Simple iPhone question...

in iPhone edited January 2014
Is Apple going to take pre-orders at some point for it?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Originally Posted by OS X Guy View Post

    Is Apple going to take pre-orders at some point for it?

    Call Steve and ask.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    actually im #1 on the waiting list at the cingular (ATT) near my house...i was #41 at a store 40 miles away from me, i stopped there to check the plans they had for when june comes see if im even interested, and i was so they asked me to be placed on the waiting list i said sure

    then i came home and realized i didnt want to go all the way there to get my new phone when it comes out, id rather be near home and get it quickly and enjoy it haha, so i called cingular near my home and the manager was like ohh great idea ill start a list right now, so i guess your #1, she took my name and number and i got a fax on the agreement that i get a phone when it comes and someone else cant buy it out if they have the $...the first store didnt do this so your store might not, but i have a written agreement for it so its cool
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