RBC report weighs in on Apple's iPhone, iPod roadmaps



  • Reply 21 of 28
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    By the Spring of 2008, the analyst also see "a 3G/HSDPA iPhone" and says Apple appears to be planning a larger display (480x720, vs. 480x320 currently) for that specific model, or others.

    That should be higher resolution display, not larger display.

    The iPhone screen is excellent as it is. Anything more would just suck battery life. The Meizu iPhone-clone doesn't even exist yet. They are just building hype by releasing a mockup and a geek's tech spec fantasy.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    That should be higher resolution display, not larger display.

    The iPhone screen is excellent as it is. Anything more would just suck battery life. The Meizu iPhone-clone doesn't even exist yet. They are just building hype by releasing a mockup and a geek's tech spec fantasy.

    To save time, the Meizu phone should simply be referred to as the iClone from here on out.

    Its sad that they're such parasites.

  • Reply 23 of 28
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    The analyst also isn't stating a decrease in sales, he's stating only what he knows Apple have currently planned to produce. ie. they've a contract in place to manufacture 8m before the end of the year and a further 6-8m next year in place. If they're replacing the iPhone with a 3G iPhone sometime in spring 2008, they're obviously not going to manufacture more v1 iPhones after that.

    I don't see that being so obvious. I can see Apple working to get a 3g iPhone out as quickly as possible based on statements and speculation, but by completely dropping v1 edge phones at the same time they in turn eliminate potential sales to large parts of the country that aren't in 3g coverage.

    Now an iPhone that can switch edge/3g/wifi, hmm I wonder if that cramped little space can handle more circuitry. While I am off dreaming let's add a GPS chip too. A guy can dream.
  • Reply 24 of 28
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by Thelonius View Post

    I don't see that being so obvious. I can see Apple working to get a 3g iPhone out as quickly as possible based on statements and speculation, but by completely dropping v1 edge phones at the same time they in turn eliminate potential sales to large parts of the country that aren't in 3g coverage.

    Now an iPhone that can switch edge/3g/wifi, hmm I wonder if that cramped little space can handle more circuitry. While I am off dreaming let's add a GPS chip too. A guy can dream.

    There are chips that contain much of the circuitry right now. Apple merely has to choose to use them.


    Also, advanced GPS functions are available:


    There are others.
  • Reply 25 of 28
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    480x720 is the resolution of the Meizu miniOne iPhone clone btw, so the screen is a possibility at least.


    Do you know anyone who owns (and uses) one? Also, you might find it interesting to check out the company's website -- esp. their "discussion" forums.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    bspearsbspears Posts: 147member
    Originally Posted by McHuman View Post

    Many people don't know that you don't need to reformat AppleTV-res videos for iPhone. I put my 1:1 dvd rips into itunes, and the iPhone played them perfectly. It can downres on the fly, so no need for duplicates in your media library.

    This is certainly not true in my case. My iPhone does not "down res on the fly". All of the DVD's that I ripped for AppleTV using MediaFork will NOT play on my iPhone. They will not even sync. Only when I go back and re-rip using iPod settings and not iPhone settings will they sync and play on my iPhone.
  • Reply 27 of 28
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Originally Posted by bspears View Post

    This is certainly not true in my case. My iPhone does not "down res on the fly". All of the DVD's that I ripped for AppleTV using MediaFork will NOT play on my iPhone. They will not even sync. Only when I go back and re-rip using iPod settings and not iPhone settings will they sync and play on my iPhone.

    If you buy a video, or movie, from itunes, at that rez, 640 x 480, they will play. If the rez is native DVD, 720 x 480, they must be re-ripped to 640 x 480.
  • Reply 28 of 28
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    AAPL 200 -- I've been saying this for several years now. People used to think I was smoking crack.

    Now I can afford to!!
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