Insanity: First iPhone line forms in Manhattan (four days early)



  • Reply 61 of 67
    cpt kcpt k Posts: 33member
    Originally Posted by k2director View Post


    I think he's actually being paid to wait in line for someone else.

    * He's unemployed, so why not do it for the money?

    * He didn't seem to really know much about the iPhone either... "I'll see how it works".

    I bet that's it. Somebody put him up to this...

    exactly... and he's collecting "donations" along the way.
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  • Reply 62 of 67
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by k2director View Post


    But your sarcasm aside, he did look a bit homeless, especially with the handwritten sign asking for food and metrocards. And it *was* a turn-off, given that the media might make him the poster child for Apple fans who are willing to line up for an iPhone. Image does count for something! Too bad you can't reconcile those facts to your little moral universe.

    P.S. Nice way to insult an entire religion, Mr. Holier Than Thou.

    My moral universe - you mean the one where I think the real and awful problems faced by homeless people should be a more significant issue than the 'image' of apple fans and prospective purchasers of an iTrinket?

    So you are saying that I insulted a religion - one that espouses that people should treat others as they would have others treat them - by suggesting that you were of that religion? Why that would mean that you consider your comments were such that a member of that religion might be offended at being likened to someone with your views. You are right! I hereby apologise to any Christians who may have been offended at being likened to this person - I am very sorry!
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  • Reply 63 of 67
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    I just joined the line! I'm sixth and typing from the line! I'll go down in history!
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  • Reply 64 of 67
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    I just joined the line! I'm sixth and typing from the line! I'll go down in history!

    But you're from Canadia!

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  • Reply 65 of 67
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Originally Posted by SpinDrift View Post

    But you're from Canadia!

    Shhhhhhhh... Don't tell them!
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  • Reply 66 of 67

    oh, and people of NY - don't give em food - maybe it's a chance for the fat guy to slim down a little.
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  • Reply 67 of 67
    k2directork2director Posts: 194member
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post

    My moral universe - you mean the one where I think the real and awful problems faced by homeless people should be a more significant issue than the 'image' of apple fans and prospective purchasers of an iTrinket?

    So you are saying that I insulted a religion - one that espouses that people should treat others as they would have others treat them - by suggesting that you were of that religion? Why that would mean that you consider your comments were such that a member of that religion might be offended at being likened to someone with your views. You are right! I hereby apologise to any Christians who may have been offended at being likened to this person - I am very sorry!

    Cnocbui: On behalf of Christianity, I accept your humble apology. Now go and sin no more...
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