Apple delays Apple TV launch till mid-March



  • Reply 41 of 135
    My UK order for AppleTv hasn't been updated yet - still says 28th ship date.

    Maybe the delay is US based, possibly for the iTunes HD content? Obviously there is no iTunes content in the UK (don't ask why i'm buying it ) so no delay?
  • Reply 42 of 135
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Ah! wtf, I wanted to try this out at the store this weekend! I've been orgainizing my media and everything! Now I'm pissed. And apple always claims everything is mid month but everything always comes out a few days before the month is over, march 20-23 is not mid month. Damn this is getting annoying, it's almost 3 months into the year, I am tired of apple gliding along on the iphone. Everything needs work apple, almost nothing you currently offer other than maybe macbooks are currently worth buying.
  • Reply 43 of 135
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    Do you use this logic in the supermarket, too? "Oh, I need an oven to cook this chicken... so it really costs $506, not $6."

    That's really funny to me, that comment had me laughing out loud, it's a good point.

    Originally Posted by Louzer

    (And what's the deal with this thing not having an off switch? What reason does it need to run 24/7 for?)

    You probably just hold the menu or play button for 3 seconds or something.
  • Reply 44 of 135
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by fastred View Post

    ... in your opinion ... which I disagree with ... since I have ordered one... so "no" market is (as is often the case) hyperbole...

    Yes, but I didn't say it had NO market, I said it had no market past the "Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd. You just may fall into that area.
  • Reply 45 of 135
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    What's a couple of weeks...? No problem here. I have to think there is either a delay beyond Apple's control or maybe some other part of the larger picture has to fall into place. Maybe iTunes update is taking longer (could be to make it work with Long.. er Vista) or maybe 720p or maybe (... no... I was going to say Leo launch but obviously it will work with Tiger too ... ). Whatever, the way time shoots by it will be at the door before I know it. Anticipation is half the fun they say
  • Reply 46 of 135
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Yes, but I didn't say it had NO market, I said it had no market past the "Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd. You just may fall into that area.

    You think? Just like iPod had no market other than <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd>, or MacBooks are only selling to the <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd>... perhaps you think iPhone has no market except the <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd>?

    There again maybe the <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd> is not what you think, maybe at last it is a much larger group than the fabulous die hard Mac user base you insult here, perhaps it's called the 'general public' these days. Maybe your average Joe has heard that this 'Apple' company has great products.

    p.s. Has the monica 'Louzer' got any significance? Just kidding
  • Reply 47 of 135
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Do you use this logic in the supermarket, too? "Oh, I need an oven to cook this chicken... so it really costs $506, not $6."

    You already have an oven. You don't factor it into every item you use in conjunction with it. Likewise, you already have a computer.

    Bad analogy. The AppleTV isn't a consumable, its an appliance. But its not a stand-alone appliance. You MUST have a computer to use this (you don't need a computer to use your XBox 360, DVD player, etc). Plus you make the assumption whoever might want this has a computer.

    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Why would you use this as a DVD player? What, 80% of American's have a DVD player? Why would you even try to use this as one? Just use your DVD player. This does replace the DVD player.

    Why would I go to Walmart when I can have an instant download playing immediately? Physical media is a thing of the past.

    What reason is there to buy this? So I can play purchased content of lesser quality from the iTMS? No rentals, no borrowing others discs. Its a very limited device without a DVD player or the like. It has one function, and it costs $300 for it. Streaming video from your computer, purchased from Apple. Yeah, that's worth the money. Maybe if it had a DVD player, and could connect directly to the internet, or perform other tasks, it might be worth the money.

    And this isn't replacing DVDs. The normal person doesn't BUY movies, they rent them. Here's a question, why would you go to wal-mart at all when you could get it cheaper to rent at blockbuster.

    Until Apple gets a subscription/rental model, its going nowhere to replace this. Second, those who buy movies generally like the discs with the extra features, commentary, different audio tracks, etc.

    Oh, and its not going to start playing immediately. First you have to hope the iTMS has your movie. Then you buy it. Then you wait for it to download. Then you wait for it to start buffering to the AppleTV, then you can watch it.

    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    What you're asking for is for an option on the Ford Model T to still be drawn by horses.

    Oh, I'm sorry, did I ask for that 8-track tape attachment again? The only people who think discs are disappearing anytime soon are the people at Apple who are hoping its true, so they can have more sales at the iTMS.

    You may want to look at those Apple movie sales numbers again. Pretty limited in total. There's just no reason to spend the money on these things.

    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    Also, the Apple TV isn't just for videos from the iTunes store. You can play podcasts, any iPod-ready video, and, if you're willing to transcode, any movie file.

    OMG! You can play podcasts with it! OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! If I knew that, I would've bought 400 of them! Because there's nothing more fun than turning on your TV to listen to someone talk. And most people don't even know how to transcode video to their computer. Its a PITA process.
  • Reply 48 of 135
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You think? Just like iPod had no market other than <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd>, or MacBooks are only selling to the <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd>... perhaps you think iPhone has no market except the <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd>?

    There again maybe the <"Its Apple so I got to buy it!" crowd> are not who you think, maybe at last it is a much larger group than the fabulous die hard Mac user base you insult here, perhaps it's called the 'general public' these days. Maybe your average Joe has heard that this 'Apple' company has great products.

    Well, the iPod didn't sell to anyone but the Apple crowd until they added Windows support. Since I don't have macbook numbers, I couldn't say for sure, but who's buying a Macbook to just run windows? very few. So, if you're in the market for OS X and a 13" laptop, its your only choice, and, as such, yes, it falls under the "its apple so I have to buy it".

    And no one knows what the iphone market will be, because no one can buy it (although I take it you're one of those who think everyone is going to plunk down $600 for a glorified cell phone).
  • Reply 49 of 135
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by bjojade View Post

    It might well not have an on off switch. Does your Airport base station have an on off switch? Does your alarm clock have an on-off swtich? Does your DVD player have a 'real' on off switch? The one on your DVD player doesn't really turn off power to the player. It turns off the lights on the front, and that's about it. The power consumption of the devices is minimal at best when idle.

    An on-off switch would not provide significant savings in power to make a difference.

    My Airport and alarm clock don't have a hard drive and video card, so the power draw is limited. My DVD player DOES have a power on/off switch (which is different then the on/off switch on its remote, which just sort of powers it down). But, then again, my DVD player isn't connected to the internet, either, so maybe my concerns on the AppleTV are also security related.
  • Reply 50 of 135
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    That's not quite right. How is an iTunes download stored again? On the ethereal drive?

    I don't know about you, but I do go places to get supplies such as food, I usually don't go anywhere to buy a DVD by itself. I personally don't see a point in buying $10 for just the movie when there better featured DVDs of big, though old catalog, releases to be had for half that.

    That's the point of 720p. Half way in between HD and SD for halfway the price. Enough quality that it looks better than a DVD. Low enough that FairPlay is sufficient protection and small enough that you can actually download it.

    If Apple launches with just SD quality then Apple TV is likely DOA as other folks here suggest. Personally, I think Apple can do the math and not launch until they can support 720. Even as a trial product at SD it kind of poisons the well for real success. Walmart/NetFlix + $50 DVD player is too much better for too much less.

    However, in comparison to HD-DVD and Blu-ray a reliable 720p download service IMHO is quite attractive.

  • Reply 51 of 135
    I am confused about Apple TV and DVDs. I have searched high and low to see if I can load a DVD into iDVD and play it over Apple TV. It appears not. OK then, can I suck the DVD into iTunes? Not easily.

    Is it clear that I am just stupid and that there is an easy way do do this - play DVDs through the yet-to-ship Apple TV?
  • Reply 52 of 135
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Bad analogy. The AppleTV isn't a consumable, its an appliance. But its not a stand-alone appliance. You MUST have a computer to use this (you don't need a computer to use your XBox 360, DVD player, etc). Plus you make the assumption whoever might want this has a computer.

    Since it's purpose is to show what you have on your computer on your tv it makes absolutely no sense that people without computers want it.

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    What reason is there to buy this? So I can play purchased content of lesser quality from the iTMS? No rentals, no borrowing others discs. Its a very limited device without a DVD player or the like. It has one function, and it costs $300 for it. Streaming video from your computer, purchased from Apple.

    One function? How about photos, music, podcasts?
  • Reply 53 of 135
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by CI0002 View Post

    I am confused about Apple TV and DVDs. I have searched high and low to see if I can load a DVD into iDVD and play it over Apple TV. It appears not. OK then, can I suck the DVD into iTunes? Not easily.

    Is it clear that I am just stupid and that there is an easy way do do this - play DVDs through the yet-to-ship Apple TV?

    Not as far as we know, but almost every DVD player out there are much better at playing DVDs than a Mac.
  • Reply 54 of 135
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Well, the iPod didn't sell to anyone but the Apple crowd until they added Windows support. Since I don't have macbook numbers, I couldn't say for sure, but who's buying a Macbook to just run windows? very few. So, if you're in the market for OS X and a 13" laptop, its your only choice, and, as such, yes, it falls under the "its apple so I have to buy it".

    And no one knows what the iphone market will be, because no one can buy it (although I take it you're one of those who think everyone is going to plunk down $600 for a glorified cell phone).

    Not worth arguing with you other than to point out your MacBook comment is off base... Loads of switchers bought them, which was my point... so "just to run Windows' is a strange thing to say.

    No your wrong on the iPhone, I'll buy two. Can't leave the wife out of the fun

    Off Topic: A question to all the genuine Apple fans, how many of you spend time in PC groups bashing their products (as opposed to here which is only fun)? Just curious?
  • Reply 55 of 135
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Thank you for that fantastic point. I've always thought something like that would be the case. (Got flamed for bringing his up on Ai a while ago..... but your obvious technical background gives it much more credibility).

    I have digital TV streaming through my house and my cable company uses a state of the art router and access point. 802.11x is not enough, you need to have interference free data transmission for live tv !

    check out for more info.

    It's all about the antenna!
  • Reply 56 of 135
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by a-maze View Post

    I have digital TV streaming through my house and my cable company uses a state of the art router and access point. 802.11x is not enough, you need to have interference free data transmission for live tv !

    check out for more info.

    It's all about the antenna!

    Arguably this is why Apple put a HD on the aTV. It needs to stream enough ahead to overcome hiccups even with 802.11n. Draft-N should be good enough though. G really wasn't.

    I suggested that one way to hide this is to play a few preloaded trailers before you start the main movie as the movie loads in the background for a couple minutes. A theater "feel" to hide the technical limitations of today.

  • Reply 57 of 135
    sjwsjw Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    One function? How about photos, music, podcasts?

    Finally - I've been waiting for someone to make this point. It seems to me that the market for AppleTV right now isn't necessarily for streaming videos or movies from iTS (yet). In my case, I have 7 years worth of digital photos, my entire music collection in iTunes, and an increasingly large collection of video content (video podcasts, the odd TV show, movies ripped using Handbrake etc.) that I'd like to access via my TV, in a way the entire family can use easily. AppleTV is perfect for this (and certainly better than the POS Linksys WMA11B I have to babysit constantly at the moment).

    Also, my AppleTV will be wired into my network (I don't have 802.11n yet, and I'm not sure g will be fast enough based on the location of my access point), so no issues there. All in all, it seems to be the perfect fit for my needs currently. And I'm sure I'm not alone.
  • Reply 58 of 135
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Arguably this is why Apple put a HD on the aTV. It needs to stream enough ahead to overcome hiccups even with 802.11n. Draft-N should be good enough though. G really wasn't.

    I suggested that one way to hide this is to play a few preloaded trailers before you start the main movie as the movie loads in the background for a couple minutes. A theater "feel" to hide the technical limitations of today.


    Still you can go as fast as you can but when there's a data packet lost you get hiccups so draft N vs g isn't the main point. I'm sure that's why there's a hd in the appleTV. Still it won't do for live streaming!
  • Reply 59 of 135
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Bad analogy. The AppleTV isn't a consumable, its an appliance. But its not a stand-alone appliance. You MUST have a computer to use this (you don't need a computer to use your XBox 360, DVD player, etc). Plus you make the assumption whoever might want this has a computer.

    an iPod shuffle, nano and video need a computer as well, yet they manage to sell in a reasonable quantity..

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    What reason is there to buy this?

    IF YOU dont have reason to buy this then fine, let the rest of us enjoy the fact that we can, or that we WANT to buy it.

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    So I can play purchased content of lesser quality from the iTMS? No rentals, no borrowing others discs. Its a very limited device without a DVD player or the like. It has one function,

    and DVD players are very limited devices as well yet i hear one or two dozen of those manage to sell every so often.. remind me ... how much did THEY cost back in 1997?

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Streaming video from your computer, purchased from Apple.

    not JUST content bought from Apple.. i have at the moment about 150 films in mpeg format plus dozens of TV shows i recorded from my PVR and THEY will play on AppleTV.

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Maybe if it had a DVD player, and could connect directly to the internet, or perform other tasks, it might be worth the money.

    what? podcast playback, videopodcast playback, iTunes music/MP3 playback, video playback both purchased and imported from other scources and photo playback isnt enough for you? what about the likely addition of games?

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    The normal person doesn't BUY movies, they rent them.

    really? i musnt be "Normal" then? or is it you that isnt "Normal"?

    a LOT of people on the HD-DVD v BD thread talking about having BOUGHT discs.....

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Until Apple gets a subscription/rental model, its going nowhere to replace this. Second, those who buy movies generally like the discs with the extra features, commentary, different audio tracks, etc.

    subscription model... yeah possibly, but if YOU are so against the Apple TV and OWNING films tell me... are you signed up to Walmarts subscription download service? or microsofts? or ANYONES?

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Oh, and its not going to start playing immediately. First you have to hope the iTMS has your movie. Then you buy it. Then you wait for it to download. Then you wait for it to start buffering to the AppleTV, then you can watch it.

    unlike a DVD that you rent or buy LEGALLY... it still subjects you to UNSKIPABLE warnings and studio idents that last for minutes on end...

    i really dont think the delay in buffering it to the Apple TV will be that long, i can START to copy an Mpeg into my movies folder and have front row play it BEFORE its finnished copying across...

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Oh, I'm sorry, did I ask for that 8-track tape attachment again? The only people who think discs are disappearing anytime soon are the people at Apple who are hoping its true, so they can have more sales at the iTMS.

    and the people at Apple know nothing? THEY are working on the tech and have been for years they KNOW what a differance it makes to just select a file on your TV and have it play back a movie, rather than go to a shelf, select a DVD, take it from its case, switch on the DVD player (and you would have to take longer, having switched off yours completely) eject the drawer, put in the DVD, wait for the copying warnings, wait for the studio idents, NOW go to the menu and select the movie for playback, and THEN sit thru MORE studio idents before the movie starts......

    yeah Apple are pretty fed up with all that rigmaroll JUST TO PLAY ONE MOVIE and so are a fair number of the general public.

    oh yeah, if its only Apple that are hopeing for this.... why are microsoft offering a similar service?

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    You may want to look at those Apple movie sales numbers again. Pretty limited in total. There's just no reason to spend the money on these things.

    fine then, if they dont have what you want then just dont buy... simple, dont give yourself heartburn over it

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Well, the iPod didn't sell to anyone but the Apple crowd until they added Windows support.... as such, yes, it falls under the "its apple so I have to buy it".

    and the ZUNE sold only to Windows users.... lets see, how many has it sold? in your opinion (what with windows having 90% plus of the copmputer owners market and so a bigger potential install base) it should have sold by the truck load.... but it didnt

    for the simple reason that it was a sh1t product.

    so... IF the Apple TV turns out not to sell, its a shit product ok... but if it DOES sell by the truck load, would that then make it a good product? no matter WHO the initial first wave of buyers are?


    so just deal with that if and when it happens.

    * AppleTV works with PC and Mac

    you have in my opinion repeatedly displayed the requirements to justify your name in many posts... sad really.
  • Reply 60 of 135
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    That's the point of 720p. Half way in between HD and SD for halfway the price.

    720p is HDTV - the two original HDTV formats were 720p and 1080i (and most people preferred 720p over 1080i). 1080p is beyond the original spec for HDTV.
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