-

  • Reply 6 of 17
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    You did the right thing.

    There are two kinds of people who work at best buy.

    1) Geeks


    2) Idiots

    The geeks have the whole, "RESIST THE MAINSTREAM!" mentality, one reason why they might dissing the iPod. It shouldn't be up to them to force their eccentric views on customers.

    The Idiots are not qualified and just don't know. As a sales person, they talk with authority because that makes people confident in their purchase. Consumers should be informed of what they are buying.

    At any rate, I'm sure the girls appreciated your help. Your wife was probably only angry because she was being self-conscious and she felt embarrassed.

    Another thing to consider: how do you think she would have reacted if you corrected a sales person in front of a guy customer or an elderly customer. I doubt she would have cared.

    good point....perhaps it was more about embarrassment then anything else, but if it was my wife who was rifled i bet a different story. if a salesperson is clearly wrong then both need to be informed. it also questions their training and commision system.

    my nephew had to take back 2 laptops because the bestbuy salesperson didn't know the significance of dedicated graphics for gaming. we had to call hp to get the answer.
  • Reply 7 of 17
    Double post????

    What about the other thread????
  • Reply 8 of 17
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Double post????

    What about the other thread????

    Yes... Sebastian posted in one thread first, accidentally realized that the original poster accidentally created two threads, so posted in this thread, because it was more active.
  • Reply 9 of 17
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    If I hear a really egregious line being fed to customers I sometimes wait around till the sales guy steps away and set em straight.

    Like the time I heard a Best Buy guy explaining to a middle aged woman why she needed the extended warranty on a cell phone thusly: "See, this one's frequency is higher than those others, which means that the chip itself is vibrating faster, see, so it tends to wear out faster. Like a higher wattage light bulb. So if you get the extended service, you can have the increased range of the higher frequency but get it fixed for free when it burns out."

    I basically told her to run for her life.
  • Reply 10 of 17
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    There's only so much you can do. People often make mistaken assumptions and don't bother to check them out or think it through, I've seen it here too.

    I would just stay out of it. The people that blindly believe what a salesperson says will get what they deserve.
  • Reply 11 of 17
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    There's only so much you can do. People often make mistaken assumptions and don't bother to check them out or think it through, I've seen it here too.

    I would just stay out of it. The people that blindly believe what a salesperson says will get what they deserve.

    Yeah, but the average person is pretty much helpless when it comes to the nitty-gritty of tech stuff. If a sales person tells them that "this one is better" because it's more powerful, or has higher resolution, or is more compatible, or goes to 11, they don't have any context at all within which to evaluate such claims.

    It's not a matter of "checking it out or thinking it through", because for either one of those things to even mean anything the average buyer would have to get a crash course CE design.
  • Reply 12 of 17
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    explaining to a middle aged woman why she needed.... this one's frequency is higher than those others, which means that the chip itself is vibrating faster,

    I don't know about the extended warranty but it sounds like the phone might be appealing to her.
  • Reply 13 of 17
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Yeah, but the average person is pretty much helpless when it comes to the nitty-gritty of tech stuff. If a sales person tells them that "this one is better" because it's more powerful, or has higher resolution, or is more compatible, or goes to 11, they don't have any context at all within which to evaluate such claims.

    It's not a matter of "checking it out or thinking it through", because for either one of those things to even mean anything the average buyer would have to get a crash course CE design.

    In my opinion, a person that's going to be spending a day's wages on an unfamiliar product should be willing to spend a half an hour and read about it before hand to be sure it's what they want or not. I just can't imagine actually trusting a salesperson to understand their product or tell the truth about it, anyone with a bit of experience with salespeople should know that they don't always tell the truth or don't always understand the product.

    At any rate, I don't think it is a good idea to butt into someone else's conversation like that, a person doing that would look like some fanboy that wants to argue.
  • Reply 14 of 17
    techboytechboy Posts: 183member
    I would have done the same thing OP did. If you are speaking up because you have FACTS to share and save fellow consumer tons of heartache then why not?

    The argument of salesman doing his job is really weak. It's their job to sell consumers things they don't need. They could careless about the ethics behind telling the truth or in this case, facts about Apple iPod.
  • Reply 15 of 17
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    In my opinion, a person that's going to be spending a day's wages on an unfamiliar product should be willing to spend a half an hour and read about it before hand to be sure it's what they want or not. I just can't imagine actually trusting a salesperson to understand their product or tell the truth about it, anyone with a bit of experience with salespeople should know that they don't always tell the truth or don't always understand the product.

    At any rate, I don't think it is a good idea to butt into someone else's conversation like that, a person doing that would look like some fanboy that wants to argue.

    I hear what you're saying, but for someone who has no grounding whatsoever in technology, a half hour isn't going to be nearly enough.

    Think about what you need to know to make a really informed decision on purchasing on even something as basic as a cordless phone. And I don't mean looking at some web sites and memorizing some numbers, because a person so equipped can be easily turned around by a salesperson with a little fast patter. I'm sure we've all seen the bewildered person who thought they had some idea about what they wanted but has become flustered because the salesperson has introduced a bunch of wild cards they didn't even know they were supposed to care about.

    You would need to understand about what the deal is with frequency and the pluses and minuses of various specious of that. You would need to know the difference between analogue and digital and how and why the quality of the compression makes a difference, or what compression even is. You would need to be able to balance a desire for longer range with possibly reduced sound quality, and understand why some frequencies might interfere with other equipment. You would want to know something about battery life and how well laid out the controls are and how easy it is to change settings, plus any bells and whistles that might appeal to you, like the capacity to add additional handsets.

    The point is, to keep much of that in mind requires you to actually understand, at least in a general way, how this stuff works. If you come in armed with a punch list that says "the higher the frequency the better and digital good and Panasonic gets high marks I want two handsets" and you don't have the faintest idea what any of that means, you're likely to be easy prey for the guy that starts to explain that, actually, the no-name turbo dx has quad reception power modules that blow all that other stuff away. You can start to say "but I read...." and he can tell you that that information is outdated because of the new hotness, and how could you know different?

    The best bet for the average consumer is to troll the review sites, try to get a consensus opinion, write down the model number and refuse to talk to anybody once at the store. But then they're out of that particular one and the real trouble starts.....
  • Reply 16 of 17
    Well you could just leave your wife.

  • Reply 17 of 17
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    In my opinion, a person that's going to be spending a day's wages on an unfamiliar product should be willing to spend a half an hour and read about it before hand to be sure it's what they want or not. I just can't imagine actually trusting a salesperson to understand their product or tell the truth about it, anyone with a bit of experience with salespeople should know that they don't always tell the truth or don't always understand the product.

    At any rate, I don't think it is a good idea to butt into someone else's conversation like that, a person doing that would look like some fanboy that wants to argue.

    You know, now that I think about it, I can't recall a single time that a salesperson has known anything that I didn't already know. More often than not, rather than getting any usefull information out of them, I just end up asking them leading questions that take them into a bold-faced lie. Totally incompetent, no matter what the product, from stereos to cars. Ten minutes on google and the manufacturers web site will generally give me all the info I need for a smart decision. Sales people a just kinda there so you can ask, "Hey, do you have part number AJ 3264759 Z in stock? No, idiot, Z, not B, that's the clear model." Unfortunately, the Apple Store guys fall into this category too. Except they tend to be rather arrogant too.... Funny that.

    Kinda harsh considering I sold cars for two months once... well, tried. only sold one. Death to the sales force!!! NewEgg for everyone!!!

    As to your wife: You were wrong, period. Be sure to do it again next time though.

    Wife may feel jelous, but it was the right thing, more or less, to interupt the BS flow. Heck, if you embarass the guy enough by showing him to be incompetent, he might just go get a real job. Then it's a doubly good thing you've done.

    You never know, you may just embarass the kid into becomming the future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ;D.
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