Mutlitouch Mouse Pad

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I'm going to go out ona limb and say that we will see a replacement for the mouse with...a multitouch mousepad. The Cult of Mac blog put forth this notion and I agree 100%. Of course, it'll come bundled with the new iMac!


  • Reply 1 of 2
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Here he comes to save the daaaaaaaaay! Multi-Mouse!
  • Reply 2 of 2
    jiggy05jiggy05 Posts: 37member
    A multitouch keyboard/mouse could merge all input functions into one thin virtual device which could change its own screen formats in thousands of ways, a la iPhone interface (on viagra). Not a keyboard, not a mouse, something different and much better.
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