First Apple iPhone shipments arrive stateside



  • Reply 41 of 62
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    OMG, you're anxious to see the packaging? Why in the world do the Apple-nuts go insane over the packaging (to the point of taking pictures of every step of unboxing the thing)? I don't know how to explain this to people, but its a box.

    And if you didn't notice, this is an Apple-nut site. Why do you spend your time reading it just to mock people? does it make you feel important? If so, aptly picked name...


    You want to know why the windoids mock Apple users? Its not out of some deep hatred, or deep desire to own a mac, or anything. Its just that they see these people posting pictures of the UPS truck stopped in front of a guys house, yes, the truck carrying his new computer, let alone the box in an opened state, with the first layer of styrofoam off to the side, the cds fanned out to the right, and there's just nothing left to do than laugh (and, yes, they are laughing at you, in case you were wondering).

    Just so you know, I could care less what they think. If it makes me happy to be excited about something that I bought and there are other people who will enjoy sharing the experience then that is fine with me. I feel sorry for the losers who need to mock other people to make themselves happy.

    For the record, I guess I'm just getting a little tired of you riding around on your high horse explaining to us clueless Mac-folk why we are wrong about everything. Its iWeek, live it up or leave!
  • Reply 42 of 62
    ichickichick Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by macslut View Post

    I'm not sure where you live, but here in Northern California, the shipment arrived via C130s at Moffet Field. They stopped traffic at San Carlos and Palo Alto airports and private flights out of San Jose. The C130s were accompanied by F22 Raptors, and all were quickly moved into the hangers. Then came the black helicopters. They flew overhead while 3 caravans of Humvees surrounded with police motorcycles hit the freeway going off in three different directions...only one of which actually carried a single iPhone.

    I plan on getting that iPhone, so back off.

    That was pretty funny! Thanks for the laugh! I especially like the part about the black helicopters.
  • Reply 43 of 62
    alright i think i have info i havent read anywhere else yet.

    and PLEASE don't like.. criticize me for suggesting such info might be true.

    I don't know if it is. this is just what I was told.

    I'll start with the backstory so you see why I believe it.

    I used to work at a Quiznos right next door to a Cingular store, in a strip mall together. The employees over there would come in all the time. Being a cingular customer myself, I'd always chat with them about new phones coming out, etc. The one kid over there would always keep me updated on when new stuff was coming. (for instance, he let me know a week or two early about an upcoming sale on SLVR phones when i was thinking about getting one... which i did.. at the sale price.. a few weeks later.)

    anyway, i went into that quiznos last week and he saw my car and came over to say hey (and tease me about leaving for a new job, etc. Just casual catch-up converation.) Of course, I jumped at the chance to try and get some info about iPhone. He said they aren't telling them much of anything at all, but he knew some cool stuff. here's what he told me.

    -rate plans for minutes will be the same as other phones

    -data plans.. he won't know anything until the day before or day of (he wasn't sure)

    -only cingular corporate stores will have iphones for the first couple months.

    i think that stuff is all pretty much common knowledge at this point. but then i asked him what he thought about EDGE, and i'm prettttty sure he said more than he should have....

    he said he figured it would probably be "slow as f**k" over EDGE, and i was like "well have you heard anything about 3G yet? like for an update or new model?" and apparently, they are expecting to put it out right before christmas??

    maybe you all knew that and i'm just slow to hear stuff, but that was news to me.

    again... seriously don't rip me apart or assume i'm making stuff up. and don't just assume thats true either, cause he might be wrong. just what i heard and i thought i'd pass it along.
  • Reply 44 of 62
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    OMG, you're anxious to see the packaging? Why in the world do the Apple-nuts go insane over the packaging (to the point of taking pictures of every step of unboxing the thing)? I don't know how to explain this to people, but its a box.

    Sorry, our firm does a lot of package design so we like to look at all good examples.
  • Reply 45 of 62
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    And there's no 'requirement' to have a SIM card, its done more to ease selling the phones through the different carriers. Apple could easily hard wire the circuitry to Cingular if they so desired.

    Who said anything about requirement ?!?!

    I said "Most/All cell phones (present day phones) require a SIM card..." and I stand by my statement, it's 10000% correct. Notice I didn't state ALL I indicated MOST/ALL since I'd figure some wise-ass would dig out some phone that for some odd reason didn't have one.

    The thing is you didn't even state this 'sim-less' phone - and CDMA phones don't count since NONE of them utilize SIM cards (as far as I know) after all we ARE talking about GSM phones here.


    Oh and acording to this... When talking about GSM phones (which we are) a SIM card ***IS*** necessary.


    The use of SIM cards is mandatory in the GSM world. The equivalent of a SIM in UMTS is called the Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC), whereas the Removable User Identity Module (RUIM) is more popular in CDMA phones.

  • Reply 46 of 62
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Apple fans are interested in their product packaging because history has shown that Apple wants to sell the sizzle, not just the steak. They understand that if the iPod comes in a box that's presented with class that you might feel just that little bit better about the product you bought.
  • Reply 47 of 62
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The only way we know the offer was made was because of public statements from people at Verizon. They probably could have kept their mouths shut, it wasn't Apple exposing them at all. I don't think Apple said anything about any specific AT&T competitor. From what I remember of MW07, Steve admitted that then-Cingular CEO took a big risk and took Apple on faith before there was a device and without seeing device concepts, so it's not hard to understand why other carriers were reluctant.

    Nice going... way to crap all over my neat little conspiracy theory...

  • Reply 48 of 62
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    OMG, you're anxious to see the packaging? Why in the world do the Apple-nuts go insane over the packaging (to the point of taking pictures of every step of unboxing the thing)? I don't know how to explain this to people, but its a box. 99% of the people buying a product could care less how nicely designed the box is, or how the content is laid out.

    Ever seen a PC gamer with their tricked out computer cases? You'd think they were getting ready for Fast and the Furious.. PC Edition or something like that. They could just use a basic... white box to store all their computer components in, but they want something more flashy and noticeable, and they'll take 10 million pictures of it and post it on myspace.

    Apple geeks arent the only people flipping out over sweet packaging.
  • Reply 49 of 62
    You can get a dummy SIM card from any cingular store. I was having problems with my phone booting. The thought my sim card might be defective, so she put in a dummy sim card, and the phone booted. She then programmed a new SIM card with my info on it, then game me the dummy SIM to test the phone if I had the problem again.

    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Huh?!?! Most/All cell phones (present day phones) require a SIM card... Its only a matter of if it's LOCKED to one specific carrier.


    I'm thinking some people just want to have a widescreen/touchscreen video iPhone.
  • Reply 50 of 62
    titoctitoc Posts: 58member

    Awaiting the freight at each location on Sunday were armed personnel, who were reportedly hired by Apple through its courier's ground handling agent and then cleared by the Transportation Security Administration. Armed guards are extremely unusual for freight coming out of the Asian sector, those familiar with the matter explained, and are typically reserved for shipments containing riches such as gold and diamonds.

    They're HERE!

    They're HERE!

    The Beatles have LANDED!

    The Beatles have LANDED!

    No . . .. wait . . . . it's just some iPods or something . . .


    Hold on, I can't tell yet . . . but . . . hold . . .. it . . .

    NO! It's the iPhones . . .




    Sorry, couldn't resist. Just funnin' people, just funnin'

    Breathe deeeeeeeeeeeeeppppp . . .
  • Reply 51 of 62
    rnskrnsk Posts: 35member
    Originally Posted by Hark View Post

    In fact, even though CDMA(EVDO) is better technology and Verizon has a better network

    In fact, heheh, ATT has GPRS, EDGE *and* WCDMA network coverage , with two bands of GSM coverage no less.If your thing is, you know, making a frickin' phone call to talk to people, they pretty much have that covered.

    If you want a reasonable data connection *damned near anywhere in the USA* you can get 30K/sec without trying...on a 3G Network (where you can find one, with the proper phone heheh) you get generally 69K/sec.

    But even if you have to send that "This is it, isn't it...we're going to die?!" last SMS, GPRS is like everywhere else.

    Its not about how fast kiddies...its about how What's" faster", an EVDO connection that ain't or a GPRS one (god forbid) that is?
  • Reply 52 of 62
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,408member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    And if you didn't notice, this is an Apple-nut site. Why do you spend your time reading it just to mock people? does it make you feel important? If so, aptly picked name...

    Just so you know, I could care less what they think. If it makes me happy to be excited about something that I bought and there are other people who will enjoy sharing the experience then that is fine with me. I feel sorry for the losers who need to mock other people to make themselves happy.

    For the record, I guess I'm just getting a little tired of you riding around on your high horse explaining to us clueless Mac-folk why we are wrong about everything. Its iWeek, live it up or leave!

    Right on!
  • Reply 53 of 62
    I don't know about the sim card, where will it go? Usually it goes under the battery, but on the iPhone, the battery is hidden inside and there's no real opening except the docking port. Right?
  • Reply 54 of 62
    jupiteronejupiterone Posts: 1,564member
    Originally Posted by skidude108 View Post

    I don't know about the sim card, where will it go?

    It will go in the SIM tray, of course. The location of which has been discussed in several threads.....many times.
  • Reply 55 of 62
    ptrashptrash Posts: 296member
    If you deposit $150000 in my US bank account to guarantee that I don't get stuck with your phone bill, I'll open a new Cingular account for you.

    Watch, now those armed guards are going to show up on my doorstep, withn the black helicopters hovering overhead.


    Originally Posted by auxio View Post

    If you really want one bad enough, I'm sure they'll be showing up on the "grey" market shortly after release (at a premium of course). Whether or not that will be more expensive than doing what you suggest is a toss up. Though it's a pretty good bet it will be.

    Though I'm doubting whether, if you don't have a US postal address, you'll be able to get a US cell phone plan. So unless you know someone living in the US willing to sign up for you, or you have dual citizenship and a second house (you did say filthy rich), then going grey market may be your only option.

    The "phone" part of the iPhone is no different than any other phone on the market, so it should work with any digital cellular service provider (minus the random access voice mail, of course). The only hurdle is that, if you don't purchase it unlocked, then you'll have to find someone to unlock it for you so that you can use it with a Canadian service provider. Again, this would be another plus for going grey market.

    Not that I'd condone such activities, of course.

    I personally can wait the 6 or so months until it's released in Canada (my guess since it'd be in Apple's best interest not to miss the xmas season). But if you really must be the first to have it, those would be your options.

  • Reply 56 of 62
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ptrash View Post

    If you deposit $150000 in my US bank account to guarantee that I don't get stuck with your phone bill, I'll open a new Cingular account for you.

    I thought that you can have a phone removed from your account so that it can be resold without that worry.
  • Reply 57 of 62
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Hark View Post

    Steve Jobs went to Verizon FIRST with the iPhone. Apple wanted Verizon. Verizon passed.

    That's the blunder. Without Verizon on board, Jobs went to the next best network: Cingular/AT&T.

    Verizon will be feeling the sting of passing on the iPhone for years. In fact, even though CDMA(EVDO) is better technology and Verizon has a better network, I predict that Verizon passing on the iPhone is the turning point in their market dominant position and ultimate downfall.

    Verizon, among the big carriers in the US, is far and away the worst about insisting on controlling everything. They cripple the handsets they sell in order to force you to use Verizon services, make it hard to sync from your computer so you'll have to buy ringtones and wallpaper from them, etc. They've been pretty vocal about their feeling that they are the keepers of the gateway, and provider of services, and a given handset is just a portal to them, and their wonderful world of teh exciting crap (V-Cast, I'm looking at you).

    That attitude, I think, is what's going to hurt Verizon over the long haul, unless they wise up.

    The iPhone is almost certain to accelerate the popular perception that a phone ought to be a device that you can use how you like, with the carrier just providing the pipes, ala the internet.

    Real internet, real email, real video, real photo management, real music. Just like on your laptop.

    Even if the iPhone doesn't set off a stampede of people switching carriers, at the very least it will increase demand for "ownership" of one's phone-- to be able to easily interface your phone with your computer and move files around and use them for various aspects of the phones UI and file content, without being dependent on the carrier's overpriced fancifully named "services".

    At some point, people are just going to stop putting up with the dinky little toy versions of everything that the carriers think go so well with the phones they sell, and whoever gets that the most fastest will win.

    With the agreeing to the terms set for the iPhone AT&T, shows signs of having been shown the light, but we'll see.
  • Reply 58 of 62
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Verizon, among the big carriers in the US, is far and away the worst about insisting on controlling everything. They cripple the handsets they sell in order to force you to use Verizon services, make it hard to sync from your computer so you'll have to buy ring-tones and wallpaper from them, etc. They've been pretty vocal about their feeling that they are the keepers of the gateway, and provider of services, and a given handset is just a portal to them, and their wonderful world of teh exciting crap (V-Cast, I'm looking at you).

    I agree 100%. They have been crippling phones and killing innovation. Verizon is not unique--all the US cellular companies have been holding us back--and we are getting schooled by Asia in the cell phone arena. They cannot understand why we have such crappy cell phones.

    It would be nice if the iPhone helped change this for all of us and allow innovation and usability to flourish.

    I'm not jumping on the iPhone train yet--I am going to sit back and see what happens with it because I don't think I need it or will be able to get that much extra use out of it. My desktop/laptop/iPod trifecta covers my needs rather well as I see them now and I don't think the costs of the iPhone would justify the benefits of combining my cell phone and iPod. Nevertheless, I am excited that this could change the playing field and that would benefit me in the future.

    And I fear that if the iPhone is not a smash, the other carriers will try to spin that it is an anomalous non-factor and keep to the strangling status quo. On the other hand, if people are switching to AT$T for the iPhone not just this month but 3, 6 and 12 months on down the line I suspect we will see some positive changes in the other cellcos.

    (that $ was a typo or a Freudian slip but Im letting it ride...)
  • Reply 59 of 62
    genivergeniver Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by Louzer View Post

    Its too bad the political cartoonists aren't so into the mac-scene. I'd love to see what they would do with the "What's the twelfth button!" mania from a month ago.

    I answered that question in my blog. It's the YouTube button.
  • Reply 60 of 62
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    "I expect we'll see iPhone pictures within 48 hours."

    Oh boy! And then we'll FINALLY have our first look at it! I wonder what it looks like! I'm betting it's shaped like a curvy earpiece and it just attaches to your head and reads your mind. Any guesses?

    Seriously.... why are we so interested in photos of iPhone boxes? To prove that ONE store has 10, or 100? Who cares?
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