Apple delays Apple TV launch till mid-March



  • Reply 61 of 135
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Off Topic: A question to all the genuine Apple fans, how many of you spend time in PC groups bashing their products (as opposed to here which is only fun)? Just curious?

    honestly... lifes too short for stupidity like that
  • Reply 62 of 135
    Originally Posted by CI0002 View Post

    I am confused about Apple TV and DVDs. I have searched high and low to see if I can load a DVD into iDVD and play it over Apple TV. It appears not. OK then, can I suck the DVD into iTunes? Not easily.

    Is it clear that I am just stupid and that there is an easy way do do this - play DVDs through the yet-to-ship Apple TV?

    DVD playback is thru DVD Player on a Mac not iDVD
  • Reply 63 of 135
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    What's your point? Hard drive space is around 40¢ a gigabyte right now and dropping fast.

    Not counting the cost of backup.


    I don't get what you're trying to say here.

    That no one has to make a special trip to buy a DVD.


    Find me a place that sells non-used, non-rented DVD's of feature films for $5, every day. Even Walmart I don't think goes below $8 or $9.

    I've bought several from Walmart at $6. That's what Ratrace costed, and I think that was last year's movie. And they have more features.
  • Reply 64 of 135
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by a-maze View Post

    Still you can go as fast as you can but when there's a data packet lost you get hiccups so draft N vs g isn't the main point. I'm sure that's why there's a hd in the appleTV. Still it won't do for live streaming!

    Yes, but the QOS in draft N makes streaming more resistant to hiccups. For example I have VOIP running over G. Whenever I web surf you get drops on the phone. With QOS I would just surf slower while VOIP traffic gets all the bandwidth it needs.

    Nothing helps you when throughput goes to zero for whatever reason. But you get drops with cable and satellite as well and N should have enough bandwidth that you can handle live streaming more or less okay.

    In theory you might have enough to live stream from iTunes with a FIOS line. In practice, not so much.

  • Reply 65 of 135
    Originally Posted by Trendannoyer View Post

    honestly... lifes too short for stupidity like that

    Point well taken. DVD player is correct not iDVD. My mistake. Now how do I get DVDs commercial or otherwise into itunes so they can stream to Apple TV. Any ideas?

  • Reply 66 of 135
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by SJW View Post

    Finally - I've been waiting for someone to make this point. It seems to me that the market for AppleTV right now isn't necessarily for streaming videos or movies from iTS (yet). In my case, I have 7 years worth of digital photos, my entire music collection in iTunes, and an increasingly large collection of video content (video podcasts, the odd TV show, movies ripped using Handbrake etc.) that I'd like to access via my TV, in a way the entire family can use easily. AppleTV is perfect for this (and certainly better than the POS Linksys WMA11B I have to babysit constantly at the moment).

    That may be what sells it. I mean, so far, Apple hasn't shown that they are considering or can offer bonus features, or even subs, CC or alternate audio, and their movies can't be sold or traded, it's totally sunk cost vs. maybe getting a few dollars or a trade. So I don't think it is yet much competition as a DVD replacement. If you just want to rent on-demand, XB360 offers that, as well as the cable or sat video services.
  • Reply 67 of 135
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    My Airport and alarm clock don't have a hard drive and video card, so the power draw is limited. My DVD player DOES have a power on/off switch (which is different then the on/off switch on its remote, which just sort of powers it down). But, then again, my DVD player isn't connected to the internet, either, so maybe my concerns on the AppleTV are also security related.

    It may be, though aTV is a farily limited device as it has been promoted. I think the most of the power draw is still due to the CPU and possibly video decoder chip. aTV is a slow Pentium M chip that I recall. As such, I think it can consume very little power when it is not in use because most of the device is low draw at max usage and I think all the components support operating at very low idle power.
  • Reply 68 of 135
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by bjojade View Post

    It might well not have an on off switch. Does your Airport base station have an on off switch? Does your alarm clock have an on-off swtich? Does your DVD player have a 'real' on off switch? The one on your DVD player doesn't really turn off power to the player. It turns off the lights on the front, and that's about it. The power consumption of the devices is minimal at best when idle.

    An on-off switch would not provide significant savings in power to make a difference.

    A few DVD players have a "real" power switch, but that means it won't respond to the remote. Pressing power on the face or on the remote probably does turn on and off most of the device, it is just a very little bit of the device must always be powered in order to listen to the remote or front power button. A lot of set-top devices operate on 1W or less on standby mode, and I don't think that's too bad.
  • Reply 69 of 135
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    720p is HDTV - the two original HDTV formats were 720p and 1080i (and most people preferred 720p over 1080i). 1080p is beyond the original spec for HDTV.

    1080p has been part of the HD spec for a while (dunno when it got into the SMPTE specs...1998? 2000? Meh. When did it get into 292M?). In any case HD-DVD and Blu-ray are 1080p and the original HD "spec" from NHK really specifies a certain resolution (1 pixel per degree) with a certain field of view (30 degress HVA) for a 16:9 aspect ratio for which 720p does not meet but 1080i or p does. Remember the original objective was to replicate the movie theater in the home environment.

    So yes, 720p is HDTV but only "1/2 HD". 1080 (i or p) is "full HD". This isn't to say that 720 is sure isn't and its all I got anyway (720p projector). Its just at the "correct" HD viewing distance you can still see pixelization...if you have 20/20 vision. "Full HD" isn't the end all of resolution represents the rear-most seat in a movie theater. So if you like sitting closer in a theater more than 1080 is desireable.

    720p is good enough for most folks that they wont see much difference on their HDTV vs 1080p if it isn't bit starved (which Apple's offering, if it happens, likely will be because it has to be downloaded). Even Apple's 720p/24 at the bit rates they are likely to offer wont look much if any worse than the bit-starved HD from cable and satellite.

  • Reply 70 of 135
    kukitokukito Posts: 113member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    OMG! You can play podcasts with it! OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG! If I knew that, I would've bought 400 of them! Because there's nothing more fun than turning on your TV to listen to someone talk.

  • Reply 71 of 135
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by CI0002 View Post

    Now how do I get DVDs commercial or otherwise into itunes so they can stream to Apple TV. Any ideas?


    *cough* Handbrake *cough*
  • Reply 72 of 135
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I don't remember any early shipments lately. Xserve Xeon was a mont late.

    Airport Extreme.
  • Reply 73 of 135
    Apple could do 720p downloads... People can stream it, maybe not everyone... I live in the boonies and I have a dedicated wireless link to my house, it runs faster than a lot of wired T1s, and it's not much more than cable.
  • Reply 74 of 135
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    *cough* Handbrake *cough*

    I believe the latest version has been renamed to Mediafork...
  • Reply 75 of 135
    pt123pt123 Posts: 696member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    This does replace the DVD player. Why would I go to Walmart when I can have an instant download playing immediately? Physical media is a thing of the past.

    Because the physical media works on all my DVD players including the one my kid watches in the car on treks. The physical media also works on all my friends' DVD players when we the kids get together for play dates.

    Also, the download is gonna be backed up to DVD to free up hard disk space so it ends up on DVD anyway so I just as soon get in on DVD in the first place.
  • Reply 76 of 135
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    The AppleTV will have very little effect on their financials. Its overpriced and under-featured. Past the "I've got to have it because Apple made it!" crowd, there's no current market for this device.

    If they produce $2-4 million worth of these (10-20 thousand at ~$200 each) and don't sell them ... well, it's certainly not a good thing for their financials.
  • Reply 77 of 135
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    My Airport and alarm clock don't have a hard drive and video card, so the power draw is limited.

    Any reasonable system these days has power management that turns off the hard drive and video when they aren't in use. I can't imagine Apple TV will be any different.
  • Reply 78 of 135
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by pmjoe View Post

    If they produce $2-4 million worth of these (10-20 thousand at ~$200 each) and don't sell them ... well, it's certainly not a good thing for their financials.

    Oh, that's hillarious! Apple producing more then they can sell. That would be a first. Usually you have to wait ungodly weeks for your order to get in.
  • Reply 79 of 135
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by JLL View Post

    One function? How about photos, music, podcasts?

    And exactly why would someone want to keep their TV on (or keep turning it on and off) just to listen to music? Or podcasts for that matter. As for photos, I know few people who go to other people's houses and want to get around the TV (or any other device) to check out their latest pictures. I thought when we got rid of the slideshows of vacation pictures in the 70s we wouldn't be forced into those positions again...
  • Reply 80 of 135
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    And exactly why would someone want to keep their TV on (or keep turning it on and off) just to listen to music?

    So you can select music without going to your computer.

    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    As for photos, I know few people who go to other people's houses and want to get around the TV (or any other device) to check out their latest pictures. I thought when we got rid of the slideshows of vacation pictures in the 70s we wouldn't be forced into those positions again...

    You just take pictures and never look at them again?
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