Apple store change may hint at Logic overhaul



  • Reply 41 of 45
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    Yep, there are a couple of weapons-grade software updates on the way....

    Brilliant! Great way of encapsulating the energy flow for the next few months. Get the pro stuff solidified, consumer solidified with Leopard, some hardware updates by WWDC [bumps for consumer Macs], then...... all before it gets inundated in iPhone madness.
  • Reply 42 of 45
    I got a mail from apple today with the title: "Unleash the musical power of your Mac" and thought it was this - my heart lept, but it was only some JBL speaker package.

    Logic is certainly in need of a UI update. The core program hasn't changed a great deal since version 6 on OS 9. So I guess it needs 'X'ing' up a bit.

    There better be good upgrade offers though, I've invested an awful lot of money in the software and have been ripped off at unfortunate times.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Cryptohunter View Post

    I got a mail from apple today with the title: "Unleash the musical power of your Mac" and thought it was this - my heart lept, but it was only some JBL speaker package.

    Heh! ... Last I fiddled around with making dance Trance [Dutch] Music (if the producer ain't got a "Van" in the name I ain't interested ) ... I was on Reason and AbletonLive. I opened up Logic Pro and was like. HOLY F**K.

    But yeah, Logic 8/ Logic X. Word. Next stage of things.
  • Reply 44 of 45
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I'm kind of thinking that Apple meant to announce LP8 at Musikmesse and just kiboshed it at the end. There could be an infinite amount of reasons why but some more obvious ones could be

    1. LP8 simply isn't ready

    2. LP8 might reveal too many features that Apple wants disclose at a later date.

    3. LP8 might better be announced with the other Pro apps at NAB

    4. There is no LP8

    Judging from the relatively small updates from 6 to 7.x I've got to think that Logic Pro as we know it is going to change drastically. My guess is that Apple/Emagic have worked on a nextgen replacement. I wouldn't be surprised if it came to light that the team working on Logic 6.x and 7.x was relatively small and that the bulk of Emagic programmers have been deconstructing the code and building a whole new application.

    It's clear to me that Apple views audio as important. They know Avid has a gem in Digidesign. They probably also knew that Logics current codebase wasn't going to get them parity with Pro Tools.

    Apple has been really silent regarding upgrades to Core Audio/Video/Image for Leopard. They do have a blurb about a rewritten FW Audio driver and networking but they conspicuously ignore talking about Core Audio and I know Apple hasn't sat on their thumbs for 2 years with CA.

    I may be a fool but I think that whatever is coming is literally a new application and Apple can continue to call it Logic or they may rebrand it. I think that attempts to preserve the UI that "works" for Logic users will be made but I believe that Apple will change the UI so significantly that Logic users will be startled yet once they use the features they will realize that Apple and Emagic have made the right decisions.

    Why do I feel this way? It is because Emagic as a seperate company could not have survived doing the same thing. One of the benefits of being owned by Apple is that the programming team can be bifurcated and resource assigned to maintaining the current codebase why the second team takes the lead for the nextgen project.

    Let is not forget that Apple has such veterans on staff as Doug Wyatt from Opcode fame and Chris Moolios from ACID fame in addition to other fine programmers. The sense that I'm getting is that Apple is taking advantage of their growth to really propel their Pro apps forward. They've already put Shake on ice and next year we'll see what they have with Phenomenon. Clearly Apple is not afraid to deconstruct and rebuild the most complex applications they've ever owned.

    The Big Bang happens in just over two weeks. I assure you Avid and Adobe are eagerly waiting to see how hard they will have to compete for seats. Logic Pro is a vital part of this equation. I expect HUGE things to come from the next update.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'm kind of thinking that Apple meant to announce LP8 at Musikmesse and just kiboshed it at the end. There could be an infinite amount of reasons why but some more obvious ones could be

    1. LP8 simply isn't ready

    2. LP8 might reveal too many features that Apple wants disclose at a later date.

    3. LP8 might better be announced with the other Pro apps at NAB

    4. There is no LP8

    Judging from the relatively small updates from 6 to 7.x I've got to think that Logic Pro as we know it is going to change drastically. My guess is that Apple/Emagic have worked on a nextgen replacement. I wouldn't be surprised if it came to light that the team working on Logic 6.x and 7.x was relatively small and that the bulk of Emagic programmers have been deconstructing the code and building a whole new application.

    It's clear to me that Apple views audio as important. They know Avid has a gem in Digidesign. They probably also knew that Logics current codebase wasn't going to get them parity with Pro Tools.

    Apple has been really silent regarding upgrades to Core Audio/Video/Image for Leopard. They do have a blurb about a rewritten FW Audio driver and networking but they conspicuously ignore talking about Core Audio and I know Apple hasn't sat on their thumbs for 2 years with CA.

    I may be a fool but I think that whatever is coming is literally a new application and Apple can continue to call it Logic or they may rebrand it. I think that attempts to preserve the UI that "works" for Logic users will be made but I believe that Apple will change the UI so significantly that Logic users will be startled yet once they use the features they will realize that Apple and Emagic have made the right decisions.

    Why do I feel this way? It is because Emagic as a seperate company could not have survived doing the same thing. One of the benefits of being owned by Apple is that the programming team can be bifurcated and resource assigned to maintaining the current codebase why the second team takes the lead for the nextgen project.

    Let is not forget that Apple has such veterans on staff as Doug Wyatt from Opcode fame and Chris Moolios from ACID fame in addition to other fine programmers. The sense that I'm getting is that Apple is taking advantage of their growth to really propel their Pro apps forward. They've already put Shake on ice and next year we'll see what they have with Phenomenon. Clearly Apple is not afraid to deconstruct and rebuild the most complex applications they've ever owned.

    The Big Bang happens in just over two weeks. I assure you Avid and Adobe are eagerly waiting to see how hard they will have to compete for seats. Logic Pro is a vital part of this equation. I expect HUGE things to come from the next update.

    Tantalising points indeed. Very insightful. ...Your list missed out on no.5 perhaps: Integration with Leopard 10.5 and "hidden/ bonus/ extra supermagickal" features.

    Apple's pro strategy has been to "move up the value chain" from fairly commodity market scene of web and print design (no offense to such designers themselves) -- to video, film, effects, pro audio, these all require a bigger investment. If Avid is at a US$100k mark (roughly), then Apple seeks to carve out a "more fluid way of working", "seamless", "nimble", "true creativity unleased without big gear expenditure" etc. etc. with their Final Cut Studio 6 and Logic8 -- slicing off the lower-range US$20-30k chunk of the market, from under Avid, etc. Again, total rough figures just to show a comparison. I suppose if Avid is at a "investment in hardware/software" index of 10, Apple would look to enter at the 2-5 range, with the index of 1.5 and below being enthusiast/ amateur.

    With CS3 in full flight by August 2007 (After Effects 8 a bit more waiting to do), Apple is going to come out guns blazing over the next several months with their pro stuff more seamlessly integrated into Leopard.

    In terms of software development, the "bifurcating" sounds very plausible - a "maintenance" arm, and then the "Leopard" arm going ahead.

    The Apple Pro hardware/software scene including CS3 will be looking very tasty by end of 2007.

    iPods, cosumer stuff, redesigned iMacs, mmm...

    not to mention the big massive ton of hype of iPhone...

    AppleTV rounding out the convergence stuff...

    For fracks sake though let's get WB and SonyPictures on iTunes Movies. Bastards!!

    Woooooo... hyped up now.

    OK. I go chill down now.

    Too hyperd
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