Black Imac for WWDC
According to Loop Rumors Apple will launch a black Imac for WWDC:
"The new machines are said so be housed in a much slimmer form factor, be faster, with larger displays"
A lot of you were waiting for this, but I am waiting for the new MacBook Pro in May!
Steve, I have so much money in my pocket for you this year!
"The new machines are said so be housed in a much slimmer form factor, be faster, with larger displays"
A lot of you were waiting for this, but I am waiting for the new MacBook Pro in May!
Steve, I have so much money in my pocket for you this year!

I like the idea of a iMac Pro with some legitimate graphic card.
But probably only an update with SR and X3000...
iMac Pro?
Why would that be a Pro model?, it would just be the new iMac, they'd come in black and white probably. As a few of you might recall, I predicted a black iMac even before the black MacBook arrived. I'm 100% convinced black iMac's are coming this year, but if I was you I wouldn't take anything you read over at looprumors to heart. I think iMac's with larger displays is complete bull, 24" is well big enough for an iMac. The technology isn't there yet for a 30" all-in-one computer from Apple.
Keep the current line up how it is. New line of iMac Elite AIO. Conroe, better graphics (or user replaceable GPU), LED displays. Colored glossy black. Price about $400 more than the similar sized regular iMac. Cooling might be an issue but if its a pro machine a little fan noise shouldn't be a problem.
Mac Pro and iMac Pro sound way too similar, I dont think they will be calling it that. However the idea is a good one. Maybe they will throw a Conroe in there. That would be badass.
Keep the current line up how it is. New line of iMac Elite AIO. Conroe, better graphics (or user replaceable GPU), LED displays. Colored glossy black. Price about $400 more than the similar sized regular iMac. Cooling might be an issue but if its a pro machine a little fan noise shouldn't be a problem.
No, keep the price the same, and just make the new model as a replacement for the current one. That's what I think they will do anyway.
The same way the iMac G5 and iPod were tied together.
That means black with shiny metal sides/back.
Maybe even some kind of Multitouch Keyboard option.
PS: I'm still working on the MultiTouch Keyboard Mockups (Ireland) I have just been majorly busy working on a new cartoon.
PS: I'm still working on the MultiTouch Keyboard Mockups (Ireland) I have just been majorly busy working on a new cartoon.
Cool, looking forward to both of those things.
larger displays
A black 30" iMac??
(I don't have money to burn, but do want to "future-proof" myself)
- Santa rosa across the board
- 17 inch model for education, along with 20 and 24 inch models (give or take a couple of inches if looprumors is correct)
- up to 2.6ghz core 2 duo
- 20 and 24 inch models to have 2GB Ram as standard
- displays with HDCP support
- 256mb Vram as standard, at least on the 24 inch model. just maybe an nvidia 8500, although i think something like an nvidia 7900 is more likely
Would love to see something like SLI or room for a second hard drive in the high end model or an elite model, although i really cant see it happening
if we got the above though, i think i would probably go for a pimped up 24 inch imac over a mac pro (got £1500 set aside for a new mac, and i get higher ed discount)
- displays with HDCP support
HDMI output (and input!) would be amazing.
HDMI output (and input!) would be amazing.
i'm DYING for an imac update very soon! an iphone-esque imac by wwdc seems possible, but only if it doesn't have any of the rumoured multi-touch features (which i'm a little sceptical about at the moment). plus, i'm not keen to have a 1st generation model, so just hoping for a sooped up 24" in the next month or so
WWDC is a developer event. This means software, software, more software, and pro hardware.
Not likely --
WWDC is a developer event. This means software, software, more software, and pro hardware.
hence why i said BY wwdc! i'm hoping for an updated imac pretty soon. a revolutionary change would be nice but i'm put off by all the bad things i here about 1st revision bugs
Maybe I'm getting confused...
But looprumors acuraccy record is terrible, right?
Maybe I'm getting confused...
No, you are not.