Removal of the stand is not difficult, but requires removal of the back of the computer.
Are you basing this on the previosus generation iMac G5?
I believe that the stand on the new iMac G5, unlike the previous, is not designed to be removed. If I'm correct (can't check right now) and you did remove the stand and caused damage - your warranty would indeed be void.
since i can't find anything about it on the Apple/iMac site, I assumed it was the same VESA based mount as the "old" iMac.... in which removing the mount does NOT void the warranty.
Hmm. How can I find out about this before I order one? I will be moving to a different country soon, and that thing will be a pain to travel with if the foot doesn't come off.
With the previous iMac G5 the manual explained how to take the back off and with this generation it does not. I believe it is not designed to even be opened by the end user. That would lead me to believe the stand is not easily removed.
since i can't find anything about it on the Apple/iMac site, I assumed it was the same VESA based mount as the "old" iMac.... in which removing the mount does NOT void the warranty.
From what I know, the stand is still removable. With the previous iMac G5, Apple had its own VESA mount, hence the official information regarding removing the stand.
Apple has stopped production on their VESA mount for the iMac G5 but they have stated that it is open to other manufacturers creating one.
I purchased one assuming it would be relatively easy to remove because I do a lot of traveling and stay in places doing installation art. I must have been thinking, "Why would anyone design something so that its difficult to work on? If you purchase an item, it's yours and you can do with it what you will."
This this may be one of the more frustratingly difficult machines I've had to work with.
I recommend not buying one unless you don't know anything about computers and enjoy not doing much beyond what's expected of the normal user.
So, the stand is removable. (I'm doing it) But if you're as stupid as me to buy one in the first place, it will be difficult. Good luck.
(and you'll need some fancy screwdrivers i forget the name)
I think a better design would have been what Sony has on their iMac equivalent. It's like the design deck chairs have and it can be folded up flat. One flaw with that is you can't tilt the display but from experience, few people actually tilt the display anyway. Most LCD display owners don't. This would allow Apple's packaging to be shorter and much thinner.
Concerning portability, I'm waiting for the day when they make one product that is all the consumer machines in one. The internals of the iMac, Macbook and Mini are fairly similar in that they are all laptop components. So, imagine you have a removable module that contains the CPU, hard drive, ram (the essentials) and this module can be slotted into an iMac display case or a laptop display case.
This way you can truly take your office with you as it would be the same machine. You would only have to buy new enclosures to suit your needs. The ultimate aim would be of course to make this module so small that it could also function in your iphone/ipod.
The 24" imac supports the vesa mount again. Perhaps they have returned to a more user friendly layout for the machine. I haven't found any dissections of a 24" though.
The 24" imac supports the vesa mount again. Perhaps they have returned to a more user friendly layout for the machine. I haven't found any dissections of a 24" though.
Yes you're absolutely right – the 24" model is the only model in the current line-up that supports a VESA mount.
Yes you're absolutely right ? the 24" model is the only model in the current line-up that supports a VESA mount.
I finally found a take apart of a 24" imac over at
It is still a terrible mess inside, perhaps a little tidier than a 20". My specific interest has been in the possibility of mounting a second drive inside. The 20" is too tight, but there is a lot of space in the top half of the 24". I think it would be possible to put a firewire drive in there ( only one SATA port unfortunately ).
I also had a look at the vesa mount manual at I didnt think that they would be very happy about people taking apart these complex machines, and it is true. The stand on the 24" is now easily removable without taking the machine apart. There is a latch just inside the hinge which can be detached externally, allowing access to the screws that hold the stand in. Anyone traveling with a 24" would be able to detach the stand for easy packing.
Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot
Removal of the stand is not difficult, but requires removal of the back of the computer.
Are you basing this on the previosus generation iMac G5?
I believe that the stand on the new iMac G5, unlike the previous, is not designed to be removed. If I'm correct (can't check right now) and you did remove the stand and caused damage - your warranty would indeed be void.
Originally posted by KingOfSomewhereHot
since i can't find anything about it on the Apple/iMac site, I assumed it was the same VESA based mount as the "old" iMac.... in which removing the mount does NOT void the warranty.
You know what ASS-U-ME ing does?
Apple has stopped production on their VESA mount for the iMac G5 but they have stated that it is open to other manufacturers creating one.
I purchased one assuming it would be relatively easy to remove because I do a lot of traveling and stay in places doing installation art. I must have been thinking, "Why would anyone design something so that its difficult to work on? If you purchase an item, it's yours and you can do with it what you will."
This this may be one of the more frustratingly difficult machines I've had to work with.
I recommend not buying one unless you don't know anything about computers and enjoy not doing much beyond what's expected of the normal user.
So, the stand is removable. (I'm doing it) But if you're as stupid as me to buy one in the first place, it will be difficult. Good luck.
(and you'll need some fancy screwdrivers i forget the name)
Concerning portability, I'm waiting for the day when they make one product that is all the consumer machines in one. The internals of the iMac, Macbook and Mini are fairly similar in that they are all laptop components. So, imagine you have a removable module that contains the CPU, hard drive, ram (the essentials) and this module can be slotted into an iMac display case or a laptop display case.
This way you can truly take your office with you as it would be the same machine. You would only have to buy new enclosures to suit your needs. The ultimate aim would be of course to make this module so small that it could also function in your iphone/ipod.
The 24" imac supports the vesa mount again. Perhaps they have returned to a more user friendly layout for the machine. I haven't found any dissections of a 24" though.
Yes you're absolutely right – the 24" model is the only model in the current line-up that supports a VESA mount.
This is really stupid on Apple's part as this thing is begging to be wall-mounted.
They used to be. With the G5 front row models, Apple made them a little thinner around the edges and removed the ability to be wall mounted.
Yes you're absolutely right ? the 24" model is the only model in the current line-up that supports a VESA mount.
I finally found a take apart of a 24" imac over at
It is still a terrible mess inside, perhaps a little tidier than a 20". My specific interest has been in the possibility of mounting a second drive inside. The 20" is too tight, but there is a lot of space in the top half of the 24". I think it would be possible to put a firewire drive in there ( only one SATA port unfortunately ).
I also had a look at the vesa mount manual at I didnt think that they would be very happy about people taking apart these complex machines, and it is true. The stand on the 24" is now easily removable without taking the machine apart. There is a latch just inside the hinge which can be detached externally, allowing access to the screws that hold the stand in. Anyone traveling with a 24" would be able to detach the stand for easy packing.