First Apple iPhone shipments arrive stateside



  • Reply 21 of 62
    There's no way the iPhone can live up to all this hype. People are going to be very disappointed when they realize that it is, in fact, a physical device and not the answer to all of their hopes and desires in life. Expect a backlash.
  • Reply 22 of 62
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by NealofThelake View Post

    And that employee WILL be caught, fired and probably sued by Apple. It's part of employee confidentiality agreements. No employee should dare cross Apple at this point in time.

    I really don't think it would be that hard to evade detection. I don't think it's worth the bother though, it's not worth risking job loss, and frankly, it's only a few days from release anyway.
  • Reply 23 of 62
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    In the Apple Product Life Cycle, i'm waiting on these two items with anticipation:

    * Nerd porn threads appear in the Mac forums. Some lunatic with too much time and money on his hands disassembles the new device down to the bare, soldered components and posts pictures.


    * A minor, rarely occurring flaw in the device begins to be discussed in the Apple support forums. Whiny, artistic types post lengthy diatribes about how this terrible design flaw has made the device unusable and scarred them emotionally. Electronic petitions are created demanding that Apple replace the devices for free, plus pay for counseling to help traumatized users overcome their emotional distress.
  • Reply 24 of 62
    macslutmacslut Posts: 514member
    Originally Posted by Bacillus View Post

    Why was I not told of this on Friday ?!?!

    I would have gone to the airport and had a welcome iPhone party. There would have been bunting, apple bobbing, pony rides, and clowns making balloons into sundry Apple products.

    I'm not sure where you live, but here in Northern California, the shipment arrived via C130s at Moffet Field. They stopped traffic at San Carlos and Palo Alto airports and private flights out of San Jose. The C130s were accompanied by F22 Raptors, and all were quickly moved into the hangers. Then came the black helicopters. They flew overhead while 3 caravans of Humvees surrounded with police motorcycles hit the freeway going off in three different directions...only one of which actually carried a single iPhone.

    I plan on getting that iPhone, so back off.
  • Reply 25 of 62
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by BrianMojo View Post

    People are going to be very disappointed when they realize that it is, in fact, a physical device and not the answer to all of their hopes and desires in life.

    Its not?
  • Reply 26 of 62
    ajhillajhill Posts: 81member
    Armed personnel? Sure, they all had left arms and right arms. Come on people it's a phone for gosh sake.

    The only way that there will be any hysteria is if they come in with a very affordable monthly voice/data plan.

    Given the fact that Verizon passed on Apple's terms it seems likely that there is "One more thing... An affordable voice/data plan" coming.

    If the plans are high, the lines won't last the weekend.
  • Reply 27 of 62
    harkhark Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    but it's single weak point is gonna be Cingular. It could prove a strategic blunder on the long term when the iPhone mania has cooled down …

    Steve Jobs went to Verizon FIRST with the iPhone. Apple wanted Verizon. Verizon passed.

    That's the blunder. Without Verizon on board, Jobs went to the next best network: Cingular/AT&T.

    Verizon will be feeling the sting of passing on the iPhone for years. In fact, even though CDMA(EVDO) is better technology and Verizon has a better network, I predict that Verizon passing on the iPhone is the turning point in their market dominant position and ultimate downfall.
  • Reply 28 of 62
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    Washington Post:

  • Reply 29 of 62
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by Hark View Post

    Steve Jobs went to Verizon FIRST with the iPhone. Apple wanted Verizon. Verizon passed.

    That's the blunder. Without Verizon on board, Jobs went to the next best network: Cingular/AT&T.

    Verizon will be feeling the sting of passing on the iPhone for years. In fact, even though CDMA(EVDO) is better technology and Verizon has a better network, I predict that Verizon passing on the iPhone is the turning point in their market dominant position and ultimate downfall.

    Damn, I think the stock holders of all the celluar companies should just instruct their boards to sell off the assets and give the money to the stockholders, for no one will want anything but an iphone on cingular. And the same goes to the likes of Nokia, Ericcson, etc, they need to just stop wasting time making phones.

    Or we could just stop the "can't believe anyone would turn down the iphone" rhetoric. Nah, that would never happen.
  • Reply 30 of 62
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,755member
    Originally Posted by blirette View Post

    Can I buy an iPhone in the US, cancel the plan and bring it back to Canada and use everything except the phone capability?

    If you really want one bad enough, I'm sure they'll be showing up on the "grey" market shortly after release (at a premium of course). Whether or not that will be more expensive than doing what you suggest is a toss up. Though it's a pretty good bet it will be.

    Though I'm doubting whether, if you don't have a US postal address, you'll be able to get a US cell phone plan. So unless you know someone living in the US willing to sign up for you, or you have dual citizenship and a second house (you did say filthy rich), then going grey market may be your only option.

    Originally Posted by blirette View Post

    Could I somehow use my RAZR to relay the phone signal via Bluetooth to my iPhone?

    The "phone" part of the iPhone is no different than any other phone on the market, so it should work with any digital cellular service provider (minus the random access voice mail, of course). The only hurdle is that, if you don't purchase it unlocked, then you'll have to find someone to unlock it for you so that you can use it with a Canadian service provider. Again, this would be another plus for going grey market.

    Not that I'd condone such activities, of course.

    I personally can wait the 6 or so months until it's released in Canada (my guess since it'd be in Apple's best interest not to miss the xmas season). But if you really must be the first to have it, those would be your options.
  • Reply 31 of 62
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    I wonder could these iPhones work without a SIM card. If so, they better watch out for people stealing.

    Huh?!?! Most/All cell phones (present day phones) require a SIM card... Its only a matter of if it's LOCKED to one specific carrier.

  • Reply 32 of 62
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Hark View Post

    Steve Jobs went to Verizon FIRST with the iPhone. Apple wanted Verizon. Verizon passed.

    That's the blunder. Without Verizon on board, Jobs went to the next best network: Cingular/AT&T.

    Verizon will be feeling the sting of passing on the iPhone for years. In fact, even though CDMA(EVDO) is better technology and Verizon has a better network, I predict that Verizon passing on the iPhone is the turning point in their market dominant position and ultimate downfall.

    I've heard that said a number of times but I'm not buying it... Apple and Cingular (AT&T) have had a few 'public brushes' of them working together... If I remember it correctly, as a .mac subscriber I was eligible (for a brief time) to get a '.mac member discount' off of my phone bill and then something about Cingular doing something so their site was working in Safari (something like that - it was well over a year ago) and then something about Apple doing something in iSync for Cingular (????).

    Anyway Apple & Cingular has always SEEMED 'cozy' to me...

    I think the plan was for Cingular to get the deal but for Apple to 'offer' it to Verizon first but with something that Apple KNEW would be totally unacceptable and force Verizon to decline. If things go according to plan (wild iPhone success) it will make Verizon look even worse than they would have had they not been offered the iPhone in the first place. Hey, they were even OFFERED the chance and BLEW IT!

    Perhaps a bit ... okay quite a bit of conspiracy theory-ish but what else can I keep me busy till Friday?!
  • Reply 33 of 62
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member
    Originally Posted by icibaqu View Post

    only reading appleinsider have i learned what sticklers for grammar geeks can be. worlds best spellcheckers too.

    We can also act as the Apostrophe Police. It's "world's."

  • Reply 34 of 62
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    Now this has been the story that convinced me that a lot of people have absolutely no lives.

    This scrap brings all new life to the 'lifeless'.
  • Reply 35 of 62
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by sandau View Post

    Washington Post:

    Classic Jobs... love it.
  • Reply 36 of 62
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I hope so, I'm anxious to see the packaging. I examined the gigantic replicas up close at the Apple store. Amazing detail on those models. Do you think well see pictures of it disassembled a few minutes after they go on sale?

    OMG, you're anxious to see the packaging? Why in the world do the Apple-nuts go insane over the packaging (to the point of taking pictures of every step of unboxing the thing)? I don't know how to explain this to people, but its a box. 99% of the people buying a product could care less how nicely designed the box is, or how the content is laid out.

    You want to know why the windoids mock Apple users? Its not out of some deep hatred, or deep desire to own a mac, or anything. Its just that they see these people posting pictures of the UPS truck stopped in front of a guys house, yes, the truck carrying his new computer, let alone the box in an opened state, with the first layer of styrofoam off to the side, the cds fanned out to the right, and there's just nothing left to do than laugh (and, yes, they are laughing at you, in case you were wondering).
  • Reply 37 of 62
    Originally Posted by ajhill View Post

    Armed personnel? Sure, they all had left arms and right arms. Come on people it's a phone for gosh sake.

    The only way that there will be any hysteria is if they come in with a very affordable monthly voice/data plan.

    Given the fact that Verizon passed on Apple's terms it seems likely that there is "One more thing... An affordable voice/data plan" coming.

    If the plans are high, the lines won't last the weekend.

    apple uses armed guards a lot. a friend of mine who was on the press check for the first posters for the original imac said the printing press building was surrounded by armed guards and the windows were blacked out. this is for a poster.
  • Reply 38 of 62
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Huh?!?! Most/All cell phones (present day phones) require a SIM card... Its only a matter of if it's LOCKED to one specific carrier.


    I think he was wondering whether the ipod/wifi stuff would work without the SIM card.

    And there's no 'requirement' to have a SIM card, its done more to ease selling the phones through the different carriers. Apple could easily hard wire the circuitry to Cingular if they so desired.
  • Reply 39 of 62
    louzerlouzer Posts: 1,054member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Classic Jobs... love it.

    Its too bad the political cartoonists aren't so into the mac-scene. I'd love to see what they would do with the "What's the twelfth button!" mania from a month ago.
  • Reply 40 of 62
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    I think the plan was for Cingular to get the deal but for Apple to 'offer' it to Verizon first but with something that Apple KNEW would be totally unacceptable and force Verizon to decline. If things go according to plan (wild iPhone success) it will make Verizon look even worse than they would have had they not been offered the iPhone in the first place. Hey, they were even OFFERED the chance and BLEW IT!

    The only way we know the offer was made was because of public statements from people at Verizon. They probably could have kept their mouths shut, it wasn't Apple exposing them at all. I don't think Apple said anything about any specific AT&T competitor. From what I remember of MW07, Steve admitted that then-Cingular CEO took a big risk and took Apple on faith before there was a device and without seeing device concepts, so it's not hard to understand why other carriers were reluctant.
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