imac intel. What to do?

in macOS edited January 2014
Ok call me crazy I bought a used 17 imac 1.83G for $300.00

1) It has a bad display it's very hard to see it looks just like the POP ART setting in photo booth

2) The computer itself is perfect, runs great, fast perfect.

3) To fix it video display? I’m sure it will cost 800 to 1,000

SOO can you guys help me on what I CAN /SHOULD do with it without fixing the display?

-Setting up a second monitor? Or would the bad images just display on the second?

-I already have a 24" imac and a macbook Pro, so can I incorporate all three some how?

-Can I use it as a music media center like a DVR with my TV or store music / Videos?

Sorry all the questions I just want to do up the imac different..

Thank you!


  • Reply 1 of 3
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    Wow, that machine must have only been about a couple of months outside its warranty, I feel sorry for the previous owner. You should probably check and see if it was covered under Applecare - I don't know if it transfers to a different owner. Maybe if you phone Applecare and give them the serial number. Most people would have checked this but some people don't know anything about computers so it's worth a try.

    If it's just the display and not the graphics card, you can probably use a second display. If you can't get hold of one, you can control the Mac remotely using VNC software. Just go into system prefs, sharing and turn on apple remote desktop on the broken machine. Set it up with a password etc.

    Then get a program called chicken of the VNC, type in the connection details and it should show the damaged iMac desktop. You are best to use a low resolution on the broken machine and also a fast wired ethernet connection. That should have a gigabit connection.

    If the graphics hardware is screwed, this might not help because if it's rendering the screen wrong then any display will likely appear messed up. But yeah, you could always use it as a media hub or wireless storage.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    santasanta Posts: 67member
    G'day ritbag

    The same thing happened to me with an eMac. Pop art personified.

    I set up a new user account with Admin privileges, and it was fine.

    Then just deleted the old account.

    Might be worth a try.


  • Reply 3 of 3
    Originally Posted by Santa View Post

    G'day ritbag

    The same thing happened to me with an eMac. Pop art personified.

    I set up a new user account with Admin privileges, and it was fine.

    Then just deleted the old account.

    Might be worth a try.



    omg...that would be such a rip, and I will feel bad for the other owner, if that was the only problem with it....because i have that machine, and it's great!
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