Living & travelling abroad



  • Reply 21 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by tdnc101 View Post

    Is this thread making anyone else feel un-worldly?

    Don't worry. For all my travels I have mostly stuck to the old colonies of the British Empire. When I was a kid I could speak and write primary-school-level Mandarin but now, I am pretty much wannabe-Caucasian, I just speak English. A jumbled, yet dignified in some way (thanks to my Oxford/Cambridge-based Singapore private schooling) mishmash of Australian, British, Malaysian, Singaporean, Californian and Internet English. I have only ever been with Caucasian women.
  • Reply 22 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    a bit yes. I have travelled to Wales, NY, Boston, Paris, Amsterdam, and all round Spain/especially liked Barcelona, but I've never lived outside Ireland. It's not that I love Ireland, it's that I hate everywhere else (joking). I absolutly love NY. I absolutely love Spanish people, especially Spanish women, they are really special indeed (maybe it's the weather, but I could marry them all). I like Americans for the most part too, and those that I do like I love. I like the States a lot. I have dreams about living in NY or San francisco. Not too sure what the future holds with regards to where I end up living, but I prefer it that way. And no, I can't speak Irish.

    Due to my recent (past several years) growing interest in Ireland (the island, not you specifically ) I researched some facts (well, Wiki facts). Apparently only 250,000 claim to be fluent speakers of Irish. And Ireland has about 3-4 million people? Fairly small... And apparently Northern Ireland is like 50% more British, 50% more Irish in their self-perception...? I would like to discover the true Pagan Ireland beneath the cheesy global-exported "New Age Celtic Style" stuff. Though the Catholic presence would get in my way....?
  • Reply 23 of 31
    steste Posts: 119member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman View Post

    Thank you for your touching story. How are you doing now, if I may ask? Hope things are better.

    Things are a little better, Sunilraman; thanks for asking. I'm finally working again, after 15 months' unemployment. (My new MBP was my congraulatory present to myself!)

    After the hurricane, I was severely fucked-over by my employer. Basically, they told me they couldn't afford to pay me, and that I would have to go on unpaid leave until we could return to our downtown office (right across the street from the Superdome). So, off I went to my girlfriend's house. Naively, I didn't get anything in writing from them, but it was a small firm and I trusted them. Anyway, a couple of weeks later, I got a deposit in my bank account, and -- being an accountant -- it didn't take long to work out it was two weeks' money, plus unused vacation time. So, I went to the company website, and who should I find listed in my position but my boss's husband! What a despicable thing to do to another human being, not to mention the fact it is both illegal and unethical.

    So, 15 months of shit, $10-an-hour manual labour jobs and borrowing money off my parents later, things are finally getting back on track. I'm still living with my girlfriend -- my old home, and most of my possessions, being long-gone -- which is pretty difficult at times. To be honest, we wouldn't have made it this far if I hadn't been forced into moving in with her. Relationships are never easy, of course, but this one is very, very stressful. After everything she's done for me, it is difficult to just up-and-leave now that I can finally support myself again. I just don't have the heart to do it. Advice welcome!
  • Reply 24 of 31
    justinjustin Posts: 403member

    After everything she's done for me, it is difficult to just up-and-leave now that I can finally support myself again. I just don't have the heart to do it. Advice welcome!

    You could dice her up and cook her in a cauldron.

    There was a full feature article on the mystery of cannibalism in our British papers last year on a young couple who moved to New Orleans and lived above a voodoo shop. The guy killed her after she tried to turf him out for having an affair. He wasn't having any of it and killed and cooked her

    But seriously, you're too sweet to do that to anyone. That's quite a journey in life - living through Katrina and rebuilding your life. Good luck from us here!

    Bageljoey - that's a really touching experience in El Salvador too. I don't know the Latin Spanish countries at all so it's great to hear such human-warming stories like yours. Hearing such warm adventures makes me feel like I'm coming out of living in denial
  • Reply 25 of 31
    steste Posts: 119member
    Originally Posted by Justin View Post

    You could dice her up and cook her in a cauldron.

    I'm vegetarian. But don't think I haven't considered it
  • Reply 26 of 31
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member
    Any one visited São Paulo Brazil recently?
  • Reply 27 of 31
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    Sunilraman, you intrigue me... because I too am a chronic underachiever. You're obviously of brilliant intelligence (as I believe myself to be ).

    Heh. Seriously, good luck with things. Study-wise I was decent achiever all the way up to the end of my university degree. (Bachelor of Science Class 1 Honours from University of Queensland/ University of Melbourne) <--- means something to people that care about this sort of stuff.

    Work wise I handled about almost 5 years of achieving alright. Then in 2003/2004 bipolar started kicking in majorly and hence the high "achievement" part of things starts to get a bit astray -- too many ideas, commercially viable for a while but eventually not because it's too diverse creative products and also high anxiety levels. I would be in an office and if things were good it felt soo wonderful I got really anxious. Or, if I was in a dodgy job and could sense office tensions due to nasty people, I would feel extremely trapped and had to get out of there.

    Once I was put on psych medications from 2005 until now, and being zapped in Feb 2006 (ECT), memory, cognition, moods, etc., it's all a restart. Like a full-on BIOS wipe and reinstall, not just hitting Ctrl-Alt-Del.

    So we'll see where we go from here. Also, achievement I find, outside of academic settings (just grades), is a very wide area where you define it yourself in the real world. School and uni/college was so much easier, there are like 6 grades from Best to Fail, and that's it. In the grown-up world, achievement is so hazy - money? sex? saving the planet? fame? desirability? good abs? big business? corporate go-getter? quiet smart thinker? inventer? globetrotter? fashionista jetsetter? good with animals? organic farmer extraordinaire?

    I never wanted to grow up. ... But growing up also means getting to know God/ Goddess/ Universe/ The Source/ Quantum Singularity of LOVE better....
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